Membership of our club will protect your family from the high cost of ambulance treatment and transport. Ambulance Victoria's Family Membership protects your family’s financial security and helps to prepare you and your family for dealing with an emergency situation should it arise.
Ambulance Victoria's Family Ambulance Membership covers you and your family everything the below:
* All emergency ambulance transport
* All MICA (Mobile Intensive Care Ambulance) attendance and/or treatment
* All emergency air ambulance transport
* All ambulance treatment when transport is not required
* All ambulance transport and treatment services provided by interstate ambulance services*
* All medically authorised non-emergency patient transport^
o From home to treatment facility and return
o From home to hospital for admission and on discharge from hospital to home
o Inter-hospital transport between private hospitals
* All Newborn Emergency Transport Services (NETS)
* Ambulance transport back to Victoria must be medically required and approved by Ambulance Victoria.
^ A 60-day qualifying period exists on pre-existing medical conditions and non-emergency transport for new and reinstated members.
Other reasons for joining Ambulance Victoria?
Knowing you're covered means you can call an ambulance for a family member without fear of the costs you may incur it will also cover you if someone calls an ambulance on your or a family members behalf.
If you leave your children in the care of others, family membership is a must. In many cases, kindergartens, childcare centers, schools and sporting clubs will call an ambulance as a precautionary measure if your child is sick or injured.
Medicare does not cover ambulance service transport and treatment.
If you like to travel throughout Australia, you will receive reciprocal rights to free ambulance transport in all other states and territories.
If in any year your family doesn't use your ambulance membership your membership fees go towards supporting the education and equipping of Victoria's paramedics.