Many thanks for your suggestion. I've got a few questions here:
1). How can i buy from mainland? Do they ship to Aus? Is there any recomendation of any brands from you?
2). Does it require a licenced electrian to install it? (I am a bit worried: if installed by ourselves, insurance company may not answer for that if any claim cases happen from that; if ask local licenced electrian to install, are they willing to install those products - a bit silly question hehe..?)
Many thanks for your suggestion. I've got a few questions here:
1). How can i buy from mainland? Do they ship to Aus? Is there any recomendation of any brands from you?
2). Does it require a ...
Please do not think about to purchase any model from mainland China as it is not Australian standard.
Local electricians will not install it for you if it is not Australian standard. If they did it for you, they may lose their licenses. Insurance company will sue you/them if there is a problem causing a fire.
However if you would like to take a risk, you may try it and take full responsibility for it.