原帖由 eastlife 于 26-3-2011 18:46 发表
Hi Babyhellen, 我也住TOP RYDE附近,常常经过RALC,不过没进去过,你去RALC,一次多少银子,办长期的怎么算呢
我去MACQUARIE UNI的泳池游过两次,一般,没什么特别好或不好。就是不如RALC近。
RALC, if only swim and shower,it's $6.5 per entry. If you by 20-entries pass, it's $115, that brings it down to $5.75 per entry...I'm thinking of going Olympic Park to do it twice a week.Coz it's definitely much better in terms of the pool and facilities.Besides...I'm doing walks over weekend,so twice a week should be max for me at the moment 
But anyway, whenever you are going, you can grab me,,,,it's always great to have someone to swim with!
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