请问是重新读本科4年 ? 还是可以申请phd呢?
如何理解Preliminary approval
我在 APC网站上查到Curtin University of TechnologyMPharm Preliminary approval,这个Preliminary approval应如何理解呢,请教一下 。 Accreditation of a new pharmacy school involves three stages:
Preliminary approval
Preliminary approval is granted to a new school to offer a registrable pharmacy degree program after successful initial evaluation of the school and program against accreditation criteria. Preliminary approval is normally granted prior to, or commensurate with, the entry of the school’s first cohort into the program.
Provisional Accreditation
Provisional accreditation of a new school and its registrable pharmacy degree program is granted after successful review of the performance of the school in terms of its ability to satisfy the accreditation criteria, usually after its first year of teaching. Provisional accreditation will continue until a school is able to achieve full accreditation or, in the event of major shortcomings, until accreditation is revoked. Graduates from provisionally accreditated schools have a registrable qualification.
Full Accreditation
Full accreditation may be granted for a period of up to five years to a school and course already having provisional accreditation after it has successfully demonstrated through appropriate evaluative procedures that it has satisfied the full accreditation criteria. A school is eligible for full accreditation after its first cohort of graduates have at least twelve months of practice experience following their period of preregistration training.
Pharmacy schools and registrable degree courses are not eligible for full accreditation until their first graduates have completed one year's work as registered pharmacists 我去了http://www.pharmacycouncil.org.au 查询到的,希望对大家有所帮助。
1)Preliminary approval
2)Provisional Accreditation
3)Full Accreditation
继2)之后,通过再审查,第一批毕业生通过了最少一年的注册药师的实践工作后,该学校就得到Full Accreditation。
我也准备到澳洲读药学硕士,大家一起努力 有共同志向的朋友请加我MSN daicaiyun@hotmail.com
回复 #275 chris2003 的帖子
已经加了LS的MSN 英国的树熊 发表于 7-12-2007 06:04 static/image/common/back.gif澳洲有专门对外国人开放的药剂师考试,只要你有药学本科学历,都可以参加考试,基本上是2次笔试1次面试.笔试是 ...
只是pharmacy已经开始down-fall了 mask一下 我人在悉尼,也想申请药剂师考试,这边有相同背景能交流的人太少了,帖子里提供的msn现在也没法用了,方便的人互相加个微信,咱们建个药学群吧,我的微信是 yz100112,欢迎想在澳洲学药学或考药剂师的同行们一起交流吧! 最近想上药学的研究生,将来考药剂师,可是能交流的人太少了,新建了个群,群号274612132,欢迎同行一起交流