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[edu] 【学术阅读】文史社科医商简记

 楼主| 发表于 4-8-2017 18:58:27 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 yearshappy 于 9-8-2017 18:39 编辑

Oliver Stones, Untold History of the United States
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v= ... s2LeMLa6WNKHm0-TUaV

Slavoj Žižek

French revolution Reign of Terror (Robespierre)
BBC https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FLY7WABdnXw

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 楼主| 发表于 9-8-2017 16:20:55 | 只看该作者
Reading difficult material (unsw)
- when being snowed under by the amount of reading, break it up into chunks
- get a general idea of what it's about by skimming (titles, headings, summaries, abstracts, the first sentence of a para)
- make a few attempts: skim/flag the difficult passages & re-read later
- extra resources

achieve deeper learning (cbu.ca)
- readings overly challenging, overwhelmed, cognitive complexity, beyond the cognitive reach of the majority, discouragement, progressive

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 楼主| 发表于 11-8-2017 10:17:39 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 yearshappy 于 22-8-2017 21:59 编辑

BBC 2013, London on Film - The secret history of our streets

Secrets of the Tower of London

Grenfell Tower: an investigation into London's housing problem from 1930-2017
(Whose responsibility? For neoliberalists, it's not the state government's? city council?  

Neil Faulkner: A Marxist History of the World (how it makes sense of the history)
Neil Faulkner: A people's history of the Russian Revolution 2017

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 楼主| 发表于 3-9-2017 21:45:43 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 yearshappy 于 3-9-2017 21:21 编辑

  • Focus on your objectives (research) not on grades or coursework. During the first two years, find an advisor, pick a research area, read a lot of papers and try small, exploratory research projects; other than those are distractions!
  • Aim at 50 to 150 papers by the end of the third year, directed toward an eventual thesis, to defend the novelty of a proposed thesis. Two types: try to learn (non-required classes outside one's focus) too much thereby wasting time; go too far with the related search, reading so much about the intended area of research that one never starts that research = 'eternal' students (lack of goal-making a small but significant contribution to human knowledge).
  • Writing a paper is an iterative process: start with an outline and some rough notes; take a pass over the paper and improve it a little; rinse; repeat. 'Good enough' is better than 'perfect' as perfectionism is a tragic affliction in academia. Often, one who can't begin to write until having the perfect structure of the paper mapped out will never get started.
  • Do research not to learn.
  • Two stages of the dynamic: Early on, get help from the advisor on crafting early paper (doling out specific topic); when s knows more than the advisor, she needs to go rogue and start choosing the topic to investigate and initiating the paper write-ups when she is capable of selecting and attacking research problems of appropriate size and scope.
  • A monastic experience requiring biblical levels of devotion (even comes with bulit-in vows of poverty and obedience), read, write and solve problems on days, nights and weekends. It's not a 9 to 5 work or school.
  • Maintain contact with committee members in the latter years of .. (they are not an everyday presence like an advisor but they are the ones to sign off on your..
  • Treat it as a training process not aim too low or too high.

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 楼主| 发表于 4-9-2017 22:01:19 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 yearshappy 于 2-10-2019 18:39 编辑

Confucius 551-479 B.C.E, Confucian Analects
Plato 428/423 - 348/347 B.C., The Republic of Plato

D.J. Sheppard, Plato's Republic: an Edinburgh philosophical guide, Edinburgh University Press, 2009


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 楼主| 发表于 5-10-2017 13:18:15 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 yearshappy 于 8-10-2017 15:13 编辑

84 Bashford, Alison and Levine, Philippa, The Oxford handbook of the history of eugenics
85 Boucher, Leign, Carey, Jane and Ellignghaus, Katherine, Re-orienting whiteness
86 Zogbaum, Heidi Changing skin colour in Australia: Herbert Basedow and the black Caucasion
87 Eugenics in Australia: striving for national fitness
88 Imperial Hygience, a critical history of colonialism, nationalism, and public health
89 a race for a place: eugenics Darwinism and social thought and practice in Australia

90 Paul Clark Youth Culture in China
91 Pam Nilan Youth sociology must cross cultures
92 Bachrach, Peter & Baratz, Morton 1962, Two Faces of Power, The American Political Science Review
93 Trondman et al, symbolic homologies
94 Bennett Towards a cultural sociology of popular music
95 Rhythms, the soundtracks of connection and assertion
96 Bennett Neotribes
97 Changes in the transition to adulthood in the UK and Canada the role of structure and agency in emerging adulthood
98 Education-overview of Australian youth program 1996
99 new directions in research on youth in transition
100 structure and agency in transition research
101 structure and agency in youth transitions student experiences of vocational further education
102 Teddys - Jefferson 1973
103 the function of subculture
104 The Teddy boy as scapegoat
105 theories 2009 worth understanding youth transitions as becoming - identity, time and futurity
106 youth transitions and social exclusion developments in social capital theory


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 楼主| 发表于 8-10-2017 15:34:43 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 yearshappy 于 8-10-2017 15:42 编辑

The Ascent of Civilisation

Season I
1. How the Greeks changed the world

2. How the Romans changed the world

3. How the Vikings changed the world

Season II
1. The Carthaginians
2. The Germanic peoples
3. The Arabs

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 楼主| 发表于 8-10-2017 16:35:11 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 yearshappy 于 8-10-2017 16:36 编辑

Ruth Breeze, Rethinking academic writing pedagogy for the European university
Writing in English across Europe
1) ... can be described as 'traditional model (the norm)': By default, everything is taught in the L1 (the first language of the inhabitants). 2) ... which could be termed a 'language integration model'. 3) ... This could be termed the 'English-medium education' model = the immersion model
... the reasons underlying this tendency are clear.
... L2 writers
... examine the aspects which most would-be L2 writers have in common ... as ways in which European students may differ.

Academic writing in Europe: texts, contexts, cultures
Classic approaches to teaching writing
Critiques and challenges
New directions: academic literacies. corpus tools and web writing, addressing writers' needs
Feedback and assessment
Academic writing in Europe

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 楼主| 发表于 23-10-2017 15:22:38 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 yearshappy 于 8-9-2018 10:53 编辑

half a year's focus on Islam


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 楼主| 发表于 8-9-2018 11:47:24 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 yearshappy 于 22-9-2018 12:05 编辑

One of a few great thinkers in the present day, the mysterious origins of civilisation by John Anthony West in an interview with Graham Hancock.

John Anthony West, again on the topics of Sphinx, pyramid origins, loss of Alexandria library

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发表于 20-9-2018 23:16:40 | 只看该作者


参与人数 1威望 +50 收起 理由
yearshappy + 50 你太可爱了!



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 楼主| 发表于 21-9-2018 14:01:09 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 yearshappy 于 21-9-2018 15:50 编辑

War_and_Peace_NT.pdf (6.88 MB, 下载次数: 0)

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 楼主| 发表于 21-9-2018 18:45:06 | 只看该作者
An attempt in explaining the theory of the transference of the collective will of people to historic persons
e.g. the relationships between herdsman and the movement of the herd, the prominent animals and the direction of the herd movement

Explicitly arising the question: what causes historical events? It is Power. What is power? It's the collective will of the people transferred to one person. The meaning of the word is not understood.

Examining the power of Napoleon
'The relation of the commander to those he commands is just what is called power' p.2836
A conclusion arrived: a command is executed only when it is related to a corresponding series of events. The commander takes the smallest part in the action itself.

The examination is going on, e.g. how men are hauling a log. The physically working men lack of reflection of what they are doing while the commander does greater verbal activity. A man worked alone has reflections.
Similarly in the case of France, justifications for killing and for war were sought such as for the welfare of France, the glory of France, for liberty and equality, they had a very necessary significance in their own day. (justification in political unity, patriotism, balance of power, civilisation)

What is it really? temporary aims, collective crimes intertwines with complex forms of political and social life
e.g. ships' movements

providing the reader with the definitions of power and force .p.2844  
Why war and revolution occur we do not know, only know that it is a law.


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 楼主| 发表于 21-9-2018 21:22:50 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 yearshappy 于 21-9-2018 20:37 编辑


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 楼主| 发表于 21-9-2018 21:31:51 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 yearshappy 于 26-9-2018 08:47 编辑

Hannah, Arendt 1948/58,66,68,73, 76, 1979, 'The Origins of Totalitarianism'

1: antisemitism1950, antisemitism as an outage to common sense
2: imperialism 1967, bourgeoisie, racism, the pan-movements,
the decline of the nation-state and the end of the rights of man: the nation of minorities and the stateless people; the perplexities of the rights of man
the end of 18c, a turning point in history - the declaration of the rights of man (1780French Revolution). From then on Man, not God ..,  should be the source of Law.

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发表于 21-9-2018 21:32:22 | 只看该作者


参与人数 1威望 +50 收起 理由
yearshappy + 50 不是的:)



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 楼主| 发表于 29-9-2018 16:32:24 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 yearshappy 于 29-9-2018 16:25 编辑

2006 Older Migrants in Europe: a new focus for migration studies
. the thematic focus is the intersection of migration and personal ageing
. distinction between groups those .. and those .. both groups have attracted innovative research since ..aged migrant trajectories ... have received much less attention

2006 Migrant populations approaching old age: prospects in Europe
. intro, the period of migration, the ageing of the immigrant population, future ageing,  immigrant ageing: why does it matter?

2008 Ageing in place in Hong Kong: challenges and opportunities
keywords: ageing-in-place, community care
. ageing-in-place: rationale (the need to allow older people to remain living in the locality with which they are familiar for as long as they wish - disposition, losing sense of security - a principle in accordance with the UN Principles for Older Persons (2008) , social policy for them: independence, participation, care, dignity and self-fulfilment
. challenges: ageing population threat; opportunities in promoting ageing-in-place

2011 Successful aging-utopia or the result of lifelong learning? meaning and representations of ageing in Romanian elderly
keyword: successful aging
. latest statistics show that the number of elderly individuals has increased in Romania but little is known about their perceptions of ageing and their strategies in coping with this issue.
. intro (long), method (semi-structured interviews 11 men and 11 women aged between 65-90 years old.)
. results: negative representations of ageing and old age; the need for social support
. discussion

2012 'It's a challenge to do it the right way': an interpretive description of caregivers' experiences in caring for migrant patients in Northern Sweden
. Abstract (background, methods, results, conclusions, keywords more than 11)
. the Swedish health care system, migrants' access to the Swedish health service, aim, conceptual framework
. methods: study design, study setting and participants, data collection methods (semi-structured interviews, participant observation and the position of principal investigator, data analysis, ethical considerations)
. results:  socio-cultural diversity (diverse groups with diverse migration histories and statuses, educational level and migrants' health literacy, patriarchal structures and gender segregation, religious beliefs and practices,... unfamiliarity with diversity, stereotypes and discriminatory attitudes)
, language barrier (barrier to effective provision and use of health care services; challenges in communication, navigating, finding the way through, questioning the Swedish model of care
. discussion
. study strengths and limitations
. conclusions

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 楼主| 发表于 30-9-2018 21:23:43 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 yearshappy 于 30-9-2018 23:20 编辑

1999, Social support of older people in Australia and Japan
  • intro: comparsion drown in social context; social support of older Japanese: the tradition and the decline
  • research approach: social networks surveys with each of the two is designed within their cultural context; network membership; measures; samples; analysis
  • findings: Sydney; Setagaya ... area comparsons
  • discussion and conclusions

2018, Trajectories of ageing well among older Australians: a 16-year longitudinal study
  • intro: reports the ageing trajectoris of older Australians in a concept of 'ageing-well' over a 16-year period.
  • design and methods: study design (observational study); setting: metropolitan Melbourne,, time of the data collection; sample: participants; variables (survey data (yes/no); statistical methods
  • results: Table 1, 2; Figure 1, 2; dropouts Tabel 1,2
  • discussion: a global health policy focus = mental health/ageing well, wellbeing status

2011, Critical reflections on a social inclusion approach for an ageing Austalia
  • social exclusion: economic deprivation, cumulative disadvantages, social participation and civic engagement, and cultural recognition = a major issue facing older Australians; yet been identified as a priority area for Australian social policy on aging
  • concepts of social exclusion and inclusion; a number of Australian studies have identified .. and suggested that ... The aim of this paper
  • origins and development of the social exclusion discourse
  • understanding social inclusion and ageing
  • ..
  • social inlcusion for an ageing Australia: emerging issues and challenges

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 楼主| 发表于 1-10-2018 16:01:47 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 yearshappy 于 1-10-2018 15:57 编辑

2017, Older people's relationships with their adult children in multicultural Australia: a comparison of Australian-born people and Chinese immigrants
  • examine differences and similarities between Australian-born and Chinese immigrants in their relationships with adult children.
  • Confucian concept of filial piety
  • socio-demographic changes: population ageing & cultural diversity
  • intro (two subheadings) - methods - results - discussion

2016, Filial daughters? Agency and subjectivity of rural migrant women in Shanghai/ Yang Shen / The China Quaterly
  • conceptualising agency, subjectivity and filial piety
  • the changing status of migrant women
  • methodology: a 7-month period of participant observtional fieldwork - worked as a waitress in a restaurant
  • emipiral findings: unmarried women still feel obliged to fulfil their filial obigations by ..; a case of married woman, her power in conjugal relations and her consisten subjectivity as a filial daughter

2007, Family care: an exploratory study of experience and expectations among older Chinese immigrants in Australia / Contemporary Nurse
  • family caregiving, traditionally based on the Confucian ethic of filial piety that mandates total, holistic care for elders = the norms of filial piety (care practices=what family do for their older parents & what the older people themselves expect) ... explore the experience of 'family care' among Chinese-speaking older people who have migrated to Australia in later life.
  • in-depth interviews .. with a convenience sample of five cases, including 6 older Chinese and analysed inductively for dominant themes.
  • transformation of filial culture has implications for policy, service planning and professional practice. It cannot be assumed that elderly Chinese immigrants' needs are being met through traditional family structures.
  • findings: living arrangements, financial support, instrumental support, emotional support and respect, filial expectations
  • discussion

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 楼主| 发表于 1-10-2018 16:01:56 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 yearshappy 于 6-10-2018 22:58 编辑

2013, The perspectives of older Greek-Australians toward changes in the nature of family support: implications for family care policies
  • internationally, pulic policies encourage 'ageing in place'
  • informal care supplemented by publicly subsidized formal services
  • intro: the international policy context of ageing and migration, the Australian policy context (informal and formal care), migrants' experiences of the two, rational for the research
  • methods: setting (Adelaide&Darwin), participant recruitment, participants, data analysis
  • findings: contingent independence, continuity and change, powerlessness
  • discussion, policy implications
  • conclusion

2016, Perceptions and images of 'typical' Australian dishes: an exploratory study
  • intro: importance of food goes well beyond being part of day-to-day routines ... Despite the significant variety of food traditions .., food culture study in Australia (references) . A seperate para: this exploratory study seeks to delve into the aspects of images..; to this end, the following research questions are proposed: ... who will be benefitial?
  • literature review: identity, tourist draw care
  • methodology: detailed consideration (a selective group based on .. studies; methodology; questionnaire; demographic characteristics of respondents) R1 (respondent) - verbatim comments appearing in .. are labeled as R1.
  • findings: images typical Australian dishes evoke among respondents; dishes associated with typical Australian foods; words describing ..
  • conclusions and implications
  • limitations and future research

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 楼主| 发表于 1-10-2018 16:02:03 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 yearshappy 于 5-10-2018 22:01 编辑

1985, The segmentation and integration of the Chinese in Brisbane, Australia, Journal of Comparative Family Studies
  • statisitics on the number of population, geographical location --> Census of 1981
  • the history of Chinese population national wide, first influx,  Goldrush
  • Chinese Club of Queensland was founded in Brisbane in 1956, the Australian Asian Family Association
  • overseas Chinese students (centered on the UQ, the Hong Kong Student's Association and the Singapore Society)
  • the most visible Chiense organisations in Brisbane: martial arts academies
  • surveys, interviews conducted, tables provided
  • Vietnamese Chinese
  • 'class model'

2014, Chinese migrants' perceptions of the Queensland criminal justice system (language/writing sample)
  • intro: multicultural country - challenging for leagal authorieis - little is known about migrants' perceptions of the .. however, conducted overseas in
    America/Canada; population of Chinese in Brisbane; analysis of not being studied, aims/attempt to!
  • literature review:
  • sampling: questionnaires of 15 min through religious institutions/nongovernmental organisations; demographic infor tables, variables
  • results: bivariate analyses/multivariate analyses
  • discussion
    Chinese migrants' perceptions of the Queensland criminal justice system.pdf (313.66 KB, 下载次数: 0)

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 楼主| 发表于 1-10-2018 16:02:10 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 yearshappy 于 12-12-2019 13:19 编辑

Online courses at Harvard University

Open Yale Course ;
(2-3 years yet to complete)

2007, Kagan, Donald, Introduction to Ancient Greek History
  • the dark ages - the rise of the polis - tyranny - Sparta - the rise of Athens - the Persian wars - the Athenisan Empire - Athenian democracy - the Peloponnesian war - Greece Hegemony - twiligth of the polis
2010, Freema, Joanne, The American Revolution
  • a British colonist - a British American - intercolonial relations - outaged colonisals - revolutionary - resistance - common sense - independence - civil war - citizens - George Washington - society - confederation - a union without power - constituion - a nation - an American
2008, Blight, David W., The American Civil War and Reconstruction Era, 1845-1877
  • Southern society: slavery, king cotton, the Old South and proslavery ideology - a northern world: yankee society, antislavery ideology - Mexican war - the birth of the republican party 1854-55 ...
2011, Freedman, Paul, The Early Middle Ages, 284 - 1000
  • Rome's Greatness & First Crises - the crisis of the 3rd-c & the diocletianic reforms - constantine and the early church - the Christian Roman Empire - St.Augustine's confessions - transformation of the Roman Empire - barbarian kingdoms - survival in the east - the feign of Justinian - clovis and the Franks - Frankish society - Britain & Ireland - Monasticism - Mohammed and the Arab conquests - Islamic conquests and civil war - the splendor of the Abbasid period - the crucial 7th-c - the splendor of Byzentium - Charlemagne - intellectuals and the court of charlemange - crisis of the carolingians - vikings and the European prospect, 1000
2008, Merriman, John, European Civilisation 1648-1945
  • absolutism & the state - Dutch & British exceptionalism - Peter the Great - the Enlightenment & the Public Sphere - Maximilien Robespierre & the French Revolution - Napoleon - Industrial revolutions - middle classes - popular protest - why no revolution in 1848 in Britain - 19th-C cities - nationalism - radicals - imperialists and Boy Scouts - the coming of the Great War - war in the trenches - sites of memory and mourning - the Russian revolution - successor states of eastern Europe - Stalinism - Fascists - collaboration & resistance in WWII - the collapse of communism and global challenges

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 楼主| 发表于 1-10-2018 16:02:17 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 yearshappy 于 19-10-2018 22:27 编辑


2010, Snowden, Frank Epidemics in western society since 1600
  • classical views of disease - plague - smallpox - 19thC medicine: the Paris School of medicine - Asiatic Cholera - filth theory of disease / the germ theory of disease - tropical medicine as a discipline - malaria/tuberculosis/AIDS
2009, Wrightson, Keith, Early modern England: politics, religion, and society under the Tudors and Stuarts
  • The tree of commonwealth: the social order in 16thC - households: structures, priorities, strategies, roles - communities: key institutions & relationships - countries & nation - the structure of power - late medieval religion & its critics - reformation & division 1530-1558 - commodity & commonwealth - the Elizabethan confessional state / the Elizabellthan 'monarchical republic' - economic expansion 1560-1640 - a polarizing society - witchcraft & magic/crime & the law/popular protest/education & literacy/stree wars of religion - constitutional revolution and civil war - refashioning the state

2007, Merriman, John, France since 1871
  • republic - the waning of religious authority - workshop & factory - mass politics & the political challenge from the left - the anarchists - general boulanger & captain Dreyfus - cafes & the culture of drink - Paris & the Belle Epoque - French imperialism - the origins of wwi - trench warfare - the home front - the great war, grief & memory - the popular front - the dark years - resistance - battles for and against Americanisation - Vietnam & Algeria - Charles De Gaulle - May 1968 - Immigration
2009, Kleiner, Dianna, Roman Architecture
  • the founding of Rome & the beginnings of urbanism in Italy - technology & revolution in Roman architecture - civic life interrupted: nightmare and destiny on 24/08/AD79 - lifestyles of the rich & famous: houses & villas at Pompeii - habitats at Herculaneum & early Roman interior decoration - gilding the lily: painting lalaces and villas in the 1stC AD. - exploring special subjects on Pompeian walls - from brick to marble: Augustus Assembles Rome - accessing afterlife: tombs of Roman aristorcrats, freemen, and slaves - the creation of an icon: the colosseum and contemporary architechture in Rome - the prince and the palace: human made divine on the Palatine Hill - discovering the Roman provinces and designing a Roman city - the mother of all forums: civic architecture in Rome under Trajan - bigger is better: the baths of Caracalla and other 2ed&3rdC buidlings in Rome - hometown boy: honoring an Emperor's roots in Roman north Africa - baroque extravaganzas: rock trombs, fountains, and sancturies in Jordan, Lebanon, and Libya
2011, Gendler, Tamar, Philosophy and the science of human nature
  • the ring of Gypes: morality & hypocrisy - parts of the soul - the well-ordered soul: happiness and harmony - the disordered soul: themis and PTSG - flourishing and attachment - flourishing and detachment - virtue and habit - weakness of the will and procrastination - utilitarianism and its critiques - deontology - the trolley problem - empiricall-informed responses - philosophical puzzles - punishment - contract&commonwealth: Thomas Hobbes - the prisoner's dilemma - equality - social structrues - censorship


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 楼主| 发表于 1-10-2018 16:02:24 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 yearshappy 于 20-10-2018 00:01 编辑

2007, Kagan, Shelly, Death
  • the nature of perssons: dualism vs physicalism - arguments for the existene of the soul/Plato's phaedo/free will and near-death experiences/ immortality of the soul - personal identity (across space and time and the soul theory)/the body theory and the personality theory/objections to the personality theory/what matters?- the nature of death(believing you will die/dying alone:the badness of death/the deprivation account/immortality/the value of life/other bad aspects of death - fear of death - how to live given the certainty of death - suicide (the rationality of suicide/deciding under uncertainty/the morality of suicide)
2009, Rae, Douglas, Capitalism: success, crisis & reform
  • exploding worlds - Thomas Malthus & inevitable poverty - counting the fingers of Adam Smith's invisible hand - Karl Marx, Joseph Schumpeter & an economic system incapable of coming to rest - property, freedom, and the essential job of government - rise of the joint stock corporation - make a business - mortal life cycle of a great technology - entrepreneurship in business information - institutions and incentives in mortgages and mortgages-backed secuirties - accountability and greed in investment banking - the political and judicial elements of American capitalism - mass affluence comes to the western world - braudel's bell jar - the case of mister Balram Halwai - microfinance in South Indea - plight of the bottom billion - policy targets for capitalist developement - marrying the devil in Texas - capitalist enterprise and clean water for a bolivian city
2006, Smith, Steven, Introduction to political philosophy
  • definition of political philosophy - socratic citizenship: Plato, Apology, Crito, Republic - the mixed regime and the rule of law: Aristotle - new modes and orders: Machiavelli The Prince - the sovereign state: Hobbes, Leviathan - constitutional government: Locke, Second Treatise - democracy and participation: Rousseau, Discourse on Inequality / Social Contract - Democratic Statecraft: tocqueville, democracy in America - in defense of politics
2007, Bloom, Paul, intro to psychology
  • brain - Freud - skinner - a baby: the development of thought - communicate: language in the brain, mouth and the hands - conscious of the present/past: language, vision and memory - evolution, emotion, and reason: love/evolution and retionality - brain and perception - differences in people - sex motivation - the psychology, biology, and politics of food - a person in the world of people: morality/self and other/some mysteries:sleep, dreams and laugher - mental illness: things go wrong - the good life: happiness
2008, Brownell, Kelly, the psychology, biology and politics of food
  • What we eat why we eat and the key role of food in modern life - food then, food now: modern food conditions and their mismatch with evolution - biology, nutrition and health: what we eat/what helps us and hurts us/the psychology of taste and addiction - culture and the remarkable plasticity of eating - hunger in the world of plenty - nutrition transition and global food issues - from ancient to modern tarming: the green revolution and the prospect of feeding the world - sustainability: the impact of modern agriculture on the environment and energy use / the impact of modern agriculture on biodiversity, genetic modification and animal welfare - public health vs medical models in nutrition change: saving lives one or a million at a time - eating disorders and obesity - perspectives of the food industry - econimics, nutrition and health: subsidies, food deserts and more - everyone but me: the pervasive reach and powerful influence of food marketing on food choices - the politics of food: how politics affects national nutrition policy/the issues, the fights and who controls the frame - the law and opportunities to improve nutrition and health - schools and nutrition: where health and politics collide - the morphing of modern diet - sustainability and health food access - success stories, innovation and change from the grass roots
2009, lIván Szelényi, Foundations of modern social theory
  • Hobbes: authority, human rights and social order - Locke: equality, freedom, property and the right to dissent - Montesuieu: the division of powers - Rousseau: popular sovereignty and general will/State of Nature and Education - Mill: utilitarianism and liberty - Smith: the invisible hand - Marx's theory of Alienation/theory of histroical materialism/theory of history/theory of class and exploitation - Nietzsche on power, knowledge and morality - Freud on secuality and civilisation - Weber on protestantism and capitalism - conceptual foundations of Webber's theory of domination / traditional authority / Charismatic authority / legal-rational authority/ theory of class - Durkheim and types of social solidarity/ theory of anomie/suicide/social facts


参与人数 1威望 +50 收起 理由
OZCherry + 50 很给力!



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 楼主| 发表于 28-1-2019 00:54:57 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 yearshappy 于 28-1-2019 13:40 编辑

Biography of Napoleon

2004, Eating out: social differentiation, consumption and pleasure by Alan Warde, Lydia Martens
  • Studying of eating out: methods of investigation, theories and themes
- social scientific interest in food by nutritionists, social policy advisors, anthropologists, agricultural economists and historians. However, eating out was paid little attention to. tudy in terms of theoretical debates concerning the expression of social divisions through consumption behaviour and the bases for differential involvement in public and private spheres.
- modes of eating out had become a principal form in which social distinction could be expressed through food consumption. This implied that eating out had considerable ocial and symbolic significance for some groups, a circumstance making it worthy of s
- methods of investigation
...the empirical research involved in the project was designed to examine the symbolic significance of eating out and the relationship between public eating and domestic cooking, aiming to describe contemporary patterns and the symbolic associations of eating out and to relate these to socio-demographic characteristics of households, their domestic provisioning of food, diet and taste with the second and separate field of empirical and theoretical controversy , about domestic organisation of households.
...two principal forms of fieldwork were used, semi-structured interviews and a survey. The former provides superior data on the meanings and reasoning associated with eating out while the latter alllows estimation of general patterns among urban populations and the opportunity for satistically based exploration of the association between the social characteristics of respondents and their conduct.
...termnology, interviewee in interviewing & respondent in survey.

- theories and themes p.9
... a service provisioning approach to consumption, social divisions, cultural complexity, necessity and luxury

  • The meanings of eating out
  • Patters of eating out; domestic organisation, family meals and eating out
  • Eating in the restaurant
  • The enjoyment of meal events

1997, Consumption, food and taste: culinary antimonies and commodity culture, Alan Warde
  • the issue of taste
  • indicators of taste
  • interpretations of taste

2017, A sociology of food and nutrition: the social appetite, John Germov & Lauren Williams (edt.)
  • exploring the social appetite (an appetiser)
  • the food system: food politics, production and distribution

Terry Leahy, unsustainable food production: its social orgins and alternatives
- environemental issues of agriculture today
. monocultures and alternative agricultures (food forest solutions, organic solutions, plughing/cultivation and weed control, grazing and agroforestry, water and salinity
- social causes and social alternatives.
. the link between enviroenmental problems of food and global capitalism, ruralisation and suburban farming (the socialist solution, the gift economy, real utopias

  • food culture: consumption and identity


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 楼主| 发表于 30-1-2019 18:30:26 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 yearshappy 于 20-2-2019 17:12 编辑

2010, Ruth Lister, Understanding theories and concepts in social policy
Intro: lying the groundwork
  • theory: what and why? There's no clear 'right' or 'wrong' theory in this context. The theories that inform social policy are not like natural scientific theories which can be tested. Some social theories might  be better than others at helping us to understand social realities; theories may differ in how much light they throw on vairous social phenomena. Alos, there can be debates and disputes within particular theoretical perspectives... approaching them with an open mind. Which normative theories you adopt will depend on your own values and beliefs.
  • conceptual foundation stones: the individual in terms of identity (at the heart of debates around postmodernism and social policy) + the 'welfare subject' increaseingly constructed by those in power; the interplay between individual human agency, structural constraints and opportunities and culture; the state, natioan and nation-state and the transnational and the global.

''to think imaginatively about how the classical concerns of social policy with social need, equality and citizenship, altruism, reciprocity, choice and efficiency translate at the glabal lelvel'' (Irving et al.2005, p.478)

Theoritical perspectives in the political arena
  • dominant post-war ideological perspectives: from 'middle way' to 'third way' and beyond (Three main Western political traditions: liberalism/neo-liberalism/libertarianism/Communitarianism, conservatism and socialism, each of which has spawned many sub-strands. )
Conservatism, a pragmatic approach rather than a fixed ideology based on an abstract set of principles, favouring trandition over change. It premised on a pessimistic view of human nature as inherently imperfect. believing in strong, authoritative government but with the sstate playing only a limited role in welfare. It places great emphasis on the family, private property and the nation and views society as an organic, moralcommunity.
Socialism, it is premised on an optimistic view of human nature as cooperative and creative
Liberalism, priority gives to the indiviudal who are regarded as free, rational and moral beings worthy of equal respect

  • critical perspectives: Marxism, feminism, anti-racism and envrionmentalism

Theoretical perspectives as an analytical tool
  • post-Fordism and postmodernism
  • social control, regulation and resistance
  • what's the problem? social constructionism

  • needs
  • citizenship and community
  • liberty, equality and social justice

  • bringing all together (social movements, social welfare movements, the disabled people's movement, the global social justice movement


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 楼主| 发表于 11-2-2019 18:08:49 | 只看该作者
2013, The Search for Modern China 3rd edi., Jonathan D. Spence
Conquest & Consolidation
  • the late Ming: the glory of the Ming, town & farm, corruption & hardship, the ming collapse
  • the Manchu conquest: the rise of the Qing, conquering the Ming, adaption to China, class & resistance
  • Kangxi's consolidation: the war of the three feudatories 1673-81, Taiwan & maritime China, wooing the intellectuals, defining the borders, a mixed legacy
  • Yongzheng雍正's authority: economic structures, the question of taxes, the center and channels of power, moral authority
  • Chinese society and the Reign of Qianlong乾隆: 'like the sun like the midday', eightenth-century confuciansim, The Dream of the Red Chamber红楼梦, Qianlong's late years
  • China and the 18thc world: managinbg the foreigners, aliens and Chinese law, opium, western images of China

Fragmentation & reform
  • the first clash with the West: the response of China's ccholars, China's political response, Britain's millitary response, the new treaty system
  • the crisis within: social dislocation north and south, the Taiping, foreign pressures, the nian rebellion, muslim revolts
  • resotration through reform: confucian reform, defining foreign policy, the missionary presence, overseas Chinese
  • new tensions in the late Qing: self-strengtening and the Japanese war, the reform movement of 1898, three sides of nationalism, emerging forces
  • the end of the dynasty: the Qing constitution, new railways, new army; nationalists and soclaists, Qing fall

Envisioning state and society
  • the new Republic: experiment in democracy, the rule of Yuan Shikai, militarists in China and Chinese in France
  • 'A Road is Made': the warning voice of social Darwinism, Maxist stirring, the facets of May Fourth五四运动, the comintern and the birth of the CCP.
  • the fractured alliance: the initial agreement, launching the northern expendition, Shanghai spring, Wuhan summer, Canton winter
  • the Guomingdang in power: Guomingdang government, culture and ideology, China and the United States, China and Japan
  • communist survival: the Chinese poor, Mao Zedong and the rural soviets, the Long March, crisis at Xi'an

War and Revolution
  • WWII: the loss of east China, China divided, Chongqing and Yan'an 1938-41, Chongqing and Yan'an in the widening war, war's end
  • the fall of the Guomingdang state: the Japanese surrender and the marshall mission, land reform and the Manchurian base, the losing battle with inflation, defeat of the Guomingdang armies
  • the birth of the People's Republic: countryside and towns 1949-50, the structure of the new government, the Korean War, mass party, mass campaigns
  • planning the new society: the first Five-Year plan, foreign policy and the national minorties, army reform, the Hundred Flowers
  • deepening the revolution: the Great Leap Forward, the sino-soviet rift, political investigation and 'socialist education'
  • Cultural Revolution: the cult of Mao and the critics, launching the Cultural Revolution, party retrenchment and the death of Lin Biao

Re-entering the world
  • reopening the doors: the United States and the Nixon visit, attacking confucius and Lin Biao, defining the economy 1974-75, 1976: the Old Guard dies
  • redifining revolution: the four modernisations, the fifth modernisation, Taiwan and the special economic zones, 'Truth from Facts'
  • levels of power: one billion people, governing China in the 1980s, the problems of prosperity 1983-84, rebulding the law
  • testing the limits: democracy's chorus, broadening the base, social strains, the breaking point
  • century's end: returning to growth, zones and games, little dragons, into the sea, Deng's passing
  • breakthrough? the range of options, the Hu/Wen years, the economic challenges, global preoccupations, cultural parameters


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 楼主| 发表于 11-2-2019 23:59:02 | 只看该作者
1995, The Rise of Modern China 5th edi. Immanuel C. Y. HSU

A conceptual framework of modern China, when does modern China begin?
The shaping forces of modern China?
Toward a new synthesis

The persistence of traditional institutions, 1600-1800
  • the rise and splendor of the Ching Empire: the founding of the Ching Dynasty; Ming loyalist movement; dynastic consolidation and splendor
  • political and economic institutions: political structure (the Emperor, nobility ..); economic institutions (the land and taxation systems..)
  • social and intellectual conditions: the Chinese society (family/the clan/social stratification/the gentry/their privileges and functions/the government examinations) ; intellectual trends: early Ching reaction against Ming idenalism, middle Ching emprirical research
  • foreign relations: the arrival of the Western Europeans; the Russian advance
  • the turn of dynastic fortune: from prosperity to decline: the decline of Manchu power; rebellions by secret societies; the western advance and the tributary system

Foreign aggression and domestic rebellions, 1800-64
  • the Canton system of trade: the origin of the single-port trade; the foreign life at Canton; British attempts to change the Canton system
  • the Opium War: the opium trade, the Napier mission 1834, the lull before the storm, commissioner Lin at Canton
  • the second treaty settlement: Chi-ying's new diplomacy, the hard line at Canton, the arrow War, the second settlement
  • the Taiping revolution and the Nien and Moslem rebellions: causes for social upheaval, the outbreak of the Taiping revolution, Taiping institutions; foreign neutrality, Tseng Kuo-fan and the Hunan army, the Taiping internal dissension, the turning point in the campaign, the downfall of the Taiping Kingdom, causes of the Taiping failure, the legacy of the Taiping revolution, the Nien and Moslem rebellions.

Self-strengthening in an age of accelerated foreign imperialism, 1861-95
  • the dynastic revival and the self-strengthening movement: the cooperative policy and diplomatic modernisation
  • foreign relations and court politics, 1861-80
  • foreign encroachment in Formosa (Japanese), Sinkiang (Russian), and Annam (France)
  • acceleration of imperialism: the Japanese aggression in Korea and the 'Partition of China'.

Reform and revolution, 1898-1912
  • the reform movement of 1898 (the 'Hundred-Day' reform)
  • the Boxer uprising, 1900
  • reform and constitutionalism at the end of the Ching Period
  • late Ching intellectual, social economic changes, with special reference to 1895-11
  • the Ching period in historical perspective
  • revoluton, repulic and warlodism

Ideological awakening and the war of resistance, 1917-45
  • the itellectual revolution, 1917-23: the May Fourth movement, new cultural movement
  • national unification amidst ideological ferment and anti-imperialistic agitation: 1921,the birth of the communist party, 1923-24 the nationalist reorganisation, the Nanking government
  • the nationalist government: a decade of challenges, 1928-37
  • the sino-Japanese war, 1937-45

The rise of the Chinese People's Republic
  • the civil war, 1945-49:
  • the people's republic: its first decade
  • the Sino-Soviet split
  • the great proletarian cultural revolution
  • the fall of Lin Piao and its aftermath
  • China rejoins the international community
  • the nationalist rule on Taiwan

China after Mao: the search for a new order
  • the smashing of the Gang of Four
  • Teng hsiao-ping and China's new order
  • the normalisation of relations between China and the United States
  • the four modernisations (the Ten-Year plan)
  • the end of the Maoist age
  • building socialism with Chinese characteristics
  • China in transition, 1986-88: the cultural impact of the Open-Door policy
  • Taiwan's 'economic miracle' and the prospect for unification with mainland China
  • the violent crackdown at Tian-an-men
  • the Chinese model of development

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 楼主| 发表于 13-2-2019 14:16:13 | 只看该作者
1980 (1960), Chow Tse-tsung, The May Fourth Movement: Intellectual Revolution in Modern China, Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Massachusetts & London, England

Preface: there're few major events in modern Chinese history so controversial, so much discussed, yet so inadequately treated as the May Fourth Movement.
Intro: definition of the movement; economic, social and political background; significance of the movement in historical perspective
Part 1 Development of the Movement
  • Forces thatprecipitated the movement, 1915-18: humiliation of patriots at home (impact of the 21 Demands), reforming zeal of students abroad
  • the initial phase of the movement: early literary and intellectual activities, 1017-19: establishment of New Youth Magazine, reforms at Peking University, the alliance of the new intellectuals and the establishment of new tide magazine, reform views of the new intellectuals, the opposition's argument and the rejoinder, response of the youth to the new ferment, the anti-Japanses petition of May 1918
  • the May Fourth incident: China's failure at the Versalles Peace Conference, Chinese public sentiment in respect to the Peace Treaty, disillusioning news from Paris, the students' character and organisation, the May Fourth demonstration, from the legation Quarter to Ts'ao Ju-lin's house
  • developments following the incident: student demonstrations and strikes: immediate reaction of the government, establishement of the Peking Student Union and mobilisation of the intellectuals, student support from other cities, the president's disciplinary mandates and Ts'ai Yian-pei's departure, the students' general strike
  • further developments: support from merchants, industrialists, and workers
  • expansion of the New Culture Movement, 1919-20: increasing unity among the new intellectuals, invigorated programs of New Youth and New Tide, rapid increase of new publications and revamping of old, the rising Tide of Iconoclasm, .. public education sponsored by the New Intellectuals
  • foreign attitudes toward the movement
  • the ideological and political split, 1919-21: .. democracym capitalism, socialism and westernisation
  • sociaopolitical consequences, 1920-22

Part II Analysis of Main Intellectural Currents
  • the literary revolution: humanistarianism, naturalism, and romanicism: the society for litarary studies and the cration society; literary reform, literary revolution, =revolutionary litarature
  • the new thought and re-evalution of the tradition: new thoughts: realism, utilitarianism, liberalism, individualism, socialism and Darwinism; new methods: pragmatic, skeptical, and agnostic approaches and the beginning of Marxist influence
  • the new thought and later controversies: doubts on antiquity, the controversy over Eastern and Western Civilisations, the polemic on science and metaphysics

Conclusion: various interpretations and evaluations
  • a renaissance, reformation, or Englightenment - the liberals' views
  • a catastrophe to China: criticsms by the conservative nationalists and traditionalists
  • an anti-imperialist and antifeudal movement called forth by Lenin - the communist interpretation
  • who led the movement?
  • the real nature of the movement - a suggested interpretation
  • achievments and shortcomings reappraised
  • some further considerations


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 楼主| 发表于 13-2-2019 16:36:23 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 yearshappy 于 14-2-2019 16:10 编辑

1922, Lu Hsun, The True Storry of Ah Q

  • intro
  • a brief account of Ah Q's victories
  • a further account of Ah Q' victories
  • the tragedy of love
  • the problem of livlihood
  • from restoration to decline
  • the revolution
  • barred from the revolution
  • the grand finale

Always came back to the idea of writing him, with great difficuties though.
(official biographies, autobiographies, unauthorised biographies, legends, supplementary bipgraphies, family histories, sketches)
.. undertainties regarding Ah Q's surname, personal name, place of origin, and background)

Victors who take no pleasure in a victory unless their opponents are as fierce as tigers or eagles: if their adversaries are as timid as sheep or chickens they find their triumph empty. There are other victors who, having carried all before them, with the enemy slain or surrendered, cowering in utter subjection, realise that now no foe, rival, or friend is left they have only themselves, supreme, solitary, desolate, and forlorn. Then they find their triumph a tragedy. But our hero was not so spineless. He was always exultant. This may be a proof of the moral supremacy of China over the rest of the world.

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