OK everybody , we are glad to see more and more friends are joining us, really exciting isn't it .
May I suggest something to make the game more interesting and friendly?
Let's try to add points to each other(互相加分). Whenever you see any new post, please do not hesitate to add any amount of points to it - 1 point, 5 points or maybe 20 points if you like - any amount is welcome and acceptable.
More over, if you like you may write your own words when sending the points rather than simply choose what the system defines such as "谢谢分享”or "你太有才了”or“恭喜你”(当给别人加分的时候,你可以写下自己的评语,而不是简单地去选择那些系统设定的评语)。 For example, I may say “gald to see you enjoy the day" or " you r so lucky" or " tell us more about it" etc... But of course, you still can use the system defined words, it's OK.
Meanwhile, let's try to reply to each other - no matter you know each other or not - and let's make the game more and more warm and friendly!
I promise you will find how amazing the game may become! The more points and warm words you send out, the more points and warm words you will get .
Believe me, this is the way it works!!!
Just try ~
[ 本帖最后由 lisa2008 于 8-9-2010 23:11 编辑 ] |