饼叔就是没油干嚼的;P ;P ;P
Create a Diversion
A bird zeroing in on a flag-footed bug perched on a passionflower might see the flutter of red "flags"—the insect's attempt to divert the hunter's bite to nonessential limbs, away from its vital core.
Anisocelis flavolineata (insect); Passiflora sp. (flower) 今天的呢?:o 原帖由 泡沫 于 2-8-2010 12:51 发表 http://www.freeoz.org/ibbs/images/common/back.gif
今天俺休假,到周三才上班呢;P 不是应该只算公众假期的吗????:Q :(
Confound the Enemy
Modeling fake parts and elegant disguises, many caterpillars keep their enemies guessing. A silk moth caterpillar comes with a false head, complete with mock antennae, to lure predators into biting its rear. Plan B: If the ruse fails, extra spines on the real head may prompt the attacker to spit out its prey still intact. 顺便说一下,俺明天就继续休假直到下周4了。;P 这是什么世道啊:yct_51怎么可以让饼叔老偷懒呀??:yct_59 你的假期看起来很多啊~~~~~
Unseen Sahara
Date palms and reeds fed by an underground aquifer fringe the shore of Umm al Maa, one of about a dozen salty pools in the Ubari Sand Sea—reminders of the ancient Lake Megafezzan. 今天上1天班,然后继续放假;P 放产假吗?;P
Sunrise reveals light traffic—a lone oxcart—along the Avenue of the Baobabs. The 80-foot-tall "upside-down trees" in the Menabe region could become the island country's first national monument. 原帖由 四香油饼 于 16-8-2010 09:18 发表 http://www.freeoz.org/ibbs/images/common/back.gif
Sunrise reveals light traffic—a lone oxcart—along the Avenue of the Baobabs. The 80-foot-tall "upside-down trees" in the Menabe region could become the island country's first national monume ...
United States
Limned by Hurricane Ike, an abstract expressionist expanse of oil-sheened floodwater surrounds a pump jack—a mechanical device used to extract oil—near High Island, Texas.
Angkor Wat
Strangler fig trees and creeping lichens devour ruins at Ta Prohm, once home to hundreds of monks. To build their magnificent complexes, Angkor’s feudal rulers relied on revenue generated by rice growing. 今天只上半天班,所以发晚了,但这个图片却是最让我心动的图片,一个无法忘记的地方 原帖由 四香油饼 于 18-8-2010 14:15 发表 http://freeoz.org/ibbs/images/common/back.gif
Make Like a Tree
Leaf knockoffs down to brown spots and notched edges, two Mimetica katydids with twiglike legs can rest or feed without drawing attention. Still, their best efforts at blending in sometimes fail. Fleshy, protein rich, and toxin free, katydids are avidly sought and caught by keen-eyed monkeys, birds, lizards, frogs, and snakes.
Mimetica mortuifolia (at top); Mimetica viridifolia
考眼力,两只虫子你都认出来了吗?:P 好像是两只叶形螽斯?看起来一点儿也感觉不到就是常见的蝈蝈、纺织娘的亲戚了。
[ 本帖最后由 ozbird 于 19-8-2010 10:59 编辑 ] :good :good :good 哈哈,看了半天才看出来,还得感谢鸟版的提示!真好玩!:D
In a prey's-eye view, an adult female snaps up a stickleback, a small spiny fish, from just beneath the water's surface. Beak color gives away a kingfisher's gender: Males show mostly black, while females have an orange lower mandible that matches their feet.
Wares for far eastern Russia—like flashy Chinese-made shoes worn by a bridesmaid in the port of Petropavlovsk—arrive chiefly by sea. Outbound ships from Kamchatka carry tons of frozen salmon, bound primarily for China, Japan, and South Korea. 原帖由 四香油饼 于 19-8-2010 10:16 发表 http://www.freeoz.org/ibbs/images/common/back.gif
Leaf knockoffs down to brown spots and notched edges, two Mimetica katydids with twiglike legs can rest or feed without drawing attention. Still, their best efforts at blending in sometimes fa ...
这个。。。拟态的虫子是有不少种,可是上面这只连被虫子吃了一口的树叶都模拟出来,也太厉害了;P 居然昨天一忙都忘了发,那今天发两个吧,这都是1600×1200的大图,可以直接下载做桌面的哦
This vigilant yellow eye belongs to a Nile crocodile, a fearsome hunter perfected by epochs of evolutionary trial and error. Over the course of 240 million years, these predators and their kin have come to rule the netherworld between dry land and deep water. But as their habitats dwindle, many croc species face an uncertain future.
Switzerland—Curiosity seekers stroll inside a crop circle etched in a Corcelles-près-Payerne wheat field in 2007. More than 200 feet in diameter, the pattern was spied by a Swiss military pilot flying over the Broye region. 原帖由 四香油饼 于 25-8-2010 09:50 发表 http://www.freeoz.org/ibbs/images/common/back.gif
This vigilant yellow eye belongs to a Nile crocodile, a fearsome hunter perfected by epochs of evolutionar ...
这是怎么拍的,水上水下的部分都有 :( :( :( 打不开 原帖由 ozbird 于 25-8-2010 11:46 发表 http://www.freeoz.org/ibbs/images/common/back.gif