再起楼——运动与爱,不舍情怀 holistic health
本帖最后由 annahw 于 8-10-2018 19:29 编辑能来此版块,一定是爱读书的。读书,听起来雅致,事实上还是很费health的,眼部最耗,其次,那些读到眼睛发涩方才睡去;一醒第一件事又是读那本书。这时候,我们的健康已经被放到第二位了。往往一个姿势很长时间。
几年过去了,我开始规律练习瑜伽,瑜伽课前,我在垫子上打坐看自己爱的书。老师说,“Let's start. " 我便放下书。开始瑜伽。瑜伽书也慢慢的成为我的书柜上客。
而瑜伽这项运动,又是与音乐相伴的。有的老师会说,”要什么音乐,呼吸就是最美的音乐。“ 而我依然爱音乐,音乐与爱,便是我的不舍情怀;运动与读书更是我的不舍情怀。
BKS Iyengar Yoga The Path to Holistic Health: The Definitive Step-by-Step Guide2
Iyengar 便是那位传奇人生的使者。 而他受益后,说到这是The Path to Holistic Health。 这是一本我压箱底的瑜伽书。献给我爱的Freeoz人。无论这里目前表面看来多么人气凋零,相信在不远的将来,它会回归内心。因为FREEDOM才是我们health的最高境界!
Classic Poses
Yoga asanas cover the basic positions of standing, sitting, forward bends, twists,inversions, back bends, and lying down. The 23 classic poses must be practiced with physical coordination, as well as intelligence and sincerity.
There is more to practicing asanas correctly than merely the physical aligning of the body. The classic poses, when practiced with discrimination
and awareness, bring the body, mind, intelligence, nerves, consciousness, and the self together into a single, harmonious whole. Asanas may appear
to deal with the physical body alone but, in fact, different asanas can affect the chemical messages sent to and from the brain, improving and stabilizing
your mental state. Yoga’s unique ability to soothe the nerves—the medium between the physiological body and the psychological body—calms the brain,
makes the mind fresh and tranquil, and relaxes the entire body.
I have selected these 23 asanas because they cover all the basic positions of yoga: standing, sitting, forward bends, twists, inversions, back bends, and lying down. The regular practice of these asanas, stimulates and activates all the organs,tissues, and cells of the body. The mind becomes alert and strong, the body healthy and active.
The anatomical body comprises the limbs and the actual parts of the body. The physical body is made up of bones, muscles, skin, and tissue. The
physiological body is composed of the heart, lungs, liver, spleen, pancreas, intestines, and the other organs. The nerves, brain, and intellect make up the
psychological body.
To practice asanas correctly, you have to learn to bring all these levels together 。
假期技术大牛回国,一下子看到了彩色的oz, 而自己也可以任性上图图了。因此,将自己买的这本书照片发来,买时买了一套,两本,一本入门一本精进。
还请各位不吝加分分。 因为现在级别比较低,所以图图超过500K就需要做一下,所以图像质量只能选低点才能传上来。
地基说到的Iyengar,名满天下。 而本书是DK出品。图片更是清楚精美。收到无数赞誉之词的大师。亦同很多武林大师一样,自幼体弱多病。
而第一篇,便来到The Story of Iyengar。
Iyengar yoga, the system of yoga devised by the renowned guru B.K.S. Iyengar, is the most widely practiced form of yoga today. Iyengar himself continues to write, teach, and practice yoga, remaining an inspiration to millions worldwide.
他说过,”“When I practice, I am a philosopher. When I teach, I am a scientist. When I demonstrate, I am an artist.”
村上《当我谈跑步时我谈些什么》异曲同工 本帖最后由 annahw 于 4-9-2018 13:03 编辑
“说得真好。”感谢鼓励,我会说得更好,起码要比唱得好。嘿嘿。最近,每天清晨倒立,有条件会倒立时唱,“绒花……绒花……” 感觉很好呢。
“尤其想安静一两个小时写完整些的文章时” 是哒,思路是不可以断的。去年十一假期去了路遥纪念馆,看到这位早逝的作家,生活作息是多么不健康。也看到他与莫言,平
么书啊。看我的书吧,保证你不会哭。” 但您提到的这本貌似我一定要去看一下。谢谢推荐,好人推荐的好书。对了,这本推荐看英文版还是中文版?谢谢。 annahw 发表于 4-9-2018 12:28
地基说到的Iyengar,名满天下。 而本书是DK出品。图片更是清楚精美。收到无数赞誉之词的大师。亦同很多武林 ...
ANNA感觉你串楼了。。。 MICHELLE07 发表于 4-9-2018 22:58
谢谢楼主介绍, 找到了这个2008年版本的,正在看。
Chakras 这个章节56-57页,可以看出延传千年的对世界以及人身体的一种看法。
我对这一章有兴趣:) ,跟中国传统食物的认识相似,现代认识大概就是消化能力的区别,蛋白质类能量密集。
从他自己体形来看, 瑜伽这么多年,灵活性平衡能力是一定的,但对核心部位去脂和增加肌肉可能帮助不大。
jamesadachi 发表于 4-9-2018 20:41
感谢占楼 我会陆续上新 不负亲望 freeozvisitor 发表于 5-9-2018 01:10
是哒 身健同时心康 yearshappy 发表于 5-9-2018 09:39
我对这一章有兴趣 ,跟中国传统食物的认识相似,现代认识大概就是消化能力的区别,蛋白质类能量密集 ...
是的,所以如果每周做七次 建议一至两次普拉堤 两至三周一次阴 yearshappy 发表于 5-9-2018 09:39
我对这一章有兴趣 ,跟中国传统食物的认识相似,现代认识大概就是消化能力的区别,蛋白质类能量密集 ...
是的,所以如果每周做七次 建议一至两次普拉堤 两至三周一次阴 不好意思,瑜伽听起来适合女性?
Serin 发表于 5-9-2018 14:55
想到要锻炼身体我就厌恶,又枯燥又花时间,运动量大了还想吐。但是没办法,还是一直在坚持。我一直以来的一 ...
本帖最后由 annahw 于 5-9-2018 16:02 编辑
Early years
On December 14, 1918, near Bangalore, the eleventh child of Sri Krishnamachar and his wife Sheshamma was born, named Bellur Krishnamachar Sundararaja Iyengar. A weak and sickly baby, he suffered a litany of diseases as a child: by thirteen he had been sick with malaria, tuberculosis, and typhoid. Iyengar described his physique as “sickly with thin arms and legs, a protruding stomach, and a heavy head. My appearance was not prepossessing.”
Iyengar’s father, a headmaster, died when the boy was just nine years old, leaving the family to bear financial hardship. The young Iyengar was sent to live with his brother in Bangalore. Here, his frail
health was exacerbated by poverty and malnutrition and, as a result, his attendance at school was poor.
The path to yoga
Iyengar¡‘s future as a great teacher of yoga was inadvertently secured when his sister, Namagiri, married Professor Tirumalai Krishnamarcharya, a well-known yogi. Krishnamarcharya was a gifted
man with a great prowess for advanced yoga postures. In the summer of 1934, Iyengar was invited to stay with his sister and Krishnamarcharya to continue his studies and learn the yoga asanas.
Krishnamarcharya ran a yoga school at the Jaganmohan palace of his patron, the Maharaja of Mysore. Here, Iyengar received basic instruction in yoga “asanas,” or poses. However, years of incapacity
had taken their toll and at first he struggled, finding the asanas difficult and painful. He recalls that “sometimes the body and at other times the mind refused to cooperate.” His guru, however, was a strict
disciplinarian who drove him hard. This, together with Iyengar’s determination to progress, meant that gradually he mastered some of the postures. He was further motivated as his health steadily improved.
The Maharaja of Mysore often requested demonstrations at the yoga school. One time, Iyengar was the only pupil available to demonstrate the more advanced asanas. He practiced diligently and surprised Krishnamarcharya by performing exceptionally well. Iyengar continued to make rapid progress and began to accompany Krishnamarcharya on yoga demonstrations around the country.
The Maharaja of Mysore often requested demonstrations at the yoga school. One time,Iyengar was the only pupil available to demonstrate the more advanced asanas. He practiced diligently and surprised Krishnamarcharya by performing exceptionally well. Iyengar continued to make rapid progress and began to accompany Krishnamarcharya on yoga demonstrations around the country.
The emergence of a yoga teacher
At the age of eighteen, Krishnamarcharya asked Iyengar to teach at the Deccan Gymkhana Club in Pune in Maharashtra. This was an isolating period for Iyengar since he had no knowledge of the local
language, Marathi, or the culture, and no family nearby. Moreover, many of the people he taught were more accomplished than him at the asanas. Iyengar also struggled because, although his
teacher had been strict, he had never thoroughly explained the techniques for the asanas. Iyengar resolved to practice diligently to acquire an in-depth knowledge of each asana, observing the intricacies
of the movement of each part of the body. The precision he developed was reflected in his teaching, and his students grew in number. He was now also conversant in Marathi and English, as well as
Sanskrit, Hindi, Tamil, and Kannada, enabling him to communicate with his students. As Iyengar’s reputation grew, people of all ages and abilities sought instruction from him, including many with ailments. Yoga had helped to improve his health, so Iyengar was unwilling to turn anyone away. Instead he used his in-depth knowledge of the human body to modify and adapt the poses, making yoga accessible to all. He developed the use of props such as ropes, belts, wooden blocks, and bolsters to help the elderly, weak, and inflexible experience the therapeutic effects of yoga. The innovative system of Iyengar yoga was beginning to take shape. Family life
In 1943, his brothers arranged for him to meet sixteen-year-old Ramamani. Iyengar was very taken with her, and they both consented to marriage. Ramamani knew little about yoga at the start of their marriage, but she soon absorbed the essence of yoga and supported her husband. As well as fulfilling the traditional role of wife, caring for
their five daughters and one son while Iyengar concentrated on his yoga, she also became Iyengar¡'s trusted critic and advisor.
International recognition
As Iyengar¡'s reputation for excellence spread, he began to gain influential students, such as members of the Indian royalty and prominent business, sports, and entertainment personalities. In March 1952, a fortuitous meeting with the famous violin maestro Yehudi Menuhin was the catalyst to Iyengar teaching abroad. At their first
yoga session, Menuhin explained how he was constantly fatigued from lack of sleep, unable to relax, and suffering from a variety of aches and pains common to many musicians. Iyengar prescribed Menuhin a program of asanas and in a short time his muscular pains completely disappeared and a regular sleep pattern was restored. After this, Menuhin became a devoted student and arranged for Iyengar to teach abroad in London, Switzerland, Paris, and elsewhere, spreading his reputation across the globe. They enjoyed an extremely close friendship that endured for 47 years, until Menuhin’s death in 1999. Iyengar made his first visit to the United States in 1956 and returned often in the 1970s, his distinct style of teaching helping to popularize yoga in the United States. His career continued to develop andin 1966, Iyengar‘s first book, Light on Yoga, was published. This became an international bestseller and went on to be translated into seventeen languages. Often called “the bible of yoga,” it helped yoga become an international phenomenon. His second book, Light on Pranayama, was published in 1981 and has been translated into 12 languages.
至此,人生已然开了挂…… 所以,他又说了一句话,谨献给屏幕前运动着的您或者是有一点想运动的您,尤其是亲爱的 MICHELLE07。您昨天说自己觉得对瑜伽有一点动心,觉得自己还有潜力可挖。
本书的11页就引用了把他这句话作为总结:“Yoga releases the creative potential in life.” Serin 发表于 5-9-2018 14:55
想到要锻炼身体我就厌恶,又枯燥又花时间,运动量大了还想吐。但是没办法,还是一直在坚持。我一直以来的一 ...
我对这一章有兴趣 ,跟中国传统食物的认识相似,现代认识大概就是消化能力的区别,蛋白质类能量密集。
从他自己体形来看, 瑜伽这么多年,灵活性平衡能力是一定的,但对核心部位去脂和增加肌肉可能帮助不大。
我会尽量赶上您的进度。感谢关注 !
”想到要锻炼身体我就厌恶,又枯燥又花时间,运动量大了还想吐。但是没办法,还是一直在坚持。我一直以来的一个疑惑是我锻炼身体花下去的时间和精力,是不是真比死宅更有意义。” 必须的。 运动量大到想吐,但还是能坚持,这是种什么样的状态……我感脚您应该是个有情怀的人。有句话共勉:走好自己选择的路,别只选好走的路。
annahw 发表于 5-9-2018 16:46
Family life
In 1943, his brothers arranged for him to meet sixteen-year-old Ramamani. Iyengar was v ...
喜欢看 :support::oil
不知道为什么他的arranged marriage 让我立刻想起The Mohammod(the founder of Islam)的第一个婚姻,相同的支持和成就男人的事业。
从这段看, 他的扬名得力于梅纽因的影响力。而梅纽因的症状是长时期相同姿势练琴以及压力症状,正合适瑜伽伸筋拉骨静心;60年代左右正是美国发展全民美好时候。
annahw 发表于 5-9-2018 17:37
我对这一章有兴趣 ,跟中国传统食物的认识相似,现代认识大概就是消化能力的区别,蛋白质类能量密 ...
同时, 好像也印证一点点我的疑问,就是他是死于内脏器官上面的 (心脏和肾,一个消息来源说)
另外他是印度南部出生猜测是信印度教派的,也许可能是素食,素食者富有者食油量很大, 不知这个是否有关联 annahw 发表于 4-9-2018 12:28
地基说到的Iyengar,名满天下。 而本书是DK出品。图片更是清楚精美。收到无数赞誉之词的大师。亦同很多武林 ...
坚持运动,精神气确实不一样,人也健康。我已经很久很久没有病过了,连感冒发烧也没有。 春浅 发表于 5-9-2018 13:17
说这句话,看来你是不运动的人?很多男人也做瑜伽的啊。 kevin妈妈 发表于 5-9-2018 19:47
也不是。以前也算运动健将哦。球类运动,长跑。来墨后,球友变书友,球场变纸上了。:loveliness: 周星星1832 发表于 5-9-2018 15:05
:ppb_50 MICHELLE07 发表于 5-9-2018 17:10
周星星1832 发表于 5-9-2018 15:05
这个好:support: 春浅 发表于 5-9-2018 22:28