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[language study] 地道日常英语,精彩情景呈现

发表于 5-6-2013 05:31:51 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 yping88 于 5-6-2013 05:09 编辑

Thanks, Michelle! The way I see it is we  both showed what team work means and how far it can go. To be honest, I have never been this passionate about what I do in FreeOz until I found about you. It's full credit to you and all the commitment you have made! Once again, very much appreciated!

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发表于 5-6-2013 08:52:14 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 yping88 于 14-7-2013 17:54 编辑

More to be sorted out for today!

Job hunting.  找工作
House hunting. 找房子
Come on, you're talking to the queen of the physics. 你别在我面前班门弄斧了,我最擅长的就是physics.
The talk of the town. 全城的热门话题
Everyone has been raving about it. 每个人都在热烈地谈论它
What's with you? 你怎么了
Something to ponder upon. 促使你深思的事情
Own up to something. 对某事负责


参与人数 2威望 +100 收起 理由
newozer + 50 谢谢分享!
MICHELLE07 + 50 心有灵犀啊!我正要发一篇job hunting



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发表于 5-6-2013 11:07:14 | 只看该作者
Amazing stuff.


参与人数 1威望 +50 收起 理由
MICHELLE07 + 50 欢迎光临



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发表于 5-6-2013 11:10:16 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 yping88 于 14-7-2013 18:01 编辑

I am walking my pooch in a well-used track now. What's annoying is I have to take extra precaution to zigzag our way through (左拐右拐) the trail every now and then (时而). Because there's doggie poo everywhere, and my Harvey still refuses to grow out of the phase of coprophilia (嗜粪时期) and enjoys sniffing on it.

As a result, I kinda start to judge those who walk around with their poochies without a bag.

Carrying bag when my Harvey is around serves two purposes to the passers-by: one, if you see doggie poo, don't try to blame it on my Harvey, so Harvey has done himself a little poochy proud among his doggie friends as well--heeeheee. Two, I am trying to show doggie owners a sign--Hey you! While enjoying your pooch, please mind your environmental awareness.


参与人数 2威望 +100 收起 理由
newozer + 50 谢谢分享!
MICHELLE07 + 50 我很赞同!



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 楼主| 发表于 5-6-2013 22:58:18 | 只看该作者
Global View - Job Hunting (C0195)

A: Woo hoo! This just might be the start of the rest of my life!
B: What happened?
A: I’m in the market for a job! I went on a website with
hundreds of job listings in the area and browsed
through them until I got the names of a few employers
I would like to work for. I have the resume
I wrote for English class last month and a cover
letter will be a piece of cake to write. I’ve even
done my research and found the names of the
managers so I can address the letters personally.
And you know I can be charming in interviews.
Goodbye my penniless days! Hello salary and a
B: Ben, we’re fifteen. What kind of job are you looking
A: Oh, just for a position as a gas station attendant.
You know, starting at a simple lowly (卑微) job, just like
all the greats before they made it big(取得很大的成功) in the world.
B: Uh-huh.
A: But I’m just in it for the money, right? How else
am I going to be able to afford to keep taking Angela
to the movies? Besides, I love the smell of
gasoline, don’t you?
no brainer 很容易的没挑战性的东西
easy as pie 同上


参与人数 2威望 +100 收起 理由
newozer + 50 谢谢分享!
yping88 + 50 很给力!



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 楼主| 发表于 6-6-2013 00:22:10 | 只看该作者
不知道queen of the physics 什么意思,发一篇名字一样的吧.

Global View - Physics (C0282)
Prof. Brown: Good morning, everybody. Welcome to
Physics 101. My name is Ed Brown, and I will
be your professor for this semester. Since today
is our first class, I wanted to give you an
overview of what this course will look like, how
you will be graded, and what we will cover this
Matt: Will we be focusing more on theoretical physics
or experimental physics, Professor?
Prof.Brown: This is an introductory course, and my aim is
to give you a broad overview of the field of
physics. The term “ physics” encompasses包含
many different areas of research and study,
and I hope this course will provide you with
conceptual understanding of physics, which
will prove useful whether or not you choose to
further your study in this field.
Prof. Brown: We will begin the course by looking at the fundamental
concepts of physics, then by the middle
of the semester we will begin exploring the
more theoretical side of physics. It is essential
that you first have a firm grasp of the fundamentals,
so that you can better understand the
theoretical concepts when we get to them.
Matt: Will we learn about black holes, wormholes,
and string theory?
Prof. Brown: We will learn about the general theory of relativity,
including black holes. We will also explore
developing theories in quantum量子 mechanics,
such as string theory. We will discuss
some hypothetical features of space-time, like
Prof. Brown: We will also explore some of the more influential
developments in the fields of thermodynamics热力学,
electromagnetism电磁学, and nuclear
physics, all of which have had significant impacts
on modern life. Now, I am going to have
the TAs pass out the syllabus for this class, so
you can see how this course will be graded.
Matt: Oh man, looks like this isn’t gonna be the easy
A I thought it’d be!


参与人数 1威望 +50 收起 理由
newozer + 50 谢谢分享!



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发表于 6-6-2013 00:24:13 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 yping88 于 14-7-2013 18:04 编辑

Haha, they are doing a great job making fun of themselves and putting things into perspectives.

Making it big from something simple lowly, that should be the right attitude for any teenagers to take on--Grab anything available at hand, easing the way into something bigger.

Thanks Michelle for bringing that on!

"Love the smell of gasoline", hahahaa.

Ease someone in... 让某人有个容易点的开端


参与人数 2威望 +100 收起 理由
newozer + 50 你太有才了!
MICHELLE07 + 50 谢谢分享!反应好快



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发表于 6-6-2013 00:36:35 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 yping88 于 5-6-2013 23:38 编辑

Thank you for bringing that up to my attention, Michelle!

Hey, you are talking to the queen of physics--我物理学的相当好,你就别在我面前班门弄斧了。

Sorry, I got you confused by making it specifically physics, you actually can replace it with anything that you believe you are good at.

Hope this helps!


参与人数 1威望 +50 收起 理由
MICHELLE07 + 50 懂啦,谢谢



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 楼主| 发表于 6-6-2013 00:39:53 | 只看该作者
yping88 发表于 5-6-2013 23:36
Thank you for bringing that up to my attention, Michelle!

Hey, you are talking to the queen of ...

I am the queen of accounting.


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发表于 6-6-2013 00:46:21 | 只看该作者
MICHELLE07 发表于 5-6-2013 23:39
I am the queen of accounting.

Absolutely, Michelle.

The post on Physics got lot of scientific vocabulary in it, all of which are worth remembering.

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发表于 6-6-2013 00:55:39 | 只看该作者
Hey, Newozer, I don't think it gets said enough that your standing up shoulder to shoulder with us has been always appreciated! You are absolutely a wonderful team player, which means the world to one another when the team work is involved.


参与人数 1威望 +50 收起 理由
MICHELLE07 + 50 我都替他难为情



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发表于 6-6-2013 00:55:43 | 只看该作者

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 楼主| 发表于 6-6-2013 01:02:01 | 只看该作者
newozer 发表于 5-6-2013 23:55

美女那么夸你,team player...
谢谢你, 跑龙套的.



参与人数 1威望 +50 收起 理由
newozer + 50 sure?



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发表于 6-6-2013 01:04:06 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 yping88 于 6-6-2013 00:06 编辑
MICHELLE07 发表于 6-6-2013 00:02
美女那么夸你,team player...
谢谢你, 跑龙套的.

You totally cracked me up, Michelle!

I hope NewOzer will be psychologically tough to pull him through all the mocks!
Be strong, newozer!


参与人数 1威望 +50 收起 理由
MICHELLE07 + 50 Dont worry he is strong enough



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发表于 6-6-2013 01:05:24 | 只看该作者
MICHELLE07 发表于 6-6-2013 00:02
美女那么夸你,team player...
谢谢你, 跑龙套的.



参与人数 1威望 +50 收起 理由
MICHELLE07 + 50 果然皮很厚



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发表于 6-6-2013 20:31:16 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 yping88 于 14-7-2013 18:11 编辑

Hey, all! Are you enjoying yourself today?

The story I am about to tell is credited to (得益于) my lovely daughter, who finished her high school about two years ago.

In Australia's high school, there is a special day dedicated to 特意贡献于 the graduates, in which their misbehaviors will be tolerated as long as they play safe (注意安全).

That is called Muck-up (捣蛋, 胡闹) day, when the students brainstormed (共商大计, 献计献策) their resources, to do something naughty to get other people freaked out, to make themselves look cool and smart.

Legend has it (传说认为) that behaving badly at this special day will allow students to vent (发泄出) all the grievances (怨气) they might hold towards the school, all the stress they have been through over the years. They could behave erratically (奇怪地, 怪异地) without minding any manners to enjoy the freedom they don't normally do.

They usually would do the minor misdemeanors (无关轻重的不端行为) like smear the tooth paste all over the toilet seat, boys look silly and girly by wearing their female school friends' skirts, put all lockers together in a chain by the handles, barricade 设置障碍 an entrance with a stack of chairs, and the like.   

However, one year, a boy, who is a cadet volunteer for St. John ambulance service, took this muck-up act a little bit too far 做得稍微过了点儿.

In the muck-up day, he dressed up in his cadet's uniform, which, by the way, could almost be passed for police's uniform. He cordoned the road off and stood in the middle of the street confidently and professionally, redirected the vehicles from the main traffic into their school yard. All the drivers were tricked into it and followed exactly what he indicated them to, it was not until so many cars lined up in the school that the teachers found out what he had engaged himself in (让自己忙于).

Even until today, that muck-up still remains the most hilarious one among all the school muck-up day pranks combined.


参与人数 2威望 +100 收起 理由
newozer + 50 你太有才了!
MICHELLE07 + 50 很有意思



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发表于 6-6-2013 21:18:48 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 yping88 于 14-7-2013 18:16 编辑

One night at work, I admitted John a few minutes before my shift ended. During the admission, John was so obsessed with (对某事异常地担心/强迫自己做某事而不能自控) where I put his coat rather than how I would address his nursing care. He was so nervous when I assessed him, when questioned, he ended up telling me he got some cash in the pocket.
But he wouldn't tell me how much it was, just simply told me he wouldn't trust the bank with his money and used to carry it around wherever he went.

Because that was the end of my shift, I had to hand over to next staff and security to lock up his money, so that it wouldn't get accidently misplaced during his transfers within or between hospitals.

We got very efficient and supportive working team that night, 4 staff were there to help with the admission. So the words just got around 大家都知道 in our team that John got some money that needed to be locked up. But, before we went off, things still remained unsorted.

And the same team came back for the following morning shift, and I was still allocated to John's care.

Then, his mind was still focused on whether or not his money was safe. After reassuring him, I was teasing him: How much was it? Last night I stayed up all night (整夜未眠), wondering about that (惦记着某事--嘿嘿, 不怕贼偷, 就怕贼惦记!).

"$600" John said.
Then, when I dropped him off in OT, he asked me for a favor in private: If something happens to me, can you please make sure that my wife gets the money.
Haha, He was so adorable, I couldn't help teasing him: John, I am sure you will be fine. But if things don't work out well, I promise your wife will get the money. But, I just think it's a bit unfair that I won't get a penny!

Then, when returning to the ward, I made this announcement to my colleagues: Hey, guys, please listen up. I have just been nominated as the manager of John's trust fund, can you guys keep an eye on me today and make sure nothing happens to me? I'm officially the legal guardian for his heritage now.
Our team were totally cracked up: Don't you worry about a thing, Ping! If anything happens to you, we got enough possible qualified guardians who can take over from you!


参与人数 3威望 +150 收起 理由
飞飞 + 50 John真的很爱他的wife啊,好感动!
newozer + 50 谢谢分享!
MICHELLE07 + 50 哈哈,好温馨的工作氛围



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发表于 6-6-2013 23:37:55 | 只看该作者
yping88 发表于 6-6-2013 00:04
You totally cracked me up, Michelle!

I hope NewOzer will be psychologically tough to pull him ...



参与人数 1威望 +50 收起 理由
MICHELLE07 + 50 新签名内容不错,很喜欢.



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发表于 7-6-2013 00:19:43 | 只看该作者



参与人数 2威望 +100 收起 理由
newozer + 50 俺已经习惯了,有空慢慢追。。。
MICHELLE07 + 50 哈哈,我准备三年学完yping88分享的东西.



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发表于 7-6-2013 07:35:23 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 yping88 于 7-6-2013 14:07 编辑

Morning, guys!

Please meet my Harvey, who already turned up in couple of scenarios. I guess it sounds nice to get him recognized. Because he will be showing up every once in a while in the posts to come.



参与人数 2威望 +100 收起 理由
newozer + 50 恭喜你!
MICHELLE07 + 50 可爱啊!!



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发表于 7-6-2013 19:22:27 | 只看该作者
FeiFei, welcome onboard,  I'm glad you like this. If there's any queries, please feel free to bring them up, we can always work it out by putting our heads together. By working cooperatively, there will be nothing we can't sort out.  

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发表于 7-6-2013 21:55:07 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 yping88 于 7-6-2013 22:03 编辑

Having been spending my professional life in the hospitals nearly 20 years, I have met so many patients, their families and significant others. I have seen excitement and relief when positive news are delivered by medical staff, seen frustration and sorrow when the critical conditions are dealt with, seen the brave faces when patients are trying to absorb the serious conditions and accept their poor prognosis (恶性预后), seen the frustration and anger over their illness being taken out on (发泄到) nursing staff just like we should own up to 对他们的病况负责 their situation.

Standing right upfront (站在医患关系的前沿) in hospital-patient relations, nurses can either choose to be indifferent 莫不关心 when providing the nursing care, in which no  therapeutic relationships (正性的治疗关系) could develop to ensure the effective care. Or they can choose to take on the passionate and fun way to help the patients, in which the nursing care could be brought to an efficient and positive level. Yet again, it's all about how you able to communicate to the patients and take the relationship to a trust-worthy zone (值得信任的地域), in which nurses would find nursing tasks accomplished much easier.

Dated back to the days when I had my clinical placement in a big hospital, I ever asked one of my clinical tutors that how she could always get patients engaged into the fun topics and get nursing care delivered effectively. She provided the answer that utterly (完完全全地) amused me: Ping, keep in mind that nobody always got better topics to talk about than anyone else. Communication is just about bringing up any craps (废话) that jump into your mind, and speaking out in an amusing way.  

Nowadays, I guess I have been heading for the right track (走上正道).

One day, a nurse sought help from me to insert a cannula for John, on whom different staff had multiple failed attempts (好几次失败的尝试). When I got there, this guy became a bit grumpy (易怒的) and agitated. After I introduced myself and explained what I was about to do, he investigated me in a very suspicious look and tried to scare me away: Is this the first time you are doing this?
I kept my face straight: No, absolutely not, John. If you allow me to do the cannula now, it will be my second time. My first practice was on myself, unfortunately, I failed that one.
John immediately burst into laughters: No, you cheeky girl (调皮的). I won't fall for that one (我不会轻易相信), you can go right ahead doing it.  


参与人数 2威望 +100 收起 理由
MICHELLE07 + 50 很喜欢你分享的内容
newozer + 50 谢谢分享!



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发表于 8-6-2013 01:51:05 | 只看该作者

已有 2 人评分        威望        收起理由
飞飞         + 50        你太有才了!这是水浒里的鲁提辖的台词呢!


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发表于 8-6-2013 21:25:32 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 yping88 于 8-6-2013 20:29 编辑

She guilt me into doing something 我本不想做某事,但她劝我做,让我感觉好像不做就有种负罪感
Chip in 凑份子
kick in for something 奔着某事/什么目的而来的
Turn things upside down 把事情搞得一团糟/无法收拾
Put things inside out 把内面搞成了外面/wear clothes inside out 衣服穿翻了
Piece something together 把碎片拼凑起来,比喻试着理解事情发生的经过,原因。。。
Giddy up  赶快点儿,
The company's business hits the brakes 生意遇到停滞期
Doesn't give a damn about something 对某事半点儿都不在乎
Nerve-wracking 令人伤脑筋的/费神的
She knows which button to push 知道怎么做才能得到自己想要的东西


参与人数 3威望 +150 收起 理由
飞飞 + 50 你太有才了!
MICHELLE07 + 50 真的象大海一样丰富.你接下来会应用它们吗?
newozer + 50 谢谢分享!



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 楼主| 发表于 8-6-2013 22:33:09 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 MICHELLE07 于 8-6-2013 23:36 编辑
yping88 发表于 7-6-2013 20:55
Having been spending my professional life in the hospitals nearly 20 years, I have met so many patie ...

Communication is just about bringing up any craps that jump into your mind, and speaking out in an amusing way.  

小帅, 其实我很喜欢你说话的方式,虽然你公开批评我文学素养不高,让我很没面子, 但如果这让大家开心,我就开心了.


参与人数 1威望 +50 收起 理由
newozer + 50 有境界啊。。。



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 楼主| 发表于 8-6-2013 22:42:38 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 MICHELLE07 于 8-6-2013 23:36 编辑
newozer 发表于 8-6-2013 00:51
已有 2 人评分        威望        收起理由
飞飞         + 50        你太有才了!这是水浒里的鲁提辖的台词呢!






参与人数 1威望 +50 收起 理由
newozer + 50 看148楼。。。



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发表于 8-6-2013 22:45:18 | 只看该作者
I'll sure try to put them in the context when my thoughts hit the right moment, Michelle. These phrases were picked up on TV show.  I just jot them down for me to track back to later on.
Heehee, Now, do we realize what we got ourselves into?


参与人数 1威望 +50 收起 理由
MICHELLE07 + 50 什么电视节目这么好?



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发表于 8-6-2013 22:54:48 | 只看该作者

抽空帮俺找出。。俺的一些回帖的 地道英语(有点难,因为不是 直译那么简单,而是那种喻意,甚至是指桑骂槐、言外之意等等。。。)

俺每天有超过 2000 分悬赏。。。。。。(好像不止,每天有多少分啊米同学?)。。。


参与人数 1威望 +50 收起 理由
MICHELLE07 + 50 您不是说分是浮云么。2000多吧。



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发表于 8-6-2013 22:55:33 | 只看该作者
Becker/everybody loves Raymond, both on channel 12. Try that whenever you are free, I'm sure you will love it.


参与人数 1威望 +50 收起 理由
MICHELLE07 + 50 谢谢分享!



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发表于 8-6-2013 23:04:59 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 yping88 于 9-6-2013 20:28 编辑

Haahaa, you just did it in the amusing way, Michelle.
Which signature of newozer's do you have in mind for me to put it in english? It seems he got awfully a lot of signatures in there. (Haha, no offense, NewOzer!)  If you make it specific, Michelle, I wouldn't mind giving it a best shot tomorrow.
You say it, and we are on in it. Woohoo

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