The Maya believed natural wells, such as the Xkeken cenote in Mexico's Yucatán, led to the underworld.
Israel's lifeline, the National Water Carrier has delivered fresh water from the Sea of Galilee to the cities and farms of Israel since 1964, stretching south as far as the Negev desert. With pressures on the Jordan River mounting and the Sea of Galilee at a historic low, Israel is racing to develop alternative sources, including desalination.
A kayaker plunges 70 feet into winter water at Washington State's Outlet Falls. His January 2009 descent was one of only five tallied on the Klickitat River tributary, here swollen by floods and sallow from runoff.
Yet to be given a scientific name, this species of blossom bat uses its long tongue to feed on nectar from forest flowers, which it pollinates as it flies from plant to plant. Conservationists hope that discoveries in the Foja Mountains will provide incentive to protect the region from mining, logging, and other threats so the intact web of biodiversity can function naturally for generations to come.
Ripped from its tomb, a skull bears witness to the damage looters did to a cemetery at Tunga while searching for gold, textiles, and intact pottery. Such illegal excavations, rampant in Peru, destroy evidence that could help explain lingering mysteries about the Nasca culture. 原帖由 四香油饼 于 28-9-2010 09:45 发表
Ripped from its tomb, a skull bears witness to the damage looters did to a cemetery at Tunga while searching for gold, textiles, and intact pottery. Such illegal excavations, rampant in Peru,...
:funk: :funk: :funk: :time: :time: :time: :ppb_37 :ppb_37 :ppb_37
The Sun—
NASA's new Solar Dynamics Laboratory reveals an erupting plasma plume—aka a solar prominence—looping into the atmosphere along a magnetic field line. Ten Earths could be stacked inside the twisting ring.
Long on charisma, short on habitat, the great gray owl was once so feared as an evil omen that it was shot on sight. Now protected, it is reclaiming lost territory and thriving on voles, mice, and other small mammals.
Large powerful storms can be nearly a daily occurrence during the summer months on the South Dakota Plains. This one felt very mysterious as it filled the sky with dark, heavy clouds and thunder that shook the ground. It was as if two worlds were colliding.
今天最后一天上班,所以这也是最后一张了,谢谢大家这段时间来的支持! 如闪电划破天空,未来必然不同!:good 不谢不谢,表这么客气嘛
:yct_4 “我要隐居 ”—哗!世外高人呀!:yct_17 :time: :time: :time: :xmas :xmas :xmas 原帖由 四香油饼 于 1-10-2010 10:52 发表
Large powerful storms can be nearly a daily occurrence during the summer months on the South Dakota Plains. This one felt very mysterious as it filled the sky with dark, heavy clouds and thund ...
:god :god :god 每个摄影爱好者的最终梦想就是拍一张像国家地理杂志一样的照片