kevin妈妈 发表于 6-9-2018 07:05:12

jamesadachi 发表于 5-9-2018 23:42


周星星1832 发表于 6-9-2018 07:21:05

jamesadachi 发表于 5-9-2018 23:42


snapdragon 发表于 6-9-2018 12:15:27

本帖最后由 annahw 于 6-9-2018 12:43 编辑

yearshappy 发表于 5-9-2018 18:36

您这才是看书的自由。我在这里准备一点一点过这本书里的体式体式。感谢关注。想给您加分 ,无奈这几天国内加分功能不太给力。以后补上。

snapdragon 发表于 6-9-2018 13:43:07


MICHELLE07 发表于 6-9-2018 18:59:48

annahw 发表于 6-9-2018 12:43


jamesadachi 发表于 6-9-2018 22:49:12

kevin妈妈 发表于 6-9-2018 06:05


jamesadachi 发表于 6-9-2018 22:50:54

周星星1832 发表于 6-9-2018 06:21


Serin 发表于 6-9-2018 23:28:02


jamesadachi 发表于 6-9-2018 23:45:58

Serin 发表于 6-9-2018 22:28


kevin妈妈 发表于 7-9-2018 07:04:24

jamesadachi 发表于 6-9-2018 21:49


周星星1832 发表于 7-9-2018 07:18:20

jamesadachi 发表于 6-9-2018 21:50


周星星1832 发表于 7-9-2018 07:19:09

Serin 发表于 6-9-2018 22:28


Earlgrey 发表于 7-9-2018 09:01:55

kevin妈妈 发表于 5-9-2018 19:46


kevin妈妈 发表于 7-9-2018 09:13:44

Earlgrey 发表于 7-9-2018 08:01


yearshappy 发表于 7-9-2018 09:41:12

annahw 发表于 6-9-2018 11:15
您这才是看书的自由。我在这里准备一点一点过这本书里的体式体式。感谢关注。想给您加分 ,无奈这几天 ...

千万千万别客气, 我最怕客气和累赘。
只管写, 爱看:support::oil

snapdragon 发表于 7-9-2018 12:02:09

本帖最后由 annahw 于 7-9-2018 13:45 编辑


“千万千万别客气, 我最怕客气和累赘。只管写, 爱看 ”    好哒,爱看您瞧好喽……客气和累赘 从此和我是路人。嘿嘿


snapdragon 发表于 7-9-2018 14:25:02

为了尽快到68页,我们越过chapter 3, meaning of yoga ; 直接来到chapter 4 Asanas for You
因为我也非常相信:“The body is your temple. Keep it pure and clean for the soul to reside in.”

What is an asana?   其实我想说基本就是postures,因为我大freeoz会员,从来都是走心的。我即使说就是postures,大家一定会知道,postures 不止是a posture that you ssume mechanically,still a thoughtful process^,也一定能理解对。友善就是走心,内心就是我们的风水……
An asana is not a posture that you assume mechanically. It involves a thoughtful process at the end of which a balance is achieved between movement and resistance. Your weight has to be evenly distributed over muscles, bones, and joints, just as your intelligence must be engaged at every level. You have to create space in your
muscles and your skin, fitting the fine network of your entire body into the asana. This helps the organs of perception (the eyes, ears, nose, tongue, and skin) to
discern the subtlety of each movement. This conjunction between the organs of action and organs of perception occurs when the student reaches a subjective understanding of an asana, and begins, through instinct as well as knowledge, to adjust his or her movements correctly. Practice with dedication. Be completely absorbed by the asana.
Once both sides of the body become symmetrical, undue stress is removed from the circulatory, respiratory, digestive, reproductive, and excretory systems.
In each asana, different organs are placed in different anatomical positions, and are squeezed and spread, dampened and dried, heated and cooled.
The organs are supplied with fresh blood, and are gently massaged, relaxed, and toned into a state of optimum health.

snapdragon 发表于 7-9-2018 14:44:12

本帖最后由 annahw 于 10-9-2018 12:00 编辑

我当时想,OM完,先来一个坐立体势吧(猫伸展也自动归队),走醒洒的这个道理。然后再走站立的体势,让我们先热起来,向太阳致敬AB两遍后,普遍已热起来。再回坐后弯,前驱,核心船式;再来煎蛋 (正反两面:把胃和背部都练到) 开肩,开胸,开髋;最后来个小倒立回shavasana. 这土方法一节下来,居然还有模有样……

Sitting asanas
All sitting asanas bring elasticity to the hips, knees, ankles, and muscles of the groin. These poses remove tension and hardness in the diaphragm and throat, making breathing smoother and easier. They keep the spine steady, pacifying the mind and stretching the muscles of the heart. Blood circulation increases to all parts of the body.

所有的坐立体式都会髋部,膝盖,脚踝和骨盆肌肉带来灵活性。这些体式会消除横隔膜和嗓子的压力和hardness, 使得呼吸更顺畅。 也可以使得脊柱稳定,大脑平和,心肌得到拉伸。血液循环到身体的每个角落。

Standing asanas
Standing asanas strengthen the leg muscles and joints, and increase the suppleness and strength of the spine. Because of their rotational and flexing movements, the spinal muscles and intervertebral joints are kept mobile and well-aligned. The arteries of the legs are stretched, increasing the blood supply to the lower limbs, and preventing
thrombosis in the calf muscles. These asanas also tone the cardiovascular system. The lateral wall of the heart is fully stretched, increasing the supply of fresh blood to the heart.

Forward bends
In forward bends, the abdominal organs are compressed. This has a unique effect on the nervous system: as these organs relax, the frontal brain is cooled, and the flow of blood to the entire brain is regulated. The sympathetic nervous systemis rested, bringing down the pulse rate and blood pressure. Stress is removed from the organs of
perception and the senses relax. The adrenal glands are also soothed and function more efficiently. Since the body is in a horizontal position in forward bends, the heart is relieved of the strain of pumpinglood against gravity, and blood circulates through all parts of the body easily. Forward bends also strengthen the paraspinal muscles, intervertebral joints, and ligaments.

These asanas teach us the importance of a healthy spine and inner body. In twists, the pelvic and abdominal organs are squeezed and flushed with blood. They improve the suppleness of the diaphragm, and relieve spinal, hip, and groin disorders. The spine also becomes more supple, and this improves the flow of blood to the spinal nerves and increases energy levels.

Some people fear that if they practice inverted poses, their blood pressure will rise, or their blood vessels will burst. These are complete misconceptions. After all, standing for long periods can lead to thrombosis and varicose veins, but no one is going to stop standing up! Standing upright is a result of evolution. Just as the human body has
adjusted to an upright position, it can also learn to perform inversions without any risk or harm. In contrast to the twisting asanas, inverted asanas have a drying effect on the pelvic and abdominal organs, while vital organs like the brain, heart,and lungs are flushed with blood. According to the third chapter of the sage Svatmarama’s Hathayoga Pradipika, Salamba Sirsasana (headstand, see page 138) is the king of asanas, and Salamba Sarvangasana (shoulderstand, see page 144) the queen of asanas. The health of your body and mind is greatly enhanced by the practice of these two asanas.

Back bends
All back bends stimulate the central nervous system and increase its ability to bear stress. They help relieve one from stress, tension, and nervous exhaustion. These asanas stimulate and energize the body, and are invaluable to people suffering from depression. In Urdhva Dhanurasana (see page 160) and Viparita Dandasana (see page 238), the liver and spleen are fully stretched, and can therefore function more effectively. Reclining asanas Reclining asanas are restful poses which soothe the
body and refresh the mind. While reclining asanas are often sequenced at the end of a yoga session, they are also preparatory asanas, since they help
relax the body and strengthen the joints. They give the body the required energy for the more strenuous asanas. Savasana (see page 150), for instance, helps
recover the breath and cool the body and the mind. Reclining asanas prepare you for pranayama.


snapdragon 发表于 10-9-2018 12:51:08

本帖最后由 annahw 于 10-9-2018 11:59 编辑

Standing asanas strengthen the leg muscles and joints, and increase the suppleness and strength of the spine. Because of their rotational and flexing movements, the spinal muscles and intervertebral joints are kept mobile and well-aligned. The arteries of the legs are stretched, increasing the blood supply to the lower limbs, and preventing thrombosis in the calf muscles. These asanas also tone the cardiovascular system. The lateral wall of the heart is fully stretched, increasing the supply of fresh blood to the heart. “



snapdragon 发表于 10-9-2018 13:25:04

本帖最后由 annahw 于 10-9-2018 12:44 编辑

• Mountain posture • 山式

IN THIS POSTURE you learn to stand as firm and erect as a mountain. The word tada in Sanskrit means “mountain.” Most people do not balance perfectly on both legs, leading to ailments which can be avoided. Tadasana teaches you the art of standing correctly and increases your awareness of your body. It is the
foundation stone for other asanas. Practicing it gives rise to a sense of firmness, strength, stillness, and steadiness.
在此体式中,您会学到象山一样稳定垂直的站立。 tada是山的意思。许多人无法用双腿很好地平衡站立,因此引发了一些原本可以避免的疾病。山式将您正确站立之艺术,增强你对身体的觉知。它是其他站立体式的基石。 练习这个体式可以使我们获得稳定力量宁静与稳定感。
If you have Parkinson’s disease or a spinal disk disorder, you may find it helpful to stand facing awall with your palms placed on it. People with scoliosis should rest the spine against the protruding edge of two adjoining walls.

春浅 发表于 10-9-2018 13:34:53

annahw 发表于 10-9-2018 12:25
• Mountain posture •
IN THIS POSTURE you learn to stand as firm and erect as...


snapdragon 发表于 10-9-2018 13:36:13

本帖最后由 annahw 于 10-9-2018 12:50 编辑

1 Stand with your feet together on a smooth, uncovered floor. Make sure that your feet are in line with each other, with both the big toes and heels touching. If you find it difficult to keep your feet together, separate them by about 2-3 in (7 cm). Rest your weight on the centers of the arches of the feet. Keep the heels firm and toes extended. Stretch out your toes and keep them relaxed.


2 Press your feet firmly down on the floor and stretch both your legs upward. Keep both ankles in line with each other. Your legs should be perpendicular to the floor and aligned to each other. Tighten your kneecaps and quadriceps and pull them upward.Draw your hips inward by compressing them as well as your buttocks.


snapdragon 发表于 10-9-2018 13:38:28

春浅 发表于 10-9-2018 12:34




春浅 发表于 10-9-2018 13:47:36

annahw 发表于 10-9-2018 12:38

我尽量翻译吧。如果觉 ...


snapdragon 发表于 10-9-2018 14:01:17

春浅 发表于 10-9-2018 12:47
没事,等你回来发吧。或者辛苦技术大神们早日把问 ...


MICHELLE07 发表于 10-9-2018 18:25:00


snapdragon 发表于 12-9-2018 13:16:28

“好有能量” 因为freeoz的free风,也因为您的呼唤,我愿意……释放正能量,嘿嘿。
“感动和羡慕”   我才是。感动在上天让我和Michelle07“相识相恋”,霍霍。 羡慕,你们在自由博爱的环境下已经辣么久,并且相亲相爱。 突然发现,我们都是相亲相爱的一家人。

愚夫 发表于 12-9-2018 13:33:48

The body is your temple. Keep it pure and clean for the soul to reside in.:good

snapdragon 发表于 12-9-2018 14:01:35

right, 大智若愚夫者……房子或是买的,或是租的,但生活是自己的,因为我们住在其中。嘿嘿。

snapdragon 发表于 12-9-2018 17:49:55

3 Extend your arms along the sides of your body, with your palms facing your thighs and fingers pointing down. Keep the head andspine in a straight line. Stretch your neck without tensing the muscles. Pull your lower abdomen in and up.
Lift your sternum and broaden your chest. Breathe normally during all the steps of the asana.
4 Press your heels, as well as the mounds of your toes down on the floor. This will place equal pressure on
the outer and inner edges of the feet. Guard against balancing on the front of the feet. Now, consciously rest most of your weight on your heels.
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