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[同城聚会] 堪培拉5月1日星期日 政府组织的植树活动 提供简单午餐

发表于 19-4-2011 22:41:08 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式


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Come along to help plant the 200,000th seedling in the Lower Cotter Catchment since the 2003 bushfires.

Sunday 1 May, 9.30am – 12.30pm. Followed by BBQ and music from "The Cashews".

What to bring?
Please bring hat, sunscreen, long sleeves, gardening gloves, long pants, sturdy boots, mattock (if you have one) and water bottle.

What to expect?
Undulating terrain, some blackberries and fallen timber.

The bus departs the City West bus terminal on Marcus Clarke St (between University Ave and Allsop St) at 8.30am, and will then pick up at 9am from the car park at Stomlo Forest Park (carpark near cycling track shelter) on Uriarra Rd. The bus will return to Stromlo and then Civic by 2:30pm.

Uriarra Forest (N.B. NOT the Pierces Creek area). Drive along Uriarra Rd to Uriarra Crossing, turn left after the Crossing and continue on Uriarra road for 7km. Turn left into Bullock Paddock Road. Look out for Greening Australia signs. For a map of the area type "Bullock Paddock Road, Coree, Australian Capital Territory" into maps.google.com.au.

RSVP essential: admin@act.greeningaustralia.org.au or 6253 3035

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