有一个希腊的无刑 怎么也办不到了。。。。有没有同志们有类似经验,少交了一两个无刑,最后还是给批了? 没有人有相关经历么?现在CO就在等我这个了!实在是办不出来了。难道挂了? 希腊?你什么时候去的?呆了多久?看看是否可以免。不满12个月可以免啊 CO 指明要了 这个查了没?http://www.immi.gov.au/allforms/character-requirements/character-penal.pdf
Relevant document: ‘Penal Certificate for General Use’.
Residents of Greece (including non- Greek citizens)
Apply in person at any KEP (Client Service Centre) or by phone to KEP on 1502.
Non-citizens living in Athens
Apply in person to:
Ministry of Justice
96 Mesogion Street
Athens, 11527
Greek citizens – provide your Identity Card.
Resident non-citizens – provide your passport/resident permit.
Apply in person at a Greek embassy or consulate and provide your Identity Card or passport.
Processing time is approximately two weeks through KEP. Foreigners living in Greece can obtain the document from the Ministry of Justice within one working day 这是我从CO给我的附件里copy出来的一段,不知道是否有帮助
If you are unable to obtain an offshore police clearance certificate it is in your best interests
to demonstrate to us, with documentary evidence where possible, that you have made a
genuine attempt to obtain the relevant certificates. Evidence of the following may
demonstrate a genuine attempt:
● Sending a request to the relevant authorities in the country from where you are required to
obtain a police clearance;
● Making several attempts to contact the relevant authorities in the country from where you
are required to obtain a police clearance if they do not respond to your initial request;
● Asking your relatives/friends living in the country from where you are required to obtain
a police clearance, authorising them if required, to seek the penal clearance on your behalf;
● Providing all the identity details or documents, if available, that are required by the
authorities of the country from where you are requesting a police clearance;
● Paying the fee charged by the relevant authorities to provide an offshore police clearance
and any other associated costs that may arise;
回复 #5 noodle 的帖子
查过了。。使馆说要6各月以上,还不一定能办出来。。。。。等那么久等死。。。CO虽然说了可以等到7月份。。但是万一到了那个时候还没有呢?回复 #6 freeflyall 的帖子
这个有收到,补料信里面的原话 也是这样。回复 #7 xiaowange 的帖子
向co说明情况吧,希望能让他多等一些时间,应该会理解的,如果真没有就把你联系使馆的email什么的给他看,证明你确实很积极的索取无刑,但是由于种种原因没有及时办出。回复 #9 noodle 的帖子