原帖由 四香油饼 于 2010-5-24 12:12 发表 http://www.freeoz.org/bbs/images/common/back.gif俺说的每天是工作日来的;P 看来工作很轻松啊!羡慕 :good :good :good 国家地理,是我奋斗的目标,呵呵,虽说有点远了,但是有目标就有努力的方向,哈哈:happy: :oil
Winged Wonder
Wings outstretched, talons flared, and ears tuned to the faintest scrabblings of a rodent hidden under winter's white carpet, a snowy owl in Quebec Province, Canada, prepares to pounce.
回复 .#37 四香油饼 的帖子
哇....塞,这还是人间吗......! 原帖由 四香油饼 于 12-5-2010 09:59 发表 http://www.freeoz.org/bbs/images/common/back.gif从今天起,争取每天贴1张国家地理图片,希望能坚持下去,大家监督
This South African lion looks a bit grouchy, but he was actually yawning. His yawning caused a chain reaction of yawns from e ...
主意不错,坚持啊:good 原帖由 四香油饼 于 26-5-2010 09:24 发表 http://www.freeoz.org/bbs/images/common/back.gif
Wings outstretched, talons flared, and ears tuned to the faintest scrabblings of a rodent hidden under winter's white carpet, a snowy owl in Quebec Province, Canada, prepares to pounce.
Tough Sledding
Day after day after day for two months, Mike, like Børge, dragged a floatable sledge over rugged pack ice. Except for two rest days, the routine never changed: Rising after seven hours of sleep, Mike and Børge wolfed down a breakfast of oatmeal generously fortified with fat and sugar, broke down the tent, and packed equipment—a three-hour process. Then came ten hours or more of skiing with breaks for snacks followed by a freeze-dried meal at night. "For the first four days, you think only about women," says Mike. "The rest of the way you think of nothing but food. For me it was thick steaks and pizza."
Signs of Trouble
This toxic flatworm's vivid markings spell danger to potential predators along Hawaii's coral reefs.
Digging in Deep
Skidding from a full canter to a cloud-of-dust stop, horse and rider display a muscular flash of Old West skill at the 2006 World Equestrian Games in Aachen, Germany. First prize in the individual reining competition: $12,000.
Making Faces
The town of Binche, in Belgium, takes its Mardi Gras silliness seriously. The face of parade character "Gilles" is an internationally protected trademark. Only parade marchers may buy the wax masks.
Deadly Edge
Rocks turned to razors, eroded limestone pinnacles rise 300-plus feet (90 meters) from the forest floor of Madagascar's Bemaraha National Park—challenging researchers who study the island's rare and endangered species. :good
Hail to the Queen!
A worker bulldog ant offers a liquid dollop—an infertile egg from her own abdomen—to her queen.
Land of Trials and Triumphs
Kingsmill Creek winds its way to the northern edge of the swampy piece of land where English settlers established Jamestown in 1607. When they arrived, what is now an island was a peninsula, connected to the mainland by a narrow strip of land.
回复 #48 四香油饼 的帖子
中国北方也有许多看着像照片上类似的湿地,水的规模小得多;树边缘灌木丛里经常会有许多野果,例如“水葡萄”;好奇心太大的人往往喜欢往水边走,走吧,如果是个冒,陷阱可不是闹着玩的!看着平的植被下,一脚下去,鬼才知道它真正的底细:funk: .......!Lava Lamp
The infernal glow of a lava lake in the Ertale volcano rivals moonrise over the Danakil Desert. Molten surface temperatures range from 550°F (288ºC) near the 262-foot-high (80 meters) walls to nearly 1000°F (538ºC) at the center of the pit.
Blue Haven
n Svalbard, Norway, a kittiwake glides over an iceberg's jagged maw. Fragments of glaciers and ice shelves, bergs are floating oases for birds, seals, and other wildlife.
A Mother's Touch
When Legadema was only a few days old, her mother spent as much time with her as possible. Those first few days may be critical for any young animal to imprint on the smell and look of its mother, even though leopards become independent surprisingly quickly. These are solitary cats, which you can sense from the very beginning.
On the Lookout
A ringed seal scans for polar bears before snatching a breath. Stealthy bears grab seals at these icy holes.
Cosmic Flourish
Comet McNaught exuberantly trumps the New Zealand town of Ashburton's electric glow. Discovered by Australian astronomer Robert McNaught in 2006, the comet put on the brightest show of its kind in 40 years.
回复 #54 四香油饼 的帖子
Ashburton在Christchurch西南方,一个不甚起眼的小镇,附近Rakaia是新西兰的三文鱼之都呢。:D这个彗星的照片真的很漂亮啊!:zan 补充一些关于Comet McNaught的小知识。外加照片一张:
Comet P1 McNaught, taken from Swifts Creek, Victoria, Australia at approx 10:10 pm 原帖由 stellahie 于 11-6-2010 12:24 发表 http://www.freeoz.org/bbs/images/common/back.gif
这个彗星的照片真的很漂亮啊!:zan 补充一些关于Comet McNaught的小知识。外加照片一张:
http://upload.wikimed ...
回复 #56 四香油饼 的帖子
★ 彗星(Comet)
★ 流星(Meteor)
平常的夜晚我们常常能看到几颗散落的流星飞过孤寂的夜晚,但除了这些随机出现的流星外,有时候在短时间之内会出现大量的流星(每小时数十颗以上),并且都自同一个辐射点向外飞出,这就是我们所谓的「流星雨」;流星雨是在地球穿过一群彗星经过后而遗留下来的微尘时所发生的,能造成流星雨的彗星必须轨道和地球相交,因此我们常说彗星就是流星的母亲;每年地球都会定期的穿过某些流星群而形成流星雨(Meteor Shower),其中较为著名的有象限仪座(天龙座ι)流星雨、英仙座流星雨、狮子座流星雨和双子座流星...等,流星雨的命名方式通常以辐射点的位置而定,其每小时的流星数(ZHR)通常在几颗到上百颗不等,有时候还会出现罕见的「流星暴」现象,每小时的流星数可以到达1000颗甚至数十万颗以上,非常壮观;而其中最为著名的狮子座流星雨每隔33年就会有一次持续几年的极大期,在极大时就很有可能出现流星暴的盛况。
如同珍珠的产生,有时美丽事物的起点只是颗小小的沙粒… 这句话真美啊:yct_14
Historic Stroll
In 1984, Bruce McCandless II became the first person to walk untethered in space. His jet-pack-powered stroll near the shuttle Challenger was one milestone in humanity's journey into space—an adventure that began 50 years ago this month. amazing pictures :good
勤劳的饼饼 :zan
The blue walls of Jodhpur traditionally marked homes occupied by high-caste Brahmans. The rooftop langurs, believed by Hindus to be avatars of the monkey god Hanuman, freely roam the city.