不用学费,有学费,不用paper 不用答辩, 这么好,看得我也蠢蠢欲动了........... 非常感谢!
在这边这么久了,除了会计和IT,总算有人讲医学的,但我学的是预防医学,机关工作,受不了工作氛围,想到OZ继续读书,想转行,又觉得可惜5年的大学时光呀,不知道怎么能够相关专业的再教育,请有经验的TZ不吝赐教! 海外教育经历如何获得澳州注册药剂师资格,参见http://www.australia-migration.com/page/APEC_Pharmacists/280
Qualifications not Immediately Acceptable to Registration Authorities
If your qualifications do not immediately meet the Australian requirements, there are two options. The first is to complete an Australian pharmacy degree course at a recognised Australian university. The qualifications awarded by these institutions satisfy the formal academic requirements for registration by all State and Territory pharmacy registering authorities. If you enrol in an award course, you may gain credit for your overseas studies. Universities are self-governing and determine their own entry requirements for credit transfers. You will then need to complete a period of supervised practical training - conditions vary from jurisdiction to jurisdiction.
The second option is to undertake the examination process conducted by the Australian Pharmacy Examining Council Inc (APEC). Applicants need to formally apply for an assessment to determine their eligibility to undertake the examination process.
Applicants must have completed an approved pharmacy course which included a minimum component of the equivalent of three years of full time academic study. The applicant must also be registered or be eligible for registration as a pharmacist in the country in which the qualification was obtained.
After successful completion of the Stage I Examination candidates must reside in Australia and have permission to work at least 25 hours per week (30 hours in New South Wales) to complete the remainder of the examination process.
The process is as follows:
Eligibility Assessment – assessment of qualifications and associated documents to determine the applicant’s eligibility to undertake the APEC examination procedure;
Please note that an application for an assessment of qualifications determines a person’s eligibility to undertake the examination procedure. It is not an application to sit the Stage I Examination. When a person’s eligibility is determined, APEC forwards separate examination application forms to the person.
English Language Requirement - a pass in the Occupational English Test (OET) or an overall score of Band 7 at the academic level of the International English Language Testing System (IELTS) is a prerequisite to attempting the Stage I Examination (some candidates may be granted an exemption);
Stage I Examination - a written multiple-choice-question examination covering basic pharmaceutical sciences;
Interview and counselling;
A period of supervised practice in an Australian pharmacy; and
Stage II Examination - a practical and oral examination covering the practice of pharmacy.
Counselling is mandatory throughout the procedure and is provided for candidates living in Australia by members of APEC.
A skills assessment letter is issued upon successful completion of an Eligibility Assessment, English Language test and Stage One examination for migration purposes.
The satisfactory completion of the entire examination process is required before a candidate may apply for registration as a pharmacist with a relevant registering authority in Australia. The APEC examination procedure is only part of the total assessment by pharmacy registering authorities and you may have to meet other requirements to be able to practise as a pharmacist in Australia. All pharmacy registering authorities reserve the right to impose additional requirements to those stipulated by APEC.
If you live overseas you may take the OET or IELTS and the APEC Stage I Examination overseas. If you are in Australia, you can sit these examinations in any of the State or Territory capital cities. The Stage II Examination is only held in Australia.
The Stage I Examination is held in the first week of March and September each year with closing dates of 1 January for the March session and 1 July for the September session. The Stage II Examination is held at least once each year, only in Australia.
When you complete the APEC examination procedure you will be eligible for an APEC Certificate, which entitles you to apply for registration with any of the Australian pharmacy registering authorities. Once you are registered in Australia you will have the same rights to practise as an Australian trained pharmacist.
[ 本帖最后由 vivian80212 于 22-4-2009 11:08 编辑 ] 新州药剂师注册官网
D) Qualified overseas other than in New Zealand, United Kingdom, Ireland, USA or Canada
The certification for registration of overseas qualified pharmacists is the responsibility of the Australian Pharmacy Examining Committee (APEC), which conducts the certification program on behalf of the Board, and on behalf of other Australian pharmacy registering authorities.
You should make further enquiries directly of APEC, whose address is
Australian Pharmacy Examining Committee
PO Box 269 Civic SquareACT2608Australia
Telephone: 61 2 6247 5088Facsimile: 61 2 6247 9611
and your enquiries should be directed to the Assessments Officer.
For immigration information contact the Department of Immigration & Multicultural Affairs website www.immi.gov.au. 我是新人,我来报道,这里是我的组织。
我今年考中国的执业药师,有同行的吗?我在上海 楼主,我对药剂学有兴趣,本来高考时是想报药剂方面的,可是没读成。
回复 #217 teens 的帖子
你本科读什么? 如果是读科学方面的,可以试着申请...如果一点都不粘,那就只能从新读 我在塔斯马尼亚大学读药剂本科,今年大二了,由于去年一年没用功读书,挂了很多课,今年开始努力赶,毕业后前景很好,但是感觉挺难按时毕业的,总会挂那么一次两次,哎。。
快要期末考试了,每天都3点多睡觉,都成熊猫眼了,我熬我熬我熬熬熬~~~!!! 当药剂师如果只是发药是否太单调? 药剂师做的不单单是发药,有很多事情要做呢 原帖由 suddenly8023 于 18-5-2009 19:45 发表 http://www.freeoz.org/forum/images/common/back.gif
能否详细介绍一下? 药剂师可参与新药的开发和研究
减少医生prescription的错误 ect.
没用想象中那么简单,可是很枯燥到是真的 very helpful! 好贴 辛苦了 LZ 楼主你好: 我目前在瑞典读biomedicine的研究生,即将毕业。申请了南澳大学的Bachelor of Pharmacy,明年2月开学,要读四年,虽然在欧洲读书时学多基础课程,比如化学,生物,数学,药理,pharmacokinetics,drug delivery,medicinal chemistry 都已学过,不过南澳大学还是让我从头读,没转学分。我觉得时间太长,所以想申请phd,我毕业论文做的就是做的药理,寻找lead compound,学习了96-well plate format, 药物的细胞内和细胞外测试,没有做过动物实验。superisor 倒是给了一个欧洲的最高等级学分,推荐信也写好了, 想请教如何申请澳洲UQ的药学方面的PhD, 不知道国际生能否申请到奖学金,非常感谢!!!! 请问南澳的药剂好吗???如果申请不了PhD,我打算从头学。 我想问上楼的 你申请南澳大学的本科有没有要求gamsat或是mcat, 我查了一下看悉尼大学的MASTER要这些东西的。 小熊 你知道哪个大学入学要求低点我看了几个大学的 东西真多 谢谢了 不需要,但是我把瑞典的成绩单和导师的推荐信寄过去了的。
回复 #228 yunsa 的帖子
回复 #231 谢谢 的帖子
澳洲没什么药厂,95%上的R&D都在美国和英国。去政府工作的话一要药剂师,二要PR。 楼主:我是国内临床医学学士,能直接考药师吗? 干吗不考医生尼 谢谢楼主。求助:大家帮忙看看给些建议
lz好:帮忙看看:我35岁,临床医学专业,有执业医师证。07年读运动保健与康复方面的研究生,明年毕业,我们已经提交了澳洲的技术移民,准备年底登陆Mel,我lg主申请,我副申请,pr,请各位同学看看过去后我的职业规划?1、先申请读master by research,还是读phd?方向基本定位于健康方面,现在不知道选什么学校读,因为不太清楚各个方向工作的情况。(我个人觉得我很适合做研究,也很喜欢)
[ 本帖最后由 amay 于 25-8-2009 00:51 编辑 ] 我想帮朋友问问,我一个朋友,在monash的药剂师专业的本科学位毕业.有一个问题就是要注册药剂师才能职业评估得60分。但在那注册药剂师之前,好像要有一年的实习经验,如果没有一年的实习经验,就不能注册药剂师,这个问题就来了,这个一年如何呆在澳洲,应该申请什么签证?
[ 本帖最后由 caoglish 于 25-8-2009 19:29 编辑 ]
回复 #235 amay 的帖子
你在中国读了研究生的话,可以直接申请phd和澳洲的APA奖学金,不过我觉得读phd最最重要的是找个好导师。不要读tafe or nurse太浪费了,既然喜欢做研究就做研究把,不过健康类的毕业有多少工作机会我就不知道了。 请教树熊:我已经找到专业了,基本和我现在的方向相同,但如何联系或找到好的导师?谢!
[ 本帖最后由 amay 于 10-9-2009 12:03 编辑 ] 树熊 你好 我想问问澳洲的药师怎么分等级的啊 或是能推荐一个关于介绍这个网站 谢谢