According to my (very limited) knowledge, most registrars and consultants having post in public hospitals (staff specialists) do undertake research work, but it's by and large of clinical nature. I'm sure rarely do they get involved in lab work, which is nevertheless commonplace in China, hehe.
The biggest advantage local graduates got over us is... of course... English, hehe. Medicine is a communication job, even for pathology, hehe. And Australia med schools can always look up to UK and States to get things up to date, and the health system basically follows the UK model.
That said, I've seen a fair share of RMOs who absolutely got NO ideas of what they doing, thanks god there are always Regs looking after them! Admittedly most regs are indeed very competent and capable, but sometimes they do screw things up and you can see certain people is only coming to medicine for money.
All in all, I just can't see the skill/knowledge of most local docs is any superior to their Chinese counterparts in a big tertiary hospitals in more developed cities like Beijing and Shanghai. The thing really holding back the medical practice in China is inequity, as she is such a vast and diverse place. |