本帖最后由 imean 于 14-5-2015 22:49 编辑http://www.perthnow.com.au/news/western-australia/wa-budget-2015-your-five-minute-guide-to-the-state-budget/story-fnhocxo3-1227355435796
● First budget deficit in 15 years: Three consecutive budget deficits before a return to a surplus in 2017-18 of $874 million.
● A $2.7 billion deficit forecast for 2015-16, $1.287 billion deficit expected for 2014-15, before a return to surplus of $2.2 billion in 2018-19.
● State debt: $30.9 billion in 2015-16, growing to $36 billion in 2017-18.
● Asset privatisation: TAB and Fremantle Port joins list of public assets to be off-loaded.
● Household fees and charges up $198.54. Families slugged an extra 4.5 per cent for power and water, and 2.42 per cent more for transport, 10.5 per cent for fire and emergency levy.
● Seniors: Cost of living assistance payment of $200 to be means tested. Fifty per cent council rate rebate and water rebate to be capped at $550 and $600 respectively. The eligible age for WA seniors card holders will rise to 61 from July 1 and 65 by 2023.
● Motorists: To pay an extra $99 a year on their compulsory car registration premiums to pay for no fault insurance scheme.
:'(:'(:'( 一年比一年糟 除了脏话,别的没啥可说的:@ retirement 发表于 15-5-2015 07:09
现在发现自己找了一个大坑跳,竟然要工作到将近 70岁 ,到时後的 super 还不知道够不够用?
不想讲脏话-------------------:L WA15年来第一次赤字,也是难怪。希望中国经济早日复苏,才有澳洲人民过上好日子的可能。 davidmouse 发表于 15-5-2015 11:08
其实是有国与国之间的政治关系想靠中国带动经济,又想跟美日联盟围堵中国,中国当然不想有了钱后就反咬中国。 房价会跌吗 澳洲真正的苦日子还在后面呢. 现在西部矿业死气沉沉, 16, 17年汽车行业全面撤退... 中国楼房卖不动啊 开发的也差不多了
还是看印度人民吧 西澳瓶鼻海豚 发表于 15-5-2015 10:02
现在发现自己找了一个大坑跳,竟然要工作到将近 7 ...
我一直觉得吧,早死早超生,不破不立......所以赶紧来的快点吧 早死早超生,我很赞同。
矿业对别的行业的挤出效应现在到了恶果体现的时候了 :)多收点碳税、矿税才是正解。 不知service出口能否跟上