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[经验分享] Civil Engineer 在澳洲

发表于 3-2-2009 11:48:23 | 只看该作者

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发表于 3-2-2009 13:26:43 | 只看该作者

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发表于 3-2-2009 13:37:50 | 只看该作者
原帖由 冰心 于 30-1-2009 21:57 发表
谢谢了,也只好如此了. 现在经济不好,新闻上天天是多少人要失业,害得我都不敢去投简历了 ...


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发表于 6-2-2009 14:09:11 | 只看该作者
别灰心, 我们家里我和我老公都失业了, 两人在家里大眼瞪着小眼,这滋味才叫个难受. 世道不好,给你找个安慰.

怎么说来, 相关专业,六个脚印慢慢看。咱是谁!

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发表于 6-2-2009 14:41:17 | 只看该作者
原帖由 samchen 于 3-2-2009 02:44 发表


在任何时候,我觉得都不要灰心。不要从一开始就负面来看问题。抱着积极的态度,不放过每 ...


我还有很多年的civil estimator 经验,steel estimator 就更熟了,不知澳洲estimator 好找不?前途如何?quantity surveyor 与 estimator 有什么区别?Civil Engineer 在澳洲是不是意味着就是设计呢?

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发表于 6-2-2009 16:31:18 | 只看该作者

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发表于 6-2-2009 17:42:23 | 只看该作者

suggest you to study 'PROSTEEL' first, to become a steel detailer design.

Civil engineer is mainly writting report..
Civil designer i do design..
but most of drafter do design too
suggest you to study 'PROSTEEL' first, to become a steel detailer designer.
it is very good payment.
estimator is before construciton, quantity surveyor is along or after construction.
all they need english well and communicate quite offten.

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发表于 6-2-2009 18:38:11 | 只看该作者
any site engineer?

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发表于 6-2-2009 22:28:29 | 只看该作者
原帖由 lxw917 于 6-2-2009 16:31 发表

汗!我的问题太幼稚了吗? 我来澳洲都快一年了。 我在中国可是个高薪族,哪里知道什么叫失业? 只是工作干得比较杂些,图画的少些,年龄大些了。到澳洲真的叫那个不适应,但也有半年本地经验了。现在不是经济差了么,找工就更难些。设计要是不好做,我这不是考虑estimator吗?实际上年前我已有一个CONTRACT AS AN ESTIMATOR。他让我1月27日上班,但1月24号(除夕前夜啊)我从中国HOLIDAY回来,他就违约了,说经济不好没工程,暂时不让我上班了。要等经济变好可不是一时半会的事了。让我如此崇拜的西方文明人给耍弄了一番,还无处告状,因为有三个月的试工期,双方不满意随时都可以解散的。可是他连一天工都没让我试,不用了也不提前通知我。要是没工作,我完全可以在机票很便宜的时候回去,何必在春节前?   真的郁闷了很久



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发表于 6-2-2009 22:44:57 | 只看该作者
原帖由 alan2002 于 6-2-2009 17:42 发表
Civil engineer is mainly writting report..
Civil designer i do design..
but most of drafter do design too
suggest you to study 'PROSTEEL' first, to become a steel detailer designer.
it is very go ...

Thank you.Good man! You are exactly the person I am looking for.
I can do the steel detailer designer, but not very good. What's the difference about China and Australia in this area? Where can I study "PROSTEEL" in Australia? Where I can find the job like this?

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发表于 7-2-2009 19:06:34 | 只看该作者
Maybe I shouldn't say this now... but...

I've just been recruited from the UK to work here in Melbourne last month.  I'm 28, Structural Project Engineer and have 6 years UK & International experience. Currently been working for 1 month and everything seems good. All projects we have are all in UAE. I am doing little design, but more on co-ordination and client liasing.

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 楼主| 发表于 8-2-2009 00:42:45 | 只看该作者

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发表于 8-2-2009 12:08:20 | 只看该作者
原帖由 alan2002 于 3-2-2009 10:18 发表
anyone can send CV to me and I will refer to our HR.
but as the recession, I heared about the contractor (hight pay) want to change to full time job, but the company do not give a offer.
most compan ...

Could you provide your contact detail? when I am about to lodge in Australia, I could send my CV to you. Thanks in advance.

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发表于 8-2-2009 15:43:48 | 只看该作者

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发表于 9-2-2009 09:17:55 | 只看该作者

Prosteel more like Xsteel in China.

it is a product of Bentley, quit easy I guess for our talent chinese.
the steel desginer is use the book when work as : DESIGN CAPACITY TABLES FOR STRUCTURAL STEEL, red color for Open sections like Beams, grey color for hollow sections. it list the properties when we calculate and design the structure.
I only did a little of the structure years before, and I have never study (always escape from the uni class)or work with the steelworks. I feel the connection design is the most important.
If you get familar with the some Chinese STD drawing for the connections, you will be good at the job.
To Limiere, you are really good to work as the Site Engineer.
I am still not confident with my English, I am still working as a designer althouth the company give me the title is civil engineer.
feel like in OZ, as a new immi, we should not too broad our specialization. if you best at one direction, that is enough.
so suggest do more specific on your CV.

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发表于 9-2-2009 09:41:06 | 只看该作者

To my understanding, SITE ENGINEER IS ...

Site engineer is much same as in China. (Bao Han...)
but all they need to draw a lot reports.
all the communication between design, site , etc is through computer system.
when some issues relevant to you, you will receive email.
so site engineers do a lot of officeworks, not like china, you just can drink and do not know anything about computer.
the site engineer organsie the task to foreman(?), and foreman arrange the building labour.
I thought site engineer should be paid more than consulate company, but heared that they did not have over-time paid. consulate company usually give overtime but single pay.
the first Alliance I once worked with is a big construction company, we have all beer, wine free at every Friday 5:pm. we have biscuit, fruit everyday.  they organise a lot of trip to some resort.  if you work late after 7:00PM, they have Taxi fare paid. and nobody care about exactly how many hours in your timesheet, you just finish your job.

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发表于 9-2-2009 21:25:24 | 只看该作者

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发表于 9-2-2009 21:34:21 | 只看该作者
原帖由 冰心 于 6-2-2009 22:28 发表

汗!我的问题太幼稚了吗? 我来澳洲都快一年了。 我在中国可是个高薪族,哪里知道什么叫失业? 只是工作干得比较杂些,图画的少些,年龄大些了。到澳洲真的叫那个不适应,但也有半年本地经验了。现在不是经济差了 ...



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发表于 10-2-2009 22:58:01 | 只看该作者
雅思6.5       准备7月底去perth

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发表于 11-2-2009 10:16:16 | 只看该作者

tunnel is really good here.

the first project I join is a tunnell.
the budget is 2Billion and final should cost 4Billion.
the opposite party use this to attact the current mayor during the last election.
there is another similar project start early this months, they called themself the biggest project in OZ.
Geotechnial ususay subcontract to a specialized company like 'Golder Associate' or setup their own Geo team within the Alliance.
the project carrying here is usually called Alliance.
An Alliance usually lead by a construction company, two or 3 consulant company, one government stakeholder.
I would rather work on that project office, you can know the people from different company, it is easy to TIAO CHAO or find another job later.
I usually receive called from the new tunnel project ask me to join in, as most people from former tunnel working on that. very 有一点动心 as former manger called last week, they set up the team as we work before and 4 staff back. but diffcult for me for the traffic, have to drive across the City to work.
Are you graduate from '巨牛' TONG JI UNI?

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发表于 11-2-2009 10:17:36 | 只看该作者

Are you graduate from '巨牛' TONG JI UNI?

I graduated only from the second level uni in china and have 5 years really rubbish experience their, never did a really project, never did any structal calculation.
English even rubblish, no saving come to OZ.
worked 2 yearr kitchen hand and other jobs, which still think back home to be a 好汉
study another master degree by the way which help is only to my English and thinking.
first job application is to the council, interviewed with civil manger and no answer.
second application is the tunnel job, 3 interviews in 1 week.
1. with HR will check you background, if you satisfy they tick the box. they even want to call back to china to confirm the reference.
2. with the company (pay me and not the Alliance) technical manager, check my technical skills, I realise they really need people can use the CAD. I was asked 'what you think the character is important in the working field". my reply is " DETAIL IS THE MOST IMPORTANT IN THE CIVIL ENGINEER FIELD". I think the reply is really make him happy. I have never met so strict drawing check like him as the follwing working days.
3. with the project manager, (I think I have got the job in the stage, the HR is preparing the document and check the background). the project manager roughly talk about the project going on, and what task of my team, the job start date.
4. received a phone call from the HR next day, 'we can only give you one year experience in china, give you $30/hour as contract (I ask 45k/a when apply), do you happy?'. I reply ' I am so TMD happly, but is that possible to change the contract as a full time job'.
I really at the begaining want a start salary, or even a expeience without paid, based on my experience, english and education
5. came to the office next monday, find my desk, manger give a evolpe ask me to read and sign. it is so thick and I just roughly look at ' permant job, title Civil Eningeer, 55k/a, holiday entitle, company share I can buy..etc.' quick make a copy and sign.
6. the first month is so hard, English, theory, CAD, report system. received a small task in the second day about to drawing a connection for a column to ground with H.D bolt.
WO KAO' I have never learen that'.(no maybe 5 mins will finish). I really want to ask my leader 'can you help me to finish this as you can do it in 2 mins), really want to leave as I know I do not have the ability.
but as the BRIEFS, 'you do not push me leave, 我TMD就不走'. I will start little by little as pupil.
things get easier, as learn everyday, I recall I was really a pupil that time, I am really feel I am the man they will not push away, I finish job quick, I organise well, I communicate well (email, talk, writting notes, just make others understand), a lot of joke everyday, lots of staff come to me ask help for the little things. sallay increased 40% plus allwance. baby just born, and reveied lot of flowers at home from the company or Alliance working on. every big company I have some leader I was working with, easy to change jobs as they can be my referal. still a lot of to learn, and I know if learn that, easy to work in UK or USA.

so what I think:
step in is the most important, even experience without pay.
we can not imagin to start as a senior level as in china, senior level does need a lot of local expeience, we do not familar the specifiation, manual, and how to talk to the government, and English is the biggest obstruction whatever how long you working abroad.
use well one software, speciliszd in one direction, structal, civil, drain, geo or survey to make yourself step into the industry, then you can learn when you join some projects.


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发表于 11-2-2009 12:41:02 | 只看该作者
maybe someday, somewhere, we somehow run into each other....
enjoy your life in OZ

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发表于 11-2-2009 18:53:54 | 只看该作者

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发表于 11-2-2009 23:10:52 | 只看该作者
原帖由 alan2002 于 11-2-2009 10:17 发表
I graduated only from the second level uni in china and have 5 years really rubbish experience their, never did a really project, never did any structal calculation.
English even rubblish, no saving  ...

我老板说过: local experience is a crap here! 哈哈,据他说,澳大利亚的这边的设计水平简直是太差了。。

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发表于 11-2-2009 23:35:44 | 只看该作者

回复 #174 plaxis 的帖子

my first boss is really good, much logical, make diffcult things very easy. much knowledge, and very paitent to teach you.
one of the senior engineer under him who already is UK chartered Engineer for 10 ten years, and open his businees in south africa before. always make easy things diffcult. he always asked the experienced drafter how to arrange the structure, what steel should be used.
I think he just prepared the reports.
but I like him very much, he is quite a gentleman, and we can earn some overtime to redo the work.
the people who graducated from TAFE some years before, they are better than the graduated engineer.
some of them just use MX or 12D, it is every easy for them to get jobs. most of them just get contracts to earn good money because they usually work 45 hours per week. I know some of them just contract with the same company for many years, although not a employee, but they can take us to lunch, pubs and get reimbursment from the company.
the uni only teach you how to write a beautiful reports, but the theory taught in chinese uni is better.

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发表于 12-2-2009 14:06:24 | 只看该作者
原帖由 tianjian 于 9-2-2009 21:34 发表



40了, 没几年干的了. 是天津的老乡吗? 我也叫TIANJIN

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发表于 12-2-2009 21:53:16 | 只看该作者


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发表于 15-2-2009 01:18:15 | 只看该作者



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发表于 15-2-2009 10:19:24 | 只看该作者
Thanks for sharing your precious thoughts alan2002. My experience is purely buildings structural design from the UK. First 2 years emphasised on stadium, schools and industrial design. The remaining years were purely high rise design in the UK, Europe and UAE. I'm not good at numbers hence my job was to dedicate to other engineers and senior engineers, whilst I co-ordinate and check the model & design. Software experience are Etabs, RAM, Safe, CSC, Masterseries, RAPT, Space Gass etc. Experience in standard such as ACI, AISC, BS, UBC, IBC and AS.  
Currently working on a project in Dubai, which is valued at USD$4Billion. I guess I will be stucked for at least 3-5 years on this project.

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发表于 15-2-2009 12:39:13 | 只看该作者

回复 #173 harpsichord 的帖子

each project need drainage civil engineer.  do not worry

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