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[edu] 【学术阅读】文史社科医商简记

发表于 21-10-2016 14:00:55 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式


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本帖最后由 yearshappy 于 18-10-2019 12:33 编辑

A Journey into Western Academia

Juggling two languages, I've come to believe that each language is unique to their possessors and the uniqueness of a language often goes with untranslatableness hand in hand. So, to avoid losing its message in translation, I just leave it as it is 学无止境 术有乾坤 - a Chinese proverb chosen as my motto for 2017.


参与人数 6威望 +300 收起 理由
anuo + 50 学习中 :)
OZCherry + 50 精品文章!
MICHELLE07 + 50 顺藤摸瓜我来啦
坏熊猫 + 50 谢谢分享!
lummar + 50 谢谢分享!



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 楼主| 发表于 8-11-2016 14:19:35 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 yearshappy 于 8-11-2016 21:18 编辑

Cortright, Brant 2015, The Neurogenesis diet and lifestyle: upgrade your brain, upgrade your life, Psyche Media, CA.
Author: Dr Brant Cortright (BA in Psychology; PhD in Clinical Psychology)
Content: a neuroscience research literature cohesively presented by various means of researching, combing, compiling, correlating.

High rates of neurogenesis are associated with: 1) higher cognitive function 2) better memory and faster learning 3) emotional vitality and resilience 4) protection from stress, anxiety, and depression 5) elevated immunity 6) enhanced overall brain function
The human brain consists of 60 per cent fat, fatty acids = essential fatty acids in particular the omega-3 - coming from dietary sources

Cooking with vegetable oil/canola(modified rapeseed oil) as well as eating burned food is a disaster for neurogenesis - replace it with butter or coconut oil (saturated fat).
Sugar = high carbohydrate diet produces insulin resistance + high glucose levels - damage every organ in the body

To sum up 1) learning 2) moving - aerobic is the best of all (keep breathing) 3) sleep 4) diet (calories restriction) 5) reduce stress



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 楼主| 发表于 9-11-2016 13:42:47 | 只看该作者
Sona Datta 2015, Treasures of ancient India
BA History of Art; MA South Asia Studies (dissertation: Bengal folk art); PhD Tamil Temple

Punjab Hill States (later capital Lahore) – Mughal Empire – 1947 India-Pakistan partition - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dzI34ltZdWg – Indus River (Harappa) the cradle of India early civilisation.

The Mughals came from the centre of Asia. The Mughal Empire began in 1526 with the 1st Emperor Babur - the descendant of Genghis Khan, and ended in 1858.
Religion tolerance was one of the factors that Mughal Empire become the most advanced place on the planet at that time. The ruler Akbar began a campaign for religious tolerance: eliminated taxes that discriminated against Hindus, banned the enslavement of captives taken in war, and married into royal Hindu families.

The Taj Mahal, a tomb situated in Agra in India, is a complex of gardens, mosques, and minarets constructed as a tribute to Shah Jehan’s wife, Mumtaz Mahal.

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 楼主| 发表于 14-11-2016 14:59:48 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 yearshappy 于 14-11-2016 16:21 编辑

Zwiers, Jeff A 2008, Building academic language
works at the Centre to Support Excellence in Teaching at Stanford University; a researcher but often works in classroom with teachers

  • terms and tactics are vital for describing the abstract concepts, higher-order thinking processes, and complex relationships in each discipline
  • content knowledge, thinking skills, and literacy skills; all together improve through 1) higher-order thinking processes 2) extensive modelling and scaffolding, and 3) knowing its features
  • academic language = school language = in academic settings = academic discourse skills = literacy practice in school = more advanced language
  • "if a lot is already there, then learning is much less work, with much less likelihood of failure" - invisible/background holdings, many (diverse students) end up doing a lot of guesswork/extra efforts as they figure out what xxx means to them.
  • going through the cognitive processes is not enough you're expected to be presented - in other words the words and their organization may be a more significant issue in learning than the actual content or skills that are being taught.
  • the dominant socioeconomic groups strongly influence what is valued in a society.
  • being on the same page - two groups: 1) normal one: follow the topic-centered, linear formant; 2) go on tangents focusing on personal connections with the content.
  • lack of clarity, lack of evidence, lack of focus, and extra language are no valued in the west = one main point + supporting evidence and logical reasons + summary


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 楼主| 发表于 19-11-2016 19:13:59 | 只看该作者
Dyke, Nina V & Drinkwater, Eric 2013, "Literature review: relationships between intuitive eating/adaptive eating and health indicators", Public Health Nutrition, vol 17, no 8, pp. 1757-1766

  • To review xx and suggest areas of xx for future research. We define the fundamental principles of xx as: (i) eating when hungry/innate hunger; (ii) stopping eating when satiated/satiety signalsl; and (iii) no restrictions on types of food eaten unless for medical reasons.
  • x include articles xx related concepts in the title or abstract x. x found 26 articles that met our criteria:xx. Research on xx has increased in recent years. Extant research demonstrates substantial and consisten accosications between x. Additional research can add to the breadth and depth of these findings. x concludes with several suggestions for future research.
  • The traditional approach to x has x. Such an approach, however, is x. Moreover, x.
  • The term 'x' was coined in x. Given the attention paid to 'x', it is surprising how little research on this topic was published in peer-reviewed academic journals until x.


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 楼主| 发表于 12-2-2017 19:21:38 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 yearshappy 于 20-3-2017 14:45 编辑

Stephanie Rummel 2014, Student and teacher beliefs about written CF and the effect those beliefs have on uptake: a multiple case study of Laos and Kuwait, School of Language and Culture at Auckland University of Technology
  • cover = thesis, author(s), purpose for a university/degree, Year ...;
  • Table of Contents = Intro (intro, the main theoretical concepts behind the study, aims of the present research, thesis outline); literature review; methodology; results; discussion, conclusion
  • x corrective feedback ... is an issue that is currently receiving a lot of attention in the field of second language learning. The present study has continued with that that focus by investigating whether ..., whether ... The study also investigates whether ... By comparing two contexts and looking at ..., this study seeks to investigate the topic from a sociocognitive perspective, which is in contrast to the mostly cognitive focus of previous studies.


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 楼主| 发表于 13-3-2017 19:12:23 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 yearshappy 于 20-3-2017 14:45 编辑

Carlsson, Ingvar & Lindgren, Anne-Marie 2007, What is social democracy, Ide och Tendens Publishing House, Sweden.
  • three fundamental values: freedom of/from, equality and solidarity
  • 'solidarity':  from 'brotherhood' - requirements by the Bible: 'Carry one another's burden'; an old slogan by the Labour Movement: 'United we stand, divided we fall'; the motto of the classic adventure novel The Three Musketeers: One for all and all for one. Today, the concept of solidarity is often used to mean 'to share with' or 'to be there for'. three values depend on each other p.33
  • .. poor and oppressed people had protested against hardship and inequality (slave rebellion, peasant uprisings). The Labour Movement became succeeded in achieving a more permanent change in society.

Berman, Sheri 2005, Understandingsocial democracy, Harvard University (conference paper)

  • Europr in the twentieth century can be divided into two: for the first half it was the most turbulent region on earth, convulsed by war, economic crisis, and social and political conflict; for the second half, it was among the most placid, a study in harmony and prosperity
  • two narratives commonly emergy in answer to the qustion (This account obviously contains some truth/partial truth). The first focuses on the struggle between democracy and its alternative, pitting liberals against fascism, National Socialism, and Marxist-Leninism. The second focuses on competition between capitalism and its alternatives, pitting liberals against socialist and communists. Democratic capitalism is simply the best, indeed the 'natural' form of societal organization, these stories assert, and once Western Europe fully embraced it, all was well.
  • In practice, a willingness to use political power to protect citizens from the ravages of untrammeled markets. The ideology that triumphed was not liberalism, as the 'End of History' folks would have it, it was social democacy.


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 楼主| 发表于 15-3-2017 23:13:36 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 yearshappy 于 20-3-2017 14:46 编辑

Charles Dickens (1812-70)
  • the second of eight children; parents - a naval clerk + a teacher & school director = a poor family
  • notiable works
The mystery of Edwin DroodGreat expectations
A Christmas Carol
Dombey and Son
David Copperfield
A Tale of Two Cities
Little Dorrit
Oliver Twist
Hard Times
  • 'A Christmas Carol' started with a report in which describing the brutal reality of child labor = the result of revolutionary changes in British society.
  • employers though of their workers as tools and workers became like commodities, mere resources
  • popular theories at that time: poor people tended to be lazy and immoral -- Thomas Malthus cautined against intervening help, better that the poor should starve and thus 'decrease the surplus population.'
  • Friedrich Engels read the same report on child labor, with his collaborator Karl Marx, envisioned an eventual revolution
  • Dickens was an anti-revolutionary suggesting employers were responsible for the well-being of their employees
  • Thomas Paine .. argued in 'Rights of Man' for a kind of system of welfare, old age pensions and national disability insurance


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 楼主| 发表于 19-3-2017 14:47:34 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 yearshappy 于 20-3-2017 14:46 编辑

Overbeek, Henk & Apeldoorn Bastiaan 2012, Neoliberalism in crisis - international political economy series, Palgrave Macmillan/Global academic imprint ..
  • bg added: ... Neoliberalism/Milton Fredman/emphasises the value of free market competition (its belief in sustained economic growth as the means to achieve human progress). free markets - the most-efficient allocation of resources /minimal state intervention/minimal government interference/reject government fiscal policy in economic and social affairs + freedom of trade and capital = the new era of economic globalisation, promoted free-trade policies and the free movement of international capital ----British Labour Party commitment to the 'common ownership of the means of production
  • bg added ... classical libralism root in 19th century/Adam Smith The Wealth of Nations 1776/unfettered capitalism - poverty and inequality; neoliberalism is similar with modern liberalism/developed from the social-liberal tradition = individuals against the excessive power of government/Keynesism
  • 2008 GFC the crisis in the liberal capitalism' hearland, American model = spelled the end of neoliberalism? = era of liberalisation contains the seeds of its own destruction = there was 'a flaw in the model' = apprently falling of financial deregulation and liberalisation  ---- the rise of East Asian 'authoritarian state capitalism'
  • Joseph Stiglits's line: the fall of Wall Street is for market fundamentalism what the fall of the Berilin Wall was for communism
  • In 2007-2009, fenuine reform of th efinancial sector/banks and other financial institutions have been nationalised, governments preclaiming that it's only a temporary measure and .. will be 'returned to the market' as soon as conditions allow; going into full austerity mode, particularly strong in the Eurozone/balance budgets. In the US, the brief and partial revival of Keynesianism has given way to a return to austerity/deeper cuts in social expenditure and public services - reforms/privatisation and marketization = advocated since the 1970s by neoliberals

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 楼主| 发表于 19-3-2017 17:33:56 | 只看该作者
Whitehead, Philip & Crawshaw, Paul 2012, Organising Neoliberalism: markets, privatisation and justice Anthem Press. London & New York.
  • ... the doctrinal dominance of the free market had finally been established, which signalled the end of ideological contestations and the creation of a new global capitalist order without national or international boundaries. ... followed a steady retreat from Keynesian policy, ... ... the provision of welfare and a form of managed capitalism of greatest benefit to ordinary workers and their families.  .. free market/competitive capitalism
  • .. lived out in the material, ideological and cultural practices of everyday life. Neoliberalism and its myriad effects thus become an unchallenged commonplace, a veritable ontological and epistemological orthodox ordering within comtemporary Western societies while being simultaneously proposed as a model for the 'developing' world. As .. has argued, 'in a given society, certain features, attitudes and mores are no longer perceived as ideological but 'neutral', as a non-ideological or common sense way of life'
  • Marx identifed four different types of social organisation: primitive communism, ancient or slave society, feudalism and then, emerging in 16th/17th century Europe, the tracings of capitalist formation. Capitalism, an economic system rationally geared to the aacumulation of profit alongside which there are profound moral effects ... identifiable elements ..
  • West has dominated for ..., rather than China in the East. It is conceivalbe to speculate that the course of history could have turned out differently, even though a complex yet fortuitous combination of biology, sociology, accedents of geographical location, specific decisions and activities pursued by the intelligentsia as well as bungling idiots, including ... sheer dumb luck ... Industrial Revolution ... occured where and when it did because of coal, steam, the entrepreeurial spirit, factories and railways, as well as brute force exercised by prowling gunboats ... occured in England because of social development ... none of this was historically inevitable
  • Keynesian - welfare social-state/Keynesian social democratic/capitialism with a human face was committed to a society of full employment, social security for all and protections against the unpredictable exccesss of capitalism


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 楼主| 发表于 20-3-2017 14:44:27 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 yearshappy 于 20-3-2017 15:15 编辑

Barber, William 2010 (1967), A history of economic thought, Westleyan University Press, the USA.
  • classical economics - it's become commonplace to start with Adam Smith ... The classical perspective gave a fresh orientation to economic discussion. In one respect the classical outlook can be understood as ... had, in quite different ways, directed attention to the importance of an economic 'surplus'. The classical economists sustained the exploration of this issue, but gave it another interpretation... In an age in which ... The approach to economic policy adopted by ..., .. In the history of economic ideas, however, .. This line of argument was readily compatible with the requirements of emerging industrialism. ... In the diagnosis provided by classical writers, ... Such a view of the world was to have a formidable influence on the development of classical analysis and on the policy recommendations of its pratitioners. Classical economists, , like ..., ... Locke and Rousseau, each in quite different ways, had argued that the conditions of nature provided an appropriate standard against which to measure existing social institutions, and their doctrines could be used to support revolutionary causes.
  • Marxian Economics (karl Marx & John Stuart Mill) both obseved the same economic environment - expansion in the output of manufactures (industrialism was flourishing). p71 = Both Marx and .. sensed the theoretical apparatus they had inherited was no longer fully adequate to the tasks at hand. The growth of large-scale industry showed signs of undercutting presuppositions aound which classical laissez-faire doctrine had been organised. Moreover, this stage of industrial expansion appeared to be associated with increasing economic instability, marked by the recurrence of booms and panics. But, most important, the distributional system of an expanding economy - which Smith at least had expected would bring benefits to all - seemed not to be working smoothly... p.73 = Marx insisted that ... conflict was inherent in capitalism and tensions were the engines of historical change ... the causes of distress were rooted in the very nature of the system and could only be eliminated through the destruction of the system itself. ... This line of argument gave to Marxian economic thought another distinctive attribute. All of the other 'master models' have been constructed for the purpose of throwing light on the types of policy most likely to improve economic performance. Even early classicism, despite its appeal to the natural order, was reformist in orientation with its appeals for amendments in existing legislation and in prevailing administrative practice. The Marxian approach could not stand more sharply in contrast. Within its historical framework, policis intended to remedy economic ills are useless and constructive reforms impossible. The function of economic analysis is thus restricted to laying bare the laws of historical change which foredoom the destruction of capitalism, and to demostrating the futility of politics designed to relieve its ills.

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 楼主| 发表于 20-3-2017 18:33:44 | 只看该作者
Morrow, Ross 2010, 'A critical analysis of the US causes of the Global Financial Crisis of 2007-2008', Australian Marxist Review, retrieved from Communist Party of Australia.
  • ... draws on a Marxist perspective, and a variety of theoretical, empirical and historical material, to expalin the main causes of the global financial crisis which first developed in the US in 2007-2008. It argues that ... wide ecomomic inequalities led to increasing capital flow to the financial sector and the increasing provision of credit to US workers whose real incomes had delined... A huge asset bubble developed in the US housing sector and burst when interest rates rose triggering waves of defaults, institutional insolvency and a severe credit crunch.
  • Intro: focuses on explaining the main causes of the GFC ...There is a burgeoning literature on the GFC, which is characterised by a '...'(reference). This paper is an attempt to go behond ... which portray it as ... It also attempts to go beyond ... which portray it as a '...' This paper, by contrast, is an attempt to understand the main cause of the GFC in terms of broader social structures and proceses and the way peope exercise agency within them. It takes seriously Karl Marx's methodological advice for studying crises, namely that both the underlying causes and the distinctive aspects of crises have to be acounted for. It also follows his advice to examine the potential for crisis in both the spheres of production and finance, and how these are interrelated. However, while the paper draws on some key insights from ...
  • main cuases of the GFC: falling and low rates of profit: leaving the 'golden age' of US capitalism; the growth of inequality; the development and use of new financial instruments; low interest rates, cheap loans and the rising leverage of investments; the spread of risk throughout world financial markets; light or absent government regulation of the financial sector; the US housing asset bubble; and the 'credit crunch'. Conclusion


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 楼主| 发表于 20-3-2017 23:32:12 | 只看该作者
Fotopoulos, Takis 2000, 'Class divisions today - the inclusive democracy approach',The International Journal of Inclusive Democracy, vol.6, no.2

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 楼主| 发表于 16-4-2017 15:47:34 | 只看该作者
Kisida, Brian, Greene Jay P & Bowen, Daniel H. 2014, 'Creating cultural consumers: the dynamics of cultural capital acquisition', Sociology Education, vol.87. no. 4, pp 281-295
  • In terms of the competing theories of cultural reproduction and cultural mobility, the research is even less clear. Some studies find evidence supporting cultural mobility theory (e.g., referencing), others support cultural reproduction theory (e.g., referencing), and still more research finds mixed evidence supporting both perspectives (e.g., referencing 1; 2; 3).
  • Although some studies demonstrate the presence of intergenerational cultural mobility (ref.), existing research does not clearly identify the causal mechanisms underlying cultural capital acquisition, particularly for disadvantaged families.

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 楼主| 发表于 16-4-2017 16:07:33 | 只看该作者
Roksa, Josipa & Potter Daniel 2011, 'Parenting and academic achievement: intergenerational transmission of educational advantage', Sociology of Education, vol. 84, no. 4, pp 299-321
  • The authors address this question by defining ... as ... Using data from ..., the authors examine how ... The results offer novel insights into ... and inform debates about the complex processes of ...
  • Ampple research has documented the importance of ..., but ... continue to be debated.
  • While a growing body of research has focused on adjudicating between cultural reproduction and cultural mobility arguments, the crucial question of the intergenerational transmission of class inequality has not been adequately addressed.
  • If parents have a certain amount of education, income, ... they are considered to be middle class and are expected to engage in specific cultural practices that will facilitate their children's educational success.

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 楼主| 发表于 7-5-2017 18:40:18 | 只看该作者
Hyslop, Anthea 2008, 'Temperance, Christianity and feminism: the woman's Christian temperance union of Victoria, 1887-97', Historical Studies, vol. 17, no. 66, pp. 27-49
  • The WCTUs which appeared in Aus late 19thC were created in the image of their parent, the American WCTU, itself a product of the temperance and feminist movements in the US. In each Aus colony the WCTU made a ... contribution to .. and worked fro the achievement of a number of reforms, one of the most notable being the enfranchiesement of women.
  • Throughout the middle decades of the 19thC, women in Britain and the US had been emerging gradually from domestic seclusion into a wider world of philanthropic work and cultural self-improvement. .. a greater awareness of their inferior status in society, which in turn engendered wider support for the cause of women's suffrage. ... For some suffragists, the right to vote was an end in itself and their cheif concern, but for many more it was rather a means by which to advance some other social cause.
  • The interest of American women in temperance has been attributed to the prevalence of alocoholism and to the consequences of women's legal statusn.... On the subject of temperance in Britain ... the status quo ..
  • The temperance movement's popularity among American women was demonstrated by the rapid growth of the WCTU in the latter part of the 19thC. The organisation appeared in the wake of an Evangelical women's 'Crusade' against liquor, ... In 1876, inspired by the growth of the American WCTU, temperance women in Britain formed thier own society, .. which joined forces with its American counterpart 10 years later as a fellow-member of the World's WCTU. This world-wide organisation had been established in 1883 by the American Union to ...
  • Australia ... groups, organisations, inactive, short-lived. In 1880 Melbourne was the sentre for an International Temperance Convention.

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 楼主| 发表于 14-5-2017 11:09:33 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 yearshappy 于 14-5-2017 10:14 编辑

Raymond Williams 'Keywords: a vocabulary of culture and society'

  • Williams (1921-1988), a renowned cultural critic... was for many years Professor of Drama at the University of Cambridge.Works including 'Culture and Society,''Culture and Materialism,' 'Politics and letters,' ...
  • 1st ed. 1976 and published in Great Britian and the USA by Oxford University Press, New York. Traced their etymology and evolution, grounds them in a wider political and cultural framework.
  • English language (etymology; glossaries, vocabularies, etc.), sociolinguistics, culture (terminology), society (terminology)

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 楼主| 发表于 14-5-2017 14:26:25 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 yearshappy 于 14-5-2017 13:32 编辑

Mary Baine Campbell, Wonder and Science: imagining worlds in early modern Europe
  • Part III The Arts of Anthropology: anthropometamorphosis = anthropo*meta*morphosis = man transformed
  • morphosis = a variation in the pattern of development morphogenesis of an organism as a result of changes in the external environment (extrauterine)
  • illustrations including 'The Artificiall Changing'. Fig.22. Cross-cultural cosmetics. From the appendix to John Bulwer's Anthropometamorphosis (1653 edition). By permission of the Houghton Library. Harvard University.
  • http://library.uthscsa.edu/2014/05/anthropometamorphosis-man-transformd-or-the-artificiall-changling/


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 楼主| 发表于 15-5-2017 11:57:37 | 只看该作者
Milstein, Tema & Dickinson, Elizabeth 2012, 'Gynocentric Greenwashing: the discursive gendering of nature', Communication, Culture & Critique, vol. 5, no. 4, pp. 510-532.
  • gynocentric vs androcentric; gynocentric pole masking a dominant androcentric pole
  • This study complicates the gendering of 'mother nature', pointing to an underlying everyday discusive formation of nature that is decidedly androcentric. The dialectic at play, a faorably forefronted gynocentric pole masking .., problematises past understandings of binaries and offers new ways to understand humanature. Building upon the burgeoning study of critical ecocultural dialectics, we empireically investigate nature framings in ... contexts. We suggest that a ... exists in discourses about 'the environment', in which ..., but... As such, ...


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 楼主| 发表于 20-5-2017 16:27:21 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 yearshappy 于 1-6-2017 11:49 编辑

Jordan, Guy 2012, Thomas Cole's Intermperate Empire, Visual Resources, vol. 28, no 4, pp. 340.354
  • Cole (1801-1848), an early 19thC American landscape painter, a five-canvas cycle of landscape paintings - The Course of Empire (1836): The Savage State, The Pastoral State, The Consummation of Empire, Destruction, and Desolation.
  • He issued a dire warning to the agrressively expanding America republic about the attenutating and ultimately lethal consequences of luxury. The series boldly presents an epic historical narrative that witnesses the emergence of an agraian civilisation from an early trible of hunters, its rapid growth into a luxurious but unsustainable empire, its violent collapse, and its afterlife as a collection of ominous overgrown ruins. The lifespan of the empire runs its course in a single metaphorical day as each of the five scenses depicts incremental progressions in time from dawn to dusk.
  • Malthusian Theory of Population (Thomas Robert Malthus)

consumption & destruction


参与人数 1威望 +50 收起 理由
anuo + 50 很给力!



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 楼主| 发表于 1-6-2017 14:40:07 | 只看该作者
Fisher S.H. 1981, 'An accumulation of misery?', Labour Hitory, no. 40. pp. 16-28
  • Raymond Williams (1975), 'capitalism has ... always been an ambiguous process: increasing real wealth but distributing it unevenly; enabling larger populations to grow and survice, but within them seeing men only as producers and consumers ... There was thus a continuing contrast between the extraordinary improvement of the land and the social consquences of just this process, in the disppossed and ... To see the paradox of successful production and these human consquences ... social decay ...'
  • in the nineteenth-century 'the long boom' was such that it generated considerable poverty - poverty born of growth, and not of 'social decay'
  • in Australia in the closing decades of the 19C
  • This did not happen in the period up to 1890, according to ..., because ...
  • There is, however, abundant evidence of .. in .. century, some of which has seen the light of day in recent works by ... Although ... and although ..., they nenvertheless appear to ...

The Australian Working Class
  • In its develoment, the Australian working class has exhibited many of the contradictory features that characterised the ... in Name of a country in the . century. Like the .., the .. has been strongl makred by .., but it has also displayed mnay distinctive features, flowing mainly from the .. as a .. with .. in ..
  • during the first decades of the .., the labouring population consisted overwhelmingly of convicts. This 'free' labour supply came in the early part of the 19C consisted of ex-convicts, free immigrants, retured military personnel, and convicts who were permitted to sell their labour power in their spare time. With the expansion of the pastoral industry and large-scale assisted immigration of Britain's urban poor to Australia from the early 1830s, convict labour declined significantly in the economic life of the Australian colonies.
  • Rather an the peasant farmer of Europe or the independent smallholder of the United States, from the very early stages the typical rural dweller in Australia was an itinerant wage worker.

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发表于 1-6-2017 17:44:30 | 只看该作者
yearshappy 发表于 1-6-2017 13:40
Fisher S.H. 1981, 'An accumulation of misery?', Labour Hitory, no. 40. pp. 16-28

Mark first.  Thanks for share.


参与人数 1威望 +50 收起 理由
yearshappy + 50 Have a good day :)



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 楼主| 发表于 22-6-2017 11:48:13 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 yearshappy 于 22-6-2017 10:51 编辑

22 Furlong, Andy: Youth Studies: an introduction
23 Worster, Donald 1977, Nature's Economy: a history of ecological ideas, Cambridge University Press. NY.
24 Gronon, William, Uncommon ground: rethinking the human place in nature
25 Thomas, Keith 1983, Men and the natural world changing attitudes in England 1500-1800, Oxford University Press.
26 Teich, Nature and Society in Historical context
27 Raokau, Nature and Power: a global history of the environment
28 Polygraph, Ecology and Ideology
29 Peter Hay, Main currents in western environmental thought
30 Stanley, Henry M. 1878, Through the Dark Continent: the sources of the Nile around the great lakes of equatorial Africa and down the Livingstone River to the Atlantic Ocean, London.
31 Turner, Frederick Jackson(American historian) 1894, XVIII[10+5+1+1+1]-The Significance of the Frontier in American History
32 Bachrach & Baratz, Two Faces of Power
33 The Deep Ecology Movement: a review
34 Your Daughter or Your Dog? a feminist assessment of the animal research issue
35 Citizenship in Australia, 2011
36 1991 The extinction of nation-states
37 1999 Globalisation and the scales of citizenship
38 1999 Hankiss Globalisation the the end of the nation state
39 2000 Weller Living at the edge religion, capitalism, and the end of the nation state in Taiwan
40 2003 Lord, End of the nation-state postponed agricultural policy and the global sugar industry
41 2003 Norman, the end of the NS
42 2003 The end of citizenship, the NS
43 The Terra Australis: a Franciscan Quest
44 The end of time British Invasion
45 Food Conflicts 1804-1846
46 Dating the First Australians
47 Cook Douglas (2008 History Compass)
48 Collions, David, An account of English Cology in New South Wales
49 The invasion complex in Australian political culture
50 Colonizers as Civilizers: Aboriginal schools and the mission to 'civilze' in South Australia, 1839-1845 (PhD thesis)

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 楼主| 发表于 25-6-2017 22:07:16 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 yearshappy 于 25-6-2017 21:31 编辑

Downing, Lisa 2008, The Cambridge Introduction to Michel Foucault, Cambridge University Press.
  • 1926-1984, a French philosopher and historian. born to a solidly bourgeois family, one of the most influential and controversial scholars of the post-World War II period.
  • Where Marx puts forward a system, Foucault seeks to demystify the owrking of systematisation. And - most significantly, - where Marx locates power in the oppression of one group, the proletariat, who, via the raising of class consciousnes, should be encrouaged to throw off their shackles and aim fro revolution, Foucault develops a model of power relations, a network or force field of influences which is never the unique preserve of the dominator over the dominated.
  • As well as flirting with various methodologies and currents of thought, he similarly enjoyed productive but fluid affiliations with several academic disciplines (including psychology, history, philosophy and French literary studeis), refusing to himself to commit himself wholly to nay of them, and seeking to challenge and renovate their methods and ideologies where possible.
  • Foucault sketches a generalogy of forms of government, taking as its starting point the sixteenth century, ... Machiavelli's The Prince, ... According to Machiavelli's treatise on leadership, the prince should lead via a transcendental relation of power over his people and territory, whether acquired by force, treaty or inheritance. The prince's role is to ensure his continued domination over the territory he has acquried from his external postion oof control... monolithic exteriority
  • The concept of governmentality, then, emerges in contradistinction to this transcendental model of rule... Rather, the art of governing invloves 'multiplicity and immancence' rather than 'transcendent singularity'. Its aim is the most effective functioning of the state, or 'the pursuit of the perfection and intensificationn of the processes which it directs.


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 楼主| 发表于 30-6-2017 00:02:16 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 yearshappy 于 29-6-2017 23:35 编辑

Cesare Lombroso 1876, Criminal Man

  • Theory of innate Criminality by Cesare Lombroso, an Italian physician establishing the profession Criminal Anthropology = 龙生龙凤生凤,老鼠儿子会打洞 / 虎无犬子
  • He had, in 1870, been trying to discover anatomical differences between criminals and insance men
  • ... marks both .. and crackpot invention... in that skull a series of atavistic features recalling an apish past rather than a humna present
  • some unfortunate individuals are innately driven to act as a normal ape or savage would, but such behavior is deemed criminal in our civilsed soceity.

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 楼主| 发表于 30-6-2017 12:06:42 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 yearshappy 于 6-7-2017 14:18 编辑

2000, How long does it take English learners to attain proficiency? The University of California Linguistic Minority research institute

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 楼主| 发表于 8-7-2017 17:20:58 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 yearshappy 于 11-7-2017 12:07 编辑

Hijikata, Yasuyo & Yamada, Seika 2011, Postmeal walking seems to be more effective for .. than waiting for one hour to walk after a meal,International Journal of General Medicine
  • Some people may experience fatigue, stomach ache, and other types of discomfort by doing so.
  • Blood sugar increase after a meal causese an increase in the blood insulin level. Wlaking consumes BS, particularly within 1 hour.
He, Aldred, Ae, Hardman & S, Taylor 1995, Influence of 12 weeks of training by brisk walking on postprandial lipemia and insulinemia in sedentary middle-aged women, Metabolism, 44(3): 390-7
  • a high-fat meal, blood examples for a 12-hour fasting period, the effect of one/single bout of low-intensity exercise

Pathology blood test (labtestsooline.org.au)
  • FBC (full bllod count) To determine general health status and to screen for a variety of disorders (anaemia/infection) as well as nutritional status and exposure to toxic substances.
  • ELFT - a combination of texts used to evaluate kidney and liver function
  • CRP (C-reactive protein) a protein made by the liver and secreted into the blood - the first evidence of inflammation or an infection in the body (certain types of arthritis and autoimmune disorders or inflammatory bowel disease)
  • FS
  • FC
  • Triglycerides, to assess the risk of developing heart disease
  • HDL-C cholesterol (good) - to determine the risk of developing heart disease
  • FE study
  • FSH (follicle-stimulating hormone), women's menstrual cycles are divided into 2 phases, the follicular and luteal, by a mid-cycle surge of FSH and LH;  LH (luteinising hormone);  Oestradiol, helps the pituitary gland to control the productions of LH
  • TFT, thyroid function test measuring the amount of thyroid-stimulating hormone (tsh) in blood
  • ESR, is used to detect and monitor the activit of inflammation as an aid in the diagnosis of the underlying causes (temporal arterities or polymyalgia rheumatica 关节痛肌肉痛风湿
  • Anticap?????
(email across borders; open heart bring humanitity; you're blessed/grateful)

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 楼主| 发表于 16-7-2017 13:46:42 | 只看该作者
本帖最后由 yearshappy 于 2-8-2017 17:17 编辑

Nilan, Julian & Germov Australian Youth: Social and Cultural Issues
. talking about my generation, the big picture, generation Y, key terms, discussion questions, suggested essay topics
. transitions and risk: Giddens and Castells - individualisation, the 'space of flows' and identity
Gordon, Imagining Gendered Adulthood: anxiety, ambivalence, avoidance and anticipation
. p.84 a comprehensive comparison on the UK & Finland (a 'melting-pot diversity/liberal democracy vs Nordic welfare state/equality of citizens/homogeneous, social democratic)

The Skin 1896, Glen Innes Examiner and General
Skin colours 1876, The Sydney Mail and New South Wales Advertiser
Neale, Alfred 1899, The Skin; its disfigurements, diseases and their cure, with notes on baths and bathing
Jablonski, Nina 2012, Living color: the biological and social meaning of skin colour, University of California Press
Laqueur, Walter 1999, new terrorism: fanaticism and the arms of mass destruction, Oxford University Press
Bolz, Frank et al. 2012, The Counterterrorism handbook: tactics, procedures, and techniques
Jardine, David 1857, A narrative of the gunpowder plot

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 楼主| 发表于 2-8-2017 18:49:25 | 只看该作者
Judith Butler (1956) 2013, Doctorate Address (McGill University)
Gender Trouble (1990): feminism and the subversion of identity
Bodies that matter: on the discursive limits of sex (1993)
Wendy Brown, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XlLPxNdYYWo


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 楼主| 发表于 3-8-2017 10:01:46 | 只看该作者
72, Harvey et al. A Symbol of Wilderness
73, Merchant, American environmental history
74, Lewis, American Wilderness
75, Spence, Dispossessing the wilderness
76, Beinart, Environment and history
77, Grebowicz, The national park to come
78, Thoreau, Walden
79, Adams, what sort of human nature

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