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[News] Murdochs by marriage get down to business

发表于 27-11-2010 22:17:34 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式


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MARRYING into the most powerful media family on the planet, the Murdochs, certainly comes with a few fringe benefits.

But some in-laws fair better than others, as Rupert Murdoch's son-in-law Alasdair MacLeod discovered when a management restructure resulted in him leaving the family's Sydney newspaper business after more than 20 years.

Not so Murdoch's third wife, Wendi, who appears to be making the most of her powerful connections.

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Having made waves within her husband's empire for years, but mostly in an unassuming manner, she is increasingly stepping out of her husband's shadow.

In New York she has teamed up with Google's Eric Schmidt, Russian billionaire Roman Abramovich's girlfriend, Dasha Zuhkova, and one of the art world's ''super-dealers'', Larry Gagosian, to form a new online art trading website called Art.sy, sort of an eBay for Picassos and the like.

Not bad for a 41-year-old woman born into poverty in rural China, who has also emerged as a powerful filmmaker in Asia, and is producing a movie called The Snow Flower and the Secret Fan.

The film was shot in February in Zhejiang province and Murdoch reportedly convinced her great chum Hugh Jackman - who became godfather to Chloe and Grace, her daughters with Rupert, at their baptism in Jordan in March - to make a cameo in the film.

The film has been bought by (surprise, surprise) Fox Searchlight, one of the Murdoch family's many movie companies.

Back in Sydney this week it was another Mrs Murdoch who was flexing her muscle.

Sarah Murdoch, wife of Rupert's oldest son Lachlan, revealed in the Herald on Wednesday that she had sacked the television production company Granada Australia in the wake of the infamous Australia's Next Top Model finale gaffe, telling PS's sister column The Diary: ''After what happened this year I thought very hard about it and decided it was probably time for a change.''

Murdoch became host of the show two years ago after striking a deal with the broadcaster Foxtel (part-owned by the Murdochs) which made her the show's co-executive producer as well as its host.

Murdoch's personal ties with Foxtel were highlighted recently when the Foxtel boss, Brian Walsh became godfather to her baby daughter, Aerin.

After the monumental screw-up on the show when Murdoch announced the wrong model as the winner on live TV and created an international scandal, many figured the former model's ''co EP'' title was more tokenistic than realistic if she had so little control over the production.

Well, that was until Wednesday, when she confirmed that she had canned Granada, owned by the giant British ITV network. That news quickly travelled all the way back to Britain and has left a distinctly sour taste in many mouths, resulting in several frantic meetings taking place at Granada's North Ryde offices this week.

Christmases to come at once for Bishop
SHE'S making a list and checking it twice, but Oprah Winfrey is set to make at least one Australian reporter's Christmas a happy one this year.

PS hears Winfrey will give one television interview with a local reporter during her visit to Australia in a couple of weeks time, and word on the street is that reporter will be Channel Ten's red carpet correspondent and font of all things showbiz Angela Bishop.

It was Bishop who did the satellite chat with Winfrey when the US chat show queen announced her plans to come to Australia with her entourage of squealing American housewives.

If it comes off, Bishop will be the envy of just about every player in the local media landscape. Richard Wilkins will be green with envy.

Six thousand tickets to Oprah's show at the Sydney Opera House have been issued after more than 350,000 punters entered the draw. But exactly how many media representatives have applied for accreditation during the Oprah extravaganza remains top secret.

Local organisers told PS they had been ''overwhelmed'' by the demand. Brace yourselves for the Oprah deluge.

Even a Rolls has the Double Bay dumps
AS WITH most things in Double Bay, they deal with abandoned cars a little differently than elsewhere in Sydney.

For the past five months an impressive-looking Rolls-Royce has sat gathering dust in the car park off Cross Street.

The car, which has been unregistered since July, has become something of a talking point among locals - a change from the local business downturn - and a source of frustration for the car park operator, who by law is unable to move it until it's owner has been found.

Rose Bay police have been notified of the offending Roller, but nothing further appears to have happened.

PS managed to do a little sleuthing this week and discovered one of the Roller's previous owners was none other than flamboyant Sydney private dick Frank Monte.

''I have a lot of history in that car, indeed I lived and loved a lot in it for nearly 20 years. I sold it to a guy who lived in Double Bay about eight years ago,'' Monte, who is making a run for the NSW upper house, told PS.

He's not sure who now owns it, but he would be interested in buying it back.

''It was a great car to drive, like moving around in your lounge room,'' Monte said.

He said the Rolls-Royce Corniche, bodywork by coachbuilder Mulliner Park Ward, is just one of three in Australia - the others having been owned by Lady (Susan) Renouf and Carla Zampatti.


Society shrink Robert Hampshire pleaded guilty to charges of negligent driving, driving while suspended and driving with a low-range blood alcohol level at the Downing Centre Local Court on Thursday. The court heard he had consumed  vodka until 4am and taken 15 anti-hypertensive tablets for a chronic heart condition. Witnesses told the court they observed Hampshire in a ute crashing into a stop sign and trees at 9.20am on February 24. Arguing he was suffering from ‘‘automatism’’, Hampshire was placed on a 12-month good behaviour bond. The incident took place just weeks after PS reported he crashed his ute into a parked Lexus in Macleay Street, Potts Point. Hampshire made a name for himself on the social circuit and once gave actor Matthew Newton the all-clear after treating him for  years for a depressive condition. He also gave  evidence during Gordon Wood’s trial for the murder of his girlfriend, Caroline Byrne.

Golden Globe nominations are due in a fortnight and word around Hollywood is that Nicole Kidman is a hot contender for the best actress gong for her role in the film Rabbit Hole, which she produced. Kidman is expected to go up against Annette Bening, Natalie Portman and Michelle Williams.


Silly season is in full swing. Yesterday the embattled property developer Gary Baker dined at Woolloomooloo’s  swanky finger wharf. Nearby Rodney Adler was holding court. On Thursday the millionaires factory Macquarie Bank held its lavish annual knees-up at Establishment, with guests sworn to secrecy.

PSssst ...

As Kylie Minogue’s disco granny, Donna Summer,  once sang, ‘‘She works hard for the money’’, and no doubt ‘‘our Kylie’’ was feeling it yesterday. In the early hours  yesterday (Sydney time), Australia’s most successful female pop star was facing the ignominy of sitting atop a giant toy duck being hauled through the freezing cold heart of New York looking like she had been swallowed by the abominable snowwoman in a huge fur coat and forced to lip-synch her song Get out of My Way. As PS revealed weeks ago, Minogue was invited to join the  Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade, a huge honour and great promotional opportunity for her. However, she still has some way to go before conquering the US of A. Photos of her performance had her name misspelt ‘‘Monogue’’, while the NBC Today show host Meredith Vieira could not pronounce Kylie’s name correctly. Minogue soldiers  on in her campaign to woo Manhattan, with her next stop being to light the Christmas tree at the Rockefeller Centre on Tuesday.


 楼主| 发表于 27-11-2010 22:46:46 | 只看该作者




在纽约,她已经同谷歌的埃里克施密特,俄罗斯亿万富翁阿布拉莫维奇的女友,大沙河Zuhkova和艺术世界的''超''经销商之一,拉里高古轩,到形成一个新的艺术在线交易网站称为Art.sy ,一个为毕加索之类的物品排序。


这部电影被枪杀二月在浙江省和默多克报说服了她很大的密友休杰克曼 - 谁成为他们在约旦的洗礼三月教父克洛伊和优雅,她的女儿与鲁珀特 - 使在片中客串演出。






之后,巨大的螺丝时就显示默多克宣布为获胜者在电视直播中错模式,建立一个国际丑闻,很多想通前代车型的'' ''合作EP标题比实际更多的表面文章,如果她有这么小的控制在生产。







当地组织者告诉另外,他们已经'' ''的需求所淹没。为您准备了欧普拉洪水。



一下车,已自七月未经注册,已成为一个会说话的一点东西在当地人 - 从本地企业不景气的改变 - 一种挫折感为停车场经营者,源谁的法律是无法移动它,直到它的主人已经找到。






他说,劳斯莱斯滨海路,公园区由coachbuilder Mulliner车身,仅仅是在澳大利亚三一 - 其他有被夫人(苏珊)雷诺夫和卡拉Zampatti拥有。


学会收缩罗伯特新罕布什尔州承认犯有疏忽驾驶指控,开车时吊顶,采用低范围的血液在唐宁中心地方法庭上周四驾驶的酒精含量。案情透露,直到凌晨4点,他曾饮用伏特加和采取的一种慢性心脏病15抗高血压药片。证人在法庭上说,他们观察到成一个停车标志,并在2月24日上午九时二十分树木轰然尤特新罕布什尔州。他主张从'' ''全自动痛苦,新罕布什尔州是放置在一个12个月的良好行为保证。事件发生后仅几个星期,他撞上聚苯乙烯报道,在马克利街,波茨雷克萨斯他尤特停泊点。新罕布什尔州提出了自己的社交圈的名字,一次给所有清晰处理后用于抑郁状态他多年的演员马修牛顿。他还介绍了在戈登伍德为他的女友卡洛琳伯恩谋杀案的证据。




PSssst ...

由于凯莉米洛的迪斯科奶奶,唐娜夏季,一次唱,'',辛苦地工作为了钱'',毫无疑问,我们的凯莉'' ''感觉它昨天。凌晨时分昨日(悉尼时间),澳大利亚最成功的女歌星正面临着顶上巨型玩具鸭子正坐在耻辱论处通过冻结纽约冰冷的心,看上去就像她被可恶snowwoman淹没在一个巨大的裘皮大衣,被迫唇同步她的歌走出自己的路。作为PS周前透露,米洛被邀请加入梅西的感恩节大游行,一个巨大的荣耀和伟大的促销机会她。然而,她仍然有一些路要走征服答:美国的照片,她的表现她的名字拼写错误'' '' Monogue,而NBC的节目主持人梅勒迪斯维埃拉今天不能发音凯莉的名称是否正确。米洛在她的竞选她求爱士兵被曝光的下一站在周二的洛克菲勒中心的圣诞树曼哈顿。


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