原帖由 flyspirit 于 22-2-2011 09:19 发表
4万亿那是两年前的事情了, 你怎么现在拿出来说? 这只能说明2年前政府不乐观, 不代表现在不乐观。 而且这个历史说明即使经济不好,中国可以再出刺激方案。
The inflation has almost killed many governments, who dares to keep on playing 刺激方案 ?? Whether the economy is good or not good, just look at the stock market in Australia.
房价已经冲了1年多了,现在休息下而已。每年向上冲 ... [/quote]
In 2007 when the stock market rose to 6000, I told my mother that it has bubble, she told me "no way, it is gonna rise to 10000".
I do not want to argue with anyone about technical question, let's just use common sense to judge the price. If most of the people feel it is too high and can't afford it, then it must have a bubble.
The average annual income is just 50K, and we have to pay for household,education,etc. When the wolf is really coming, the government wont be stupid to stimulate the house market again. |