hkcya 发表于 27-2-2013 17:41:40


我是Mechatronics Bachelor去年年底毕业,因为Skill Assessment不在SOL上了,准备评Techonologist曲线救国。

附上三小段,要是有过去写过的牛人,麻烦稍稍看一眼,提个意见。我就是希望别自己写得和人家应该看到的东西差开十万八千里。[]里面是对应的Engineering Technologist Summery条款

Upon the beginning of the project, I was responsible for analyzing the objectives and developing a detailed specification and requirements for the robot structure design. I listed out mechanical and software requirements based on the assignment objectives and developed an outline for software.   

I organized a team meeting where each team member was assigned to research on possible solutions to satisfy those requirements. After discussion on the technique difficulty and limitation on available components and parts, I chose the double revolution joint arm for physical structure in the second team meeting.

Based on the knowledge of forward and reverse kinematics and Jacobian matrixes, I established a mathematical model that can be used to predict the velocity and trajectory of the arm. Then I created a simulation of the robot arm in Matlab which was later used in testing to determine the optimum arm lengths. I made the decision based on the provided environment details and the performance of simulation considering responding time, movement complexity and structure robustness.   


[ 本帖最后由 hkcya 于 27-2-2013 16:50 编辑 ]

windwing00 发表于 27-2-2013 18:38:19

关键是你要把summary里面提到的那些关键信息都体现在你的career episode里面就行了,每篇CE字数是有限制的。

hkcya 发表于 27-2-2013 19:24:47


scarewing 发表于 28-2-2013 14:59:43

回复 #1 hkcya 的帖子


hkcya 发表于 28-2-2013 15:55:48

回复 #4 scarewing 的帖子

:victory: 谢谢!
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