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[language study] 地道日常英语,精彩情景呈现

发表于 27-5-2013 22:45:18 | 只看该作者

traffic violation

本帖最后由 yping88 于 13-7-2013 19:23 编辑

I remembered that I was once pulled over (被警察拦下来停在路边) by police when I lived in Adelaide.
I was driving with my daughter in the car, looking for someplace I had never been. And I drove into a lane for right-turn.

When waiting for the traffic light, I realized that I mistook the place for (误认为那是我要去的地方) where I meant to be. Looking at the rear view mirror, I found there were no any other vehicles approaching, then, I safely pulled out of the right-turn lane, returned to the main road. Before I knew it, a police car followed me with the sirens alarming.

I got panic and said to my daughter: Where was that car coming from, it seemed to spring out of nowhere (从鬼地方弹出来的).

Anyway, the police directed me to a quiet parking lot, I winded down the window, waited for the police to come up to me (Please see a little tip attached, just in case you come across this scenario).

Me: Good day, sir, how's it going?
Police: I'm well, Madam. How's your day been?
Me: Not too bad so far (It could be turned to bad depending on what he decides to do regarding my minor traffic violation), thank you, sir.
Police: May I have your license, please?

He took my license into his car, searched the database in his computer and gave it back to me.

He asked me: You don't have an Australia license yet?
Me: Not yet, sir. I just started driving here in Australia for about 3 months, and I am still very much overwhelmed (被。。搞得焦头烂额) by the different traffic rules.
Police: Fair enough (可以理解)! But you don't drive back into the main road from the right-turn lane in China, do you?
Me: I know what you mean, sir. I got admit that what I did just now was terribly wrong, and I learned my lesson from it. but I can assure you I will never, ever do it again, sir.

Then, I saw a big smile sweeping through (笑容满溢) his face, which encouraged me to take further adventure begging him to go easy on me.
Me: Sir, I am new to this area, so, I am a bit lost at directions. Especially when I saw the flashing lights, hearing the sirens from your car, my mind went totally blank, and I had no idea what I should do.

Now, another big smile showed up on his face.

Me: Sir, considering that I have been a good driver ever since I started driving here, Can you please give me a break? I promise I won't do it ever again. Please!
Police: Well, I guess I can cut you some slack this time. But I won't let you off the hook easily, I will let you go with a warning today, never, never do that again. Can you promise that?
Me: Of course I can, sir!

After he drove off, I said to my daughter: He is the most handsome black policeman I have ever met.
My daughter said: Mom, the smile you put on with him is the most flattering one I have ever seen in you.

Tip: Whenever you got pulled over by the police, don't panic but sit tight, because what's done is done, there's no point crying over spilled milk,just try to keep your posture. Wind down the window, wait for the police to approach you.

Never, ever open the door and get out of the car unless told so. Otherwise, these actions would be taken as signs that you are charging at police, which could possibly turn things into a serious situation. As result of that, you could be under arrest or be shot.  
Traffic violation 交通违章
Pull over 被警察拦下; 靠边停下
pull out  把车倒出来; 从转弯的线上开到主干道上
Before you know it 没过多久; 没多大一会儿
Sprint out  像弹出来一样
out of nowhere 不知从哪里冒出来的
come across 遇到
go easy on somebody 不为难某人
My mind goes blank 脑子混乱, 无法思考
Give somebody a break/Cut somebody some slack 不为难某人; 饶了某人; 不在追究
Let somebody off the hook 放某人一码; 给某人解套
Flattering 谄媚的
sit tight 坐好别动
what's done is done 事情既然已经发生了; 要发生的已经发生了
Don't cry over spilled milk 事情既然已经发生了, 哭也无济于事
charge at somebody  袭击某人
keep posture 保持姿态,意即保持冷静


参与人数 3威望 +150 收起 理由
飞飞 + 50 太喜欢这样实用的,还有汉语解释固定用法的.
MICHELLE07 + 50 谢谢提醒,sit tight
newozer + 50 perfect...



使用道具 举报

发表于 27-5-2013 23:07:45 | 只看该作者
原帖由 yping88 于 27-5-2013 21:45 发表
I remembered that I was once pulled over by police when I lived in Adelaide.
I was driving with my daughter in the car, looking for someplace I had never been. I drove into a lane for right-turn. Wh ...

这简直就是 经典幽默+教材。。。另外车上的little girl 也很幽默。。。

[ 本帖最后由 newozer 于 28-5-2013 22:37 编辑 ]


参与人数 1威望 +50 收起 理由
MICHELLE07 + 50 以后警察抓你,坐好别动



使用道具 举报

发表于 28-5-2013 14:07:40 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 yping88 于 13-7-2013 20:09 编辑

Howdy, guys!

Now I would like to touch base with you guys on the issue some of us might have come across--working place bully.

When I first started my nursing job in another hospital, I was so intimidated and extremely cautious about whatever I was dealing with. So psychologically damaged in Chinese working culture, I got used to being addressed to in a condescending and rude manner by the authorities.

So, whenever being bullied, I still chose to put up with it, instead of standing up to the bullies. Because being tame to authorities is what I have been raised to, I didn't know any different. I never thought "Zero tolerance to bully" actually meant something to me.

At that time, there was this in-charge nurse, who got a very strong personality and poor interpersonal skills.

But I got admit that she was a very passionate nurse, always treated patients with passion and care. So, she was so eager to push new staff to learn in her way, but she went at it in a very confronting and insulting way.

Unfortunately, my orientation (3 months long) was allocated to her. And that turned out to be a tremendously traumatized period I have ever had to go through in Australia system.

In every single shift I did with her, I constantly suffered from her rude push-over, sarcasm, lash-out. Everything had to be done either in her way or no way. Hanging around me all the time, she always had a bone to pick with me on every single patient's care I provided. Sometimes, after she picked on me and left the room, even the patients said "Even I myself am very pleased with your care, what is her rude manner is all about?".

I was so stressed out and vulnerable, and so angry with her that I attacked her on her personal life in private. I said something about her that was so uncalled for, so unjustified: "No wonder her husband couldn't bear with her any longer, her personality totally explained why he cheated on her and eventually run off with someone else".

Not long after my permanent employment was secured because I survived my probation with a ward-wide recognition. I decided to speak up on her bully and put an end to it. One day, after her another public lash-out (发脾气) at me because I failed to do something beyond my training.

Me: Kelly, can I have a word with you when possible?
Kelly: Sure, what is that about? (She seemed to be very naive and innocent).
Me: Do you really want me to talk about it here?

She looked around the nurse station and maybe realized that wouldn't be something pleasant other staff should witness. She showed me to manager's office. I guessed we both were very much in the same page what that conversation would touch on.

Me: Kelly, what you just did in front of everybody was rude and hurtful. It destroyed my self-esteem and undermined my performance. That task wasn't meant to be on my shoulders and I wasn't trained to do ward clerk's job either.
Kelly: Ok, if I hurt you in any way, I apologize for that, but I just thought that was something easily fixable and you don't need any training for that.
Me: Kelly, I have been busy as it is, are you asking me to put my task on hold to do something I don't know how? Then, afterwards, you come to my assignment and pick on whatever you want to?
Kelly: Hey, where are these all coming from?
Me: You know exactly what I am talking about, Kelly. And I'm not talking about only today, so you know, from now on, if you find something I did wrong, please take it up to the manager. I just don't want to put up with your manners anymore.
Kelly: No, I am nurse-in-charge, I'll have to talk to you.
Me: In that case, you will have to take on different approach, otherwise, I wouldn't want to talk to you in any way.
Kelly: Ok, I will work on that. By the way, when I talked to you like that, I didn't mean to hurt you, it's just the way I talk. If you are hurt, I apologize.
Me: Ok, let me make it very clear, the way you talked to me was not acceptable for me. Please take on different approach and mind your manners (God forgive me, that was the only one time in which I had to take on such a rude and strong stand against anyone).
Kelly: Sure, again I am sorry for what happened.

From then on, she just became a totally other person.

So, she could address to me differently, it's not as she claimed "How she talks", only that I needed to bring it up. A year ago, I moved to another hospital for better opportunity. It was nothing to do with her at all. but thanks to her, I came out as this stronger lady today, which brings my career to a different level.

As a song just puts: What doesn't kill you makes you stronger! Lol

Howdy 你好
Touch base with somebody 建立联系
Deal with 面对的事务
Be damaged psychologically 从心理上受到创伤
Address to someone对人讲话
Condescending 居高临下地
Put up with it 忍受, 承受
Stand up to 勇敢地面对
Be tame to 对某人驯服
What I raised to be 我被抚养成这个样子
Didn't know any different 对不同的方式一无所知
Zero tolerance to bully 对欺负绝不忍耐
Strong personality 争强好胜, 难以相处
Confronting and insulting 让人难以接受并带有侮辱人的色彩
Tremendously traumatized  难以想象程度上的创伤
Push over 对人颐指气使
Either in her way or no way 凡事只能顺着她做, 否则就不对
Have a bone to pick up with somebody 吹毛求疵, 挑剔
Be uncalled for/unjustified 不该说的话或不该做的事情, 没有理由的   Be called for 罪有应得, 就该承受别人的奚落
Cheat on someone with someone else 跟别人相好,背叛妻子/情人
Run off with someone 跟人私奔了
Put an end to something 结束某事
Have a word with somebody  跟某人谈谈 (比较严肃)
Be very much in the same page 俩个人/多个人想法都一样
Undermine somebody's performance  低估某人的工作表现
Put on somebody's shoulders 让某人负责某事
Put something on hold 把某事先放下/ I will put you on hold 接电话时,意为你先等一下
Where is something coming from / I know where you come from 为什么说这事/我知道你为什么说这些或做这些
From now on/ From now onwards 从现在开始
Take on different approach  采取不同的方式
Make it clear/Make myself clear 说得很清楚, 表明立场
Mind your manners 注意你的礼貌, 态度
Come out stronger 从...逃出来, 变得更坚强
What doesn't kill you makes you stronger 大难过后, 你变得更坚强


参与人数 3威望 +150 收起 理由
飞飞 + 50 很给力!我是查着词读的:)
newozer + 50 谢谢分享!
MICHELLE07 + 50 细读后震动了.深有同感.



使用道具 举报

发表于 28-5-2013 17:01:41 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 yping88 于 13-7-2013 20:13 编辑

To recall back to the day, I was still taken aback by how boldly brave I was towards her and how unjustified some of my remarks were. When I told her "I don't care how you always talk to others, it's not acceptable to me", "Please mind your manners", I had gone too far to show my manners. It's so not me, so many memories just keep rushing back to me as that 就像一个长工找到新地主,告诉他,爷之所以在近40岁高龄还迁移到这里, 就是因为爷在自己那片地儿上受够了气,才来的. 不图别的, 就因为你向爷宣传你这片地儿上兴 fair work, fair go. 既然爷已经来了,也不在乎出多少力,你还想跟爷训话象天朝似的.免了吧, 您! 爷不管你是啥样的性格, 爷来到你这一亩三分地儿上, 一心想的是好好扛活, 但是,不想再无缘无故地 bei 呵斥. 所以,你还真得, 是龙你得盤着, 是虎你得卧着 (I know pretty well that it should be the other way around).

现在, 俺明白了俺娘为啥说俺是个二百五, I guess she had a point. 曾经后悔自己的失态,想着给她说个软话来着,But was held back by the thoughts: What's done is done, there's no point crying over the spilled milk. We should both move on and we did,  then we got along just fine, both pretended nothing had ever happened.
嘿嘿嘿嘿, 只想搏你们一乐!  

Be taken aback 突然吓了一跳; 吃惊
Have gone too far 太过分了
Be held back 被...阻止

[ 本帖最后由 yping88 于 28-5-2013 16:55 编辑 ]


参与人数 4威望 +200 收起 理由
sucewang + 50 有同感,我在养老院工作也有这么几个护士,.
geyanlei + 50 just love your posts
newozer + 50 哈哈,至少说话像北京滴?。。。
MICHELLE07 + 50 你做得很对.



使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 28-5-2013 19:26:04 | 只看该作者


参与人数 1威望 +50 收起 理由
newozer + 50 你太有才了!



使用道具 举报

发表于 28-5-2013 19:51:00 | 只看该作者

回复 #65 MICHELLE07 的帖子

I saw something the other day about this kind of person, which put: Thanks to those who always mistreat other people. That was them to teach me who I don't wanna turn out to be.


参与人数 1威望 +50 收起 理由
MICHELLE07 + 50 谢谢分享!



使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 28-5-2013 22:02:27 | 只看该作者

Complaining at a Restaurant 在餐馆投诉


Daily Life - Complaining at a Restaurant (C0107)
A: Excuse me, waiter? Waiter!
B: Yes, sir? What can I do for you?
A: I’ve been sitting here for the past twenty minutes
and no one has offered me a glass of water,
brought any bread to the table and our appetizers开胃食品
haven’t been served yet! You know, in this kind of
establishment, I’d expect much better service.
B: I am sorry, sir. I’ll check on your order right away.
C: Relax honey, the place is busy tonight, but I’ve
heard the food is amazing. Anyway...
B: Here you are, sir. The foie gras鹅肝 for the lady, and a
mushroom soup for you.
A: Waiter, I ordered a cream of mushroom soup with
asparagus芦笋. This soup is obviously too runny水分过多的, and
it’s over-seasoned佐料加太多的,太咸了. It’s completely inedible不能吃的!
B: Okay, I do apologize for that. Can I bring you another
soup, or would you like to order something
A: Take this foie gras back as well, it’s rubbery嚼不烂的 and
completely overcooked. And look at the portion
size! How can you charge twenty-five dollars for
a sliver小片 of duck liver?
B: Right away... sir.
C: Honey come on! The foie gras was fine, why are
you making such a big deal小题大作? Are you trying to get
our meal comped免费餐 again?
A: What do you mean? We are paying for this. If I’m
shelling out付款 my hard earned bucks, I expect value
for money!
B: Here you are, sir. I hope it is alright now. The chef
has prepared it specially for you.
A: Yes, fine.
C: Honey, are you alright?

[ 本帖最后由 MICHELLE07 于 31-5-2013 15:12 编辑 ]


参与人数 1威望 +50 收起 理由
newozer + 50 你太有才了!



使用道具 举报

发表于 28-5-2013 22:47:16 | 只看该作者

回复 #67 MICHELLE07 的帖子

本帖最后由 yping88 于 13-7-2013 20:15 编辑

Nothing seems to be good enough for this special group, does it? Also, when they do these things, there always are some plots behind. Hat off to the amazing waiter.


参与人数 1威望 +50 收起 理由
MICHELLE07 + 50 哈哈,想吃免费餐呢



使用道具 举报

发表于 29-5-2013 01:41:34 | 只看该作者
原帖由 yping88 于 28-5-2013 16:01 发表
To recall back to the day, I was still taken aback by how boldly brave I was towards her and how unjustified some of my remarks were. When I told her "I don't care how you always talk to others, it's  ...


使用道具 举报

发表于 29-5-2013 01:52:58 | 只看该作者
原帖由 MICHELLE07 于 28-5-2013 21:02 发表

Daily Life - Complaining at a Restaurant (C0107)
A: Excuse me, waiter? Waiter!
B: Yes, sir? What can I do for you?
A: I’ve been sitting here for the pas ...

那啥,67楼那个waiter...给爷重新做 。。。。。。
另外,给爷切10斤瘦肉,要细细切碎,不得有半点肥肉在上面。。再切10斤肥肉,也要细细切碎,不得有半点瘦肉在上面。。。还有。。10斤寸筋软骨。。不得有半点肉在上面  。。。。。。


参与人数 2威望 +100 收起 理由
飞飞 + 50 你太有才了!这是水浒里的鲁提辖的台词呢!
MICHELLE07 + 50 你太滑稽了!



使用道具 举报

发表于 29-5-2013 07:19:36 | 只看该作者

回复 #70 newozer 的帖子

Hahaha, you got to the exact point!

[ 本帖最后由 yping88 于 29-5-2013 07:46 编辑 ]


参与人数 1威望 +50 收起 理由
newozer + 50 thx...



使用道具 举报

发表于 29-5-2013 07:58:37 | 只看该作者

回复 #70 newozer 的帖子

Hahaha, you are truly joke and half. My day will be lighting up.

Joke and half 非常滑稽

[ 本帖最后由 yping88 于 29-5-2013 07:06 编辑 ]


参与人数 2威望 +100 收起 理由
newozer + 50 很高的评价嘛。。。
MICHELLE07 + 50 谢谢, joke&half....haha



使用道具 举报

发表于 29-5-2013 08:33:41 | 只看该作者
Good day, guys!

Just quickly recap whatever I left out previously. I guess you guys already knew the following phrases, but, it's not just for you guys but for everyone who may possible pass by (路过).

Be held accountable 使某人对。。。负责
Put grave concerns on something  对。。。非常地担忧, 多指一些安全隐患
Hold grave concerns for somebody 对某人的生命担忧, 多指凶多吉少
Remained unanswered/unresolved  等待答案,等待解决
Get on with one's life 继续过自己的生活
The bottom line is 事实上, 归根结底
Get to the bottom of something 探个究竟
Take seriously the general public's best interests 严肃地对待广大公众的利益
Be shy in the pocket  囊中羞涩
Read between lines  根据上下文理解
Read too much into the lines 误解了,把别人没有的意思给挖出来了,多出现于两人吵架,一方说另一方想的太多,他其实没这意思
Doctor shopping  找多个不同或同专业的医生看病,老认为自己有病,医生们都搞不清楚他到底怎么了,期望有一个能够治疗他
Multiple complaints 整天抱怨这儿痛,那儿痒,医学检查又查不出什么病的小痒

[ 本帖最后由 yping88 于 29-5-2013 07:44 编辑 ]


参与人数 3威望 +150 收起 理由
飞飞 + 50 谢谢分享!我几乎都不知道
newozer + 50 谢谢分享!
MICHELLE07 + 50 精品文章, I'll try these...



使用道具 举报

发表于 29-5-2013 10:45:32 | 只看该作者
Something to pack up and take away (Hellooo, Yearshappy!) for today.

Far out 太好了; 真棒 用于夸赞的感叹词/但也可用于讽刺的说法,表明你对某事感到失望,惊讶
Eyeball somebody 用眼瞥某人
Out of woods 脱离危险, 脱离麻烦
During the day gone by 在过去的年代
Top notch 精品
Caught somebody off guard 抓某人个出其不意
Nailed it/Killed it! 干得太好了
Feel up to it! 觉得能够做某事,通常指体力上能承受
No offense, buddy---None taken 伙计,我并不是冒犯你--我没觉得被冒犯了
Somebody bruises like a peach 把某人打个稀巴烂
You are a slow poke 爱开慢车者, 但经常意为某人理解东西,特别是理解笑话慢半拍
Keep you up to scratch/keep you updated/keep you posted/keep you up to speed 我会及时向你汇报事情的进展
Set record straight/straighten things out 把对我的错误的理解纠正过来
Let me get this straight 把这事儿搞明白
She is quite a character 她是个人物,可为褒义,可为贬义,但我感觉好像用于贬义的时候多
Make it up to you 补偿; 报答
Are you in on it? 你参与了吗?通常指参与恶作剧, 阴谋...

[ 本帖最后由 yping88 于 29-5-2013 12:46 编辑 ]


参与人数 2威望 +100 收起 理由
newozer + 50 你太有才了!
MICHELLE07 + 50 shocked



使用道具 举报

发表于 29-5-2013 10:47:22 | 只看该作者
Another term is poly-pharmacy (汉语通常说药罐子). Usually after doctor shopping, patients get different prescriptions from different doctors. The problem is these doctors don't cross talk to one another, the medication they put on patients could detrimentally interact with one another, it's like patients are on medication cocktails, which might accidentally cause life-threatening conditions.

[ 本帖最后由 yping88 于 29-5-2013 11:46 编辑 ]


参与人数 1威望 +50 收起 理由
MICHELLE07 + 50 It's safe to say "谢谢分享"



使用道具 举报

发表于 29-5-2013 13:17:42 | 只看该作者
Before I am off to work, just jot down (快速写下来) a little something to keep you guys company (陪着你们). This conversation happened in my farewell party in my former working place.

When the farewell party was about to end, Susan came to me: Hey, you! I understand that the grass in the other side of the fence always seems greener than this side (通常比喻人们老是望着那山比这山高, 总认为别的地方比自己这地儿好). I'll let you go now, but keep in mind that when you don't enjoy it over there, don't you dare to crawl back to us. We won't offer our shoulders for you to cry on (给你个肩膀让你靠着哭,意为安慰你).
Boss laughed so hard and said: Cut it out (停下来, 别说了), Susan! Of course you can crawl back, Ping (My name has been already given away 泄露出去 in my ID) ! But I suggest you to get pairs of knee protectors, there is good deals going on now in Bunnings.
Susan: Yeah, good idea, Boss! I am pretty sure it's gonna be a long way (不是那么容易让她爬回来,意为要经过很多麻烦) for her to crawl back!
Cathy (One of the in-charges): Ping, all the jokes aside (撇开所有的玩笑在一边). Please be aware, when the grass turns brown on the other side (如果那边并不像你想象的那么好), we will welcome you back with open arms (张开双臂)!


参与人数 1威望 +50 收起 理由
MICHELLE07 + 50 温馨感人有趣,羡慕那气氛



使用道具 举报

发表于 29-5-2013 13:26:56 | 只看该作者

使用道具 举报

发表于 29-5-2013 13:50:32 | 只看该作者
原帖由 yping88 于 29-5-2013 09:45 发表
Something to pack up and take away (Hellooo, Yearshappy!) for today.

Far out 太好了; 真棒 用于夸赞的感叹词/但也可用于讽刺的说法,表明你对某事感到失望,惊讶
Eyeball somebody 用眼瞥某人
Out of woods ...

Heehee, Michelle. When I found out that I double posted my clip, I had no choice but edited it with something different. Now, have a look at what are you shocked at! Haahaa


参与人数 1威望 +20 收起 理由
MICHELLE07 + 20 it's still surprising, e.g.把某人打个稀 ...



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发表于 30-5-2013 09:37:11 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 yping88 于 13-7-2013 20:39 编辑

Morning, All!
Today I am gonna share a conversation between my patient and I. But rather than I translate  some points into Chinese, I will leave to you guys to figure it out.

Me: What do you do for a living, John (By the way, John will the name for all my male patients in all the relevant coming scenarios)? If you don't mind me asking!
John: I retired already. Thank God I set up two supers when I worked, so I can live a decent retirement life. Because of that, my retirement pension will also tide me over (帮我渡过难关) this disturbing financial situation while I go through this major operation.
Me: Just out of curiosity (出于好奇), John. Did you get around well? Did you still do some exercises (John is overweight, that's where my question is coming from)?
John: Oh, I have been very much active and living a nomad-like (像个游牧民一样) life. My wife and I have been constantly on the road around Australia even since I retired.
Me: That's sensational! How do you guys travel around?
John: We live in a caravan, and there are so many free parking sites for caravan all around Australia.
Me: Cool. Since when you started traveling like this?
John: Since forever (一直都这样/从来都是这样). My parents used to put us all in a caravan and showed us around.
Me: So, you pretty much left no stone unturned in Australia land, still haven't had enough of it yet?
John: Yeah, you can say that. Australia is somewhere you will never have enough of(感到厌倦).
Me: Ok, I will take your word for it (我相信你说的话). Is your wife enjoying this kind life as well?
John: Not at first, she wasn't that into it when we first got married. But she gradually takes this passion on board, now she is the first one to pack whenever we are about to set out.
Me: How wonderful! It's a bonus (意外的奖赏) if you have your loved one to share the same interest.
John: Absolutely! After my surgery, If things pan out (成功), we are gonna hit the road (上路开始旅行) again!

left no stone unturned 踏遍每一个角落,每一个地方都去过了
wasn't that into it  不太感兴趣
takes this passion on board 产生了热情
pan out 顺利,成功

[ 本帖最后由 yping88 于 1-6-2013 07:00 编辑 ]


参与人数 2威望 +100 收起 理由
newozer + 50 谢谢分享!
MICHELLE07 + 50 很喜欢看你分享每个故事,尤其对话



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发表于 30-5-2013 09:39:39 | 只看该作者
Later, I will post a clip announcing my moving to a new house, you all are welcome to drop by. Woohoo!

[ 本帖最后由 yping88 于 30-5-2013 08:41 编辑 ]


参与人数 1威望 +50 收起 理由
MICHELLE07 + 50 期待



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 楼主| 发表于 30-5-2013 10:05:47 | 只看该作者

回复 #80 yping88 的帖子

left no stone unturned 踏遍每一个角落,每一个地方都去过了
wasn't that into it  不太感兴趣
takes this passion on board 产生了热情
pan out 顺利,成功

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发表于 30-5-2013 10:24:29 | 只看该作者

回复 #81 MICHELLE07 的帖子

Michelle, your knowledge is far far far, and many times more beyond what you claimed. You absolutely amazed me all the way along!

[ 本帖最后由 yping88 于 30-5-2013 09:57 编辑 ]


参与人数 1威望 +50 收起 理由
MICHELLE07 + 50 哈哈,过奖了,英语怎么说?



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发表于 30-5-2013 12:47:15 | 只看该作者
原帖由 yping88 于 30-5-2013 09:24 发表
Michelle, your knowledge is far far far, and many times more beyond what you claimed. You absolutely amazed me all the way along!

Should be "I'm very much flattered". However I can guarantee you, Michelle, you won't be able to hear this every so often, because whenever you praise the Aussies, they always say: Thank you, I'll take your word for it.
"I'm very much flattered" is an out-of-date expression now. Haahaa


参与人数 1威望 +50 收起 理由
MICHELLE07 + 50 Yes you are right!



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发表于 30-5-2013 13:48:48 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 yping88 于 13-7-2013 20:47 编辑

Couple of days ago, I woke up to a very exciting discovery--I had been moved to a luxury townhouse (我现在是小公寓主). Straight away, I turned into laugh-crying, I kept telling myself that all my hard work finally got paid off (得以报偿).
My thoughts flashed back to day 1 when I came to FreeOz, I just marched into the unknown (勇敢地挺进到未知 的领域), armed with nothing but bold bravery.

Fighting for a decent existence (为了一个体面的生活而奋斗), I took every possible job that's available, just trying to get out of my homeless-on-street (街头浪人) status. All these years, I have done much more than you can imagine to get this far (到了今天这地步), for instance, I had messed around (意指灌水) in somebody else's posts; drop off a word "agreed", holding up signs :faint, or haaahaaa, sometimes even more shamed as Heehee......etc. All these trivia tasks made me enough to secure the down-payment (首期付款) for my townhouse.

Until not long ago, I got a decent job offer, which may turn into a permanent position depending on how far we can go, from Michelle.

The payment (意指各位高人的评分) has been quite extraordinary, actually more than I expected.

Then, one morning, a fairy tale just came true (美丽的童话得以实现了). A homeless guy was pulled out of street and escorted into a beautiful townhouse, needless to worry about anything, all the payment was paid out automatically.

The extra bonus I got from this position is: Nothing is off limit to me (有权进入很多领地, 意指我的阅读权限100), so I can pose my nose into (打探别人的隐私) someone else's personal life (Just joking), I can spend some money (意指给别的帖子评分) carefree, and so many more.  

Since I came a long way to get where I am now, I made a decision that the housewarming (温锅, 意指发帖子) parties will be held regularly. But how regularly it is depends on the ticket office (票房, 意指赚的分数), view-rate (点击率), critical reviews (对帖子的点评) and such (诸如此类的). You are all more than welcome to drop in (浏览), to make comments, or to do whatever.

All in all, I wish all the best to this show, hoping it will last for as long as our passion exists!

So far, my house-moving clip is done. Please feel free to find a beautiful townhouse's picture to post here if you like!

[ 本帖最后由 yping88 于 1-6-2013 22:01 编辑 ]


参与人数 3威望 +150 收起 理由
sucewang + 50 Try to build most luxury houses.
newozer + 50 谢谢分享!
MICHELLE07 + 50 a fairy tale story just came true....



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 楼主| 发表于 30-5-2013 14:02:01 | 只看该作者

回复 #84 yping88 的帖子




[ 本帖最后由 MICHELLE07 于 30-5-2013 14:14 编辑 ]


参与人数 2威望 +100 收起 理由
ozgeelong + 50 谢谢分享!
newozer + 50 下一个是什么房子?



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发表于 30-5-2013 14:49:29 | 只看该作者

回复 #85 MICHELLE07 的帖子

You are such a passionate girl, Michelle!  I'm sure this will last forever because so many  people make their commitment to keeping this ball rolling. Enjoy your day!

[ 本帖最后由 yping88 于 30-5-2013 13:52 编辑 ]

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发表于 30-5-2013 15:42:54 | 只看该作者
好东西啊 我准备把每页都粘下来 整理下去考雅思口语了


参与人数 1威望 +50 收起 理由
MICHELLE07 + 50 我尽量找点和雅思沾边的



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发表于 31-5-2013 16:55:08 | 只看该作者
楼主和YPING88加油,获益多多。特别喜欢YPING 88, 对实际生活工作中最常用的场景中的用语真是太棒了!坐等下季!


参与人数 1威望 +50 收起 理由
MICHELLE07 + 50 She is a champion



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发表于 31-5-2013 17:55:28 | 只看该作者
Hey, how's your day been?
Thank you all for the kind words! I honestly believe that it's your support to encourage both Michelle and I getting right ahead.
Now, I am gonna post a little joke here to show my thanks in return.
Me: Good day, sir. My name is ping, the nurse looking after you today. How would you like me to call you?
Patient: Well, I'm not so sure exactly. I used to be called by my wife--Son of bitch, bastard, idiot. But I guess you don't wanna call me any one of those. So, just call me whatever that suits you!

[ 本帖最后由 yping88 于 31-5-2013 18:30 编辑 ]


参与人数 2威望 +100 收起 理由
newozer + 50 你太有才了!
MICHELLE07 + 50 哈哈,老外确实特别爱打趣



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发表于 31-5-2013 18:32:51 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 yping88 于 13-7-2013 20:53 编辑

One day, in the middle of something, a patient asked me all of sudden: Ping, where are you from?
Me: I am from China! And you?
He looked at me in the bewilderment (困惑不解): I'm from Australia.
Me: No, I meant where were you initially from?
Patient was still in the wonder (不懂我究竟什么意思): Here, I was born here.
Me: What?
I put on a surprising look: You were an aborigine?  
Patient: Oh, I see where you are coming from now (我明白你为什么这样说了). I just never thought of that way (我们两个当然都明白他的意思:从来没认为自己也是外来的). I have never been asked that question before.
Me: Neither have I until you did (我骗他的,人们经常问这样的问题,我只不过想告诉他,我已经认为:除了土著人,别的都是外来的罢了).
Patient: You are a tricky one!!

[ 本帖最后由 yping88 于 31-5-2013 17:59 编辑 ]


参与人数 3威望 +120 收起 理由
geyanlei + 50 你太有才了!
newozer + 20 谢谢分享!
MICHELLE07 + 50 漂亮!



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