If you have entered Victoria on a permanent visa issued under the Migration Act 1958, you may drive on your overseas driver licence for:
* six months from the date you first entered Australia if the permanent visa was issued before you entered Australia; or,
* six months from the date when the permanent visa was issued to you if the permanent visa was issued to you whilst in Australia.
If you want to continue driving in Victoria after this time you must change your overseas licence to a Victorian driver licence.
将近中午时分,我们终于到达了,大洋路的精华景点,十二门徒 The Twelve Apostles。简单说来,就是在海岸线沿线由于风化作用正好形成了十二块脱离海岸的大石头,由于形状跟数量巧合与耶稣的十二位圣徒相似,于是命名为十二门徒。为了能更好的观看十二门徒的全貌,于是一贯非常低调的我们两口子,决定奢侈一把,乘坐了75刀10分钟的直升机,原价95,长青导游可以打折,据说大堡礁的直升机要170,那还是坐坐这个过瘾吧