本帖最后由 MICHELLE07 于 2-8-2013 21:57 编辑很多中国朋友英语本身挺不错的, “就是怕打电话”, 有时一个电话就能解决的事,宁可跑一趟, “这样说得清楚些”。
我以前的爱尔兰房东说她刚来时根本处理不了电话, 一个在大公司做电话客服的朋友说要半年才能适应。
开始工作后就得意不起来了, 现实中行行色色的来电把我打得措手不及。
由于都是我亲耳听到, 所以比较有实用性,但没有查证词典请教专家,疏漏之处,欢迎纠正补充.
接听:Hello, ABC Company.
Good morning, ABC Company, Mary speaking
Good afternoon, ABC Company, Mary speaking, how may I help you?
Pretty good, how are you?
Not bad, yourself?
Very well thank you, how are you?
Good thanks
Good, how are you?
I beg your pardon?
Sorry Can you say that again?
Sorry, who are you after?
Sorry I didn't hear. Can you say that again?
I’m sorry I didn’t get it. Could you say that again?
Sorry I’m not very sure about what you’re saying..
Sorry did you mean...
Is that regarding…..
Yes Speaking
It’s me.
Hi Peter, how are you going?
Hi Peter, how are you?
Yes Maybe I can help you.
It’s Mary here, how may I help you?
It’s Mary here, anything I can help?
Can you wait a moment please?
Can I put you on hold?
Just bear with me...
Can you hold on a second?
Hang on please, let me have a look...
Hang on two seconds...
[ 本帖最后由 MICHELLE07 于 18-4-2013 09:07 编辑 ]
Yes No problem
One moment
One second
Hold on please
Hold on a second
Just hold on one second
Yeah I’ll put you through
I transfer for you now
I just transfer to his/her number
I’ll put you through to his/her number
I’ll transfer you through
I’ll put you through to David/ personnel/maintenance…
Can I ask who’s calling?
May I ask who’s calling?
Who’s calling please?
Who have I got?
Who am I speaking to?
Sorry he’s not answering, would you like to try later on?
I’m sorry he is not in/on leave/off today. Anything I can help with?
Sorry he is not here at the moment. Can I help you?
He’s just not in his desk, can I take a message?
He’s gone for the day, can I take a message?
He’s just away from his desk, do you want to call back or…
He just left for the day. Can I take a message?
He’s at lunch/he’s gone for lunch, can I get him to call you?
He just popped out/went out. Can I take a message?
He’s not in his office at the moment. Can I take a message?
He’s busy at the moment. Would you like to hold on?
He’s just on another call, would you like to wait or…
He’s on the phone, do you want to wait or leave a message?
I’m sorry he’s in a meeting, can I take a message?
He’s in a meeting right now, can I get him to get you back?
Sorry he’s with some visitors, can I take a message?
He’s just in a conversation,do you want him to call you back?
Is there anything else I can help with?
Thanks for calling. Enjoy the rest of your day.
It was very nice talking to you.
No worries. Bye
No dramas. Bye
No problem at all. Bye.
My pleasure. See you.
Never mind. See you.
That’s ok. Thanks bye.
That’s all right, bye.
Thanks bye.
You’re welcome, bye.
[ 本帖最后由 MICHELLE07 于 27-4-2013 18:49 编辑 ]
开头语:Good morning, it’s Mary from ABC company, May/Can I speak/talk to Peter(please)?
Hello, this is Mary calling from Melbourne. Could I speak to accounts payable please?
Good morning it's Mary from ABC company. I just call regarding some overdue invoices...
Hi, this is Mary from ABC company. I was wondering if I could speak to someone in accounts.
Good morning, It’s Mary from ABC company, Can I have the accounts section please?
Hello, it’s Mary calling from ABC company. Would Peter be there please?
Hi Amy, Mary here, is Peter there?
Hi, is it possible for me to talk to Peter please?
Good morning, Peter please.
Good morning, it’s Mary from ABC company, would Peter be available please?
Hi, I'm after Peter.
Hi can you put me through to Peter please?
Hi good morning.My name is Mary. I was hoping to speak to someone in accounts..
Hi how are you going?
Hi it's Mary from ABC company. How are you today?
Hi Peter, it's Mary. How are you going?
Hi Peter, Mary here. How are you?
Hi Peter, it's Mary from ABC, are you OK to talk?
Hi, this is Mary from ABC, can you talk at the moment?
Hello, is that Peter?
Yes, could you tell him Mary called? He’s got my number.
Yes, can you please let him to call me on 123456478? Mary from ABC.
It’s all right, I’ll call back.
That’ll be great. Thanks.
No thanks, I’ll call back.
Alright, thanks Peter, have a nice day, bye.
It was nice talking to you,bye.
All right, thanks, bye.
Thanks a lot, bye.
Thank you very much, bye.
Thank you very much for your help. See you.
Thanks very much for your help. I appreciate it. Bye!
[ 本帖最后由 MICHELLE07 于 29-4-2013 11:56 编辑 ] 100%原创! That's what I need!
Thanks for sharing! 今天上班时竖起耳朵听了一阵,有很多遗漏...补充补充。
Hello, Peter's phone, Mary speaking.
Hi, I got a missed call from this number.
Hi, it's Mary from ABC, is Peter there please? I'm just returning his call.
Hi Peter, it's Mary.I got a message to return your call.
Good morning, it's Mary from ABC. I just got a message to call Peter.
[ 本帖最后由 MICHELLE07 于 15-4-2013 16:00 编辑 ] :good :good :good :good :good
谢谢Michelle :zan :zan :zan 谢谢版主.我会努力继续完善它.
我们开头总是说"May I Speak to .."
这里人几乎不说这个.他们倒常说"Can I talk to.."
[ 本帖最后由 MICHELLE07 于 15-4-2013 18:31 编辑 ] 原帖由 MICHELLE07 于 15-4-2013 18:25 发表 http://www.freeoz.org/ibbs/images/common/back.gif
目前我还没统计出每种说法使用的普遍程度, ...
哈哈 我的 may 的故事
国内学时特意提醒自己要用 May I ... 的句子,礼貌嘛 :lol
来澳后学到的是,Could I ... Would you ...之类的表示礼貌,
你多个句子中也出现了 be after ,
我国内会说 Who are you looking for / Who are you waiting for / What do you want to do ...
现在是 who are you after ... what are you after ... (还有你另一帖中的 up to ...)
语言是灵活的,尤其是口语,规则语法以外的范围 :lol 很棒呢...我现在还不敢打commonwealth的客服... 学习了,谢谢分享 俺也很为电话英语发愁ing......
没想到楼主还有这爱好。。。收藏先。。。:ppb_26 哦,忘了说了。。。
Thank you.:ppb_60 我已经敢打电话了。 原帖由 Lopemann 于 15-4-2013 19:29 发表 http://www.hioz.org/ibbs/images/common/back.gif
结果他们提供的是 英文职员+电话翻译。。。:ppb_60
回复 #16 newozer 的帖子
CBA客服我也打过,要求对方更改我的手机号码。对方问到:生日、地址、还有是哪家公司发给你工资的。。刚来的时候我不敢打电话,或是会有人处理这样的事,而后来只得自己干。 原帖由 妮南 于 15-4-2013 21:16 发表 http://www.hioz.org/ibbs/images/common/back.gif
有的时候也分人,有的耐心的职员会鼓励我直接和他们交流:zan 。。。
而且最后还咵一句:you speak good English...:ppb_31
回复 #14 newozer 的帖子
14楼的同学,帖子可以这么回:"Good evening, Freeoz English Corner, YearsHappy speaking."
"Hi Years, it's Newozer calling from Beijing. Would Michelle be there please?"
"Sorry she is busy at the moment. Can I help you?"
"Could you tell her I called?"
"Sure, what's that regarding?"
"Hello? You there?"
"Yeah... ok, thank you , bye!" 原帖由 MICHELLE07 于 15-4-2013 21:33 发表 http://www.hioz.org/ibbs/images/common/back.gif
"Good evening, Freeoz English Corner, YearsHappy speaking."
"Hi Years, it's Newozer calling from Beijing. Would Michelle be there please?"
"Sorry she is busy at the mom ...
yearshappy是哪个mm?Thank you.:ppb_31 我感觉本地人不管什么事情都爱打电话,打电话也真能解决很多问题。而我们以前在国内办事也是经常跑腿解决问题,到了澳洲之后也是不爱打电话,比如宁肯到银行去跑一次或是email给某家公司。
回复 #21 妮南 的帖子
到什么山唱什么歌嘛. 很不错,非常实用。收藏了。谢谢楼主分享!
我也不敢打电话呢 大多数国人怕打电话一个是怕自己英文不好、对方听不懂,另外一个是在自己的母语国家习惯不一样或者有过不好的经历。第一个完全可以理解,但我想只要态度礼貌、言辞有理,对方(本地人、印度人【Call Centre所在地】等等)都会有耐心解答,毕竟这是他们工作上分内的事情。第二个就得看个人了,老习惯还真不好改,但只要勇于突破自我迟早能改掉,在澳洲直接打电话比发电邮、写信往往更有效。只要充满信心、放慢语速,提前做好准备,没有过不了的坎,作家还有提笔忘字的时候呢 谢谢分享!:zan :zan :zan 20楼的朋友,电话英语帖头版头条了。看来实用比热门更重要。种族歧视的话题太大了,我们来点小的。 原帖由 MICHELLE07 于 16-4-2013 13:20 发表 http://www.hioz.org/ibbs/images/common/back.gif
俺这人向来比较专注,看来以后还要更。。眼观六路,耳听八方才行。。。:ppb_26 原帖由 MICHELLE07 于 16-4-2013 13:20 发表 http://www.hioz.org/ibbs/images/common/back.gif
另外,请以后把对方说的直白点。。。害的俺。。还要大老远去看看 20楼 是谁。。。:ppb_75 原帖由 小白狼 于 16-4-2013 12:23 发表 http://www.hioz.org/ibbs/images/common/back.gif
大多数国人怕打电话一个是怕自己英文不好、对方听不懂,另外一个是在自己的母语国家习惯不一样或者有过不好的经历。第一个完全可以理解,但我想只要态度礼貌、言辞有理,对方(本地人、印度人【Call Centre所在地】等 ...
今天新发现了小白狼这个人才,很有见地。。而且还懂得 一招制敌。。。:ppb_31
俺其实虽然说的慢一点,但对方都能听懂,现在问题是,俺听不懂电话的另一头。。。:ppb_60 Well,I've got to go. Thanks for coming.
I'll see you shortly.