I would suggest a dark background, maybe a black cardboard, you can also try to spray some fine water droplets onto the net - if you are willing that is.
And use a smaller apature to bring more of the net into focus.
I would suggest a dark background, maybe a black cardboard, you can also try to spray some fine water droplets onto the net - if you are willing that is.
I think the major issue here is the shallow depth of field - you can use a technique called focus stack in Photoshop.
Steps are like this:
- Use a tripod - or at least, fix your camera at a position.
- I suggest Apature Priority mode, set a reasonable apature.
- Frame your picture.
- Take a series of pictures at slightly differnt focal points on teh spider net, from teh back of the net to the front.
- Use Photoshop tp stack/ merge all the pictures (with shallow DOF) into a single, deep DOF picture.