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Drinking water 饮用水
Settling n.澄清
Potable adj. 适于饮用的
Anaerobic digestion 厌氧处理
Composting 堆肥处理
Lagooning [lə'gu:niŋ]曝气法
Disinfection 消毒
Coagulation 混凝
Biological 生物
Slow sand filtration 慢砂滤
Activated sludge 活性污泥
Purification 净化
Contaminant 污染物
Intend 打算(需求)
Bacteria 细菌
Algae 藻类
Virus 病毒
Fungi 菌类
Mineral 矿物质
Man-made chemical pollutant 人造污染物
Sulphur 硫
Iron 铁
Sewage 生活污水
Convey 传送
infrastructure 基础
Specialized 专门
Solid 固体
Settlement 沉降
Floc 絮状物
Retention pond 澄清池
gravity valveless filter 无阀滤池
cation resin 阳离子交换树脂
anion exchange resin 阴离子交换树脂
Duolite 离子交换树脂
cation exchanger 阳离子交换器
anion exchanger 阴离子交换器
pH chemistry) a measurement of the level of acid or ALKALI in a solution or substance. In the pH range of 0 to 14 a reading of below 7 shows an acid and of above 7 shows an ALKALI: a pH of 7.5
to test the pH level of the soil
CO2 carbon dioxide
Carbonic acid 碳酸
chlorhydric acid(氯氢酸), hydrochloric acid(氢氯酸) 盐酸
Dissolve v. 溶解于
Titration 滴定法
Sodium Hydroxide 氢氧化钠
sulfureted hydrogen 硫化氢
catalyst deactivation 失去活性
metallic ion 金属离子
Kalium potassium 钾
Magnesium 镁
Calcium 钙
sulfuric acid 硫酸
sulfate 硫酸盐
hydrochloride 氢氯化物(盐酸盐)
Gram 克
Siemens 西门子
Centimeter 厘米
Millimeter 毫米
Cubic 立方
Square 平方
trisodium phosphate (TSP) 磷酸三钠
Monosodium Phosphate(MSP) 酝酿氢二钠
Coordinate pH- phospate 协调磷酸盐处理法
Color gradation 色阶
flocculant 絮凝剂
aluminium trichloride 三氯化铝(PAC)
desalted water 除盐水
demineralized water 软化水
carbonate hardness 碳酸盐硬度
basicity 碱度
chloridion 氯离子
silver nitrate 硝酸银
Indicator 指示剂
landfill leachate 垃圾渗滤液
internal treatment锅炉内水处理
化学清洗chemical cleaning
碱洗alkali cleaning
酸洗acid cleaning
carbon tetra chloride(CTC)四氯化碳
Chemical Cleaners 化学清洗剂
重铬酸钾法 dichromate titration
高锰酸钾法(permanganate titration)
nitrification process 硝化法 nitrifier 硝化细菌
膜生物反应器(Membrane Bioreactor
denitrification 脱氮
UASB treatment
Reverse Osmosis 反渗透
Membrane Filtration(filter) 膜过滤
ceramic membrane 陶瓷膜
Methane CH4
methanobacteria 甲烷菌
active carbon 活性炭
active carbon storage silo 活性炭储仓
active carbon filter 活性炭过滤器
administration multiple building 综合楼
aerator for equalization basin 调节池曝气头
aerator for biochemical reaction basin 生化反应池曝气器
air filter 空气过滤器
air compressed system 空压站
air compressor 空压机
air dryer 空气干燥器
air heater 空气加热器
air screen 空气幕
ammonia measuring tank 氨计量箱
ammonia measuring pump 氨计量泵
anions exchanger 阴离子交换器
ash 细灰
ash extractor 出灰机
ash transport 细灰输送机
ashes storage silo 储灰仓
atomiser 旋转喷雾器
auxiliary burner 辅助燃烧器
auxiliary item 辅助生产区
B back wash pump 反冲洗泵
bag filter 袋式除尘器
bamboo/wood 竹木
bicycle parking 自行车棚
biochemical reaction basin 生化反应池
blower 风机
boiler feed water pump 锅炉给水泵
bubble controlling sprayer 翻泡控制喷头
bubble controlling spray pump 翻泡控制喷水泵
by-pass filter 旁滤器
cations exchanger 阳离子交换器
centrel air conditioner heat pump water chillers 中央空调热泵机组
channel style fan 管道风机
circulating cooling water system 循环冷却水系统
circulating pump 循环水泵
circulating water pump house 循环水泵房
communication 电讯
compressed air storage tank 空气储罐
condensate pump 凝结水泵
continuous blow down flash tank 连续排污扩容器
cooling tower 冷却塔
cooling tower system 冷却塔系统
cooling water system 循环水系统
condenser 凝汽器
D daily oil tank 日用油箱
demineralized water station 脱盐水站
double helical aerator 双螺旋曝气头
deaerated water sampling 除氧水取样器
deaerator reducer 除氧器减温减压阀
DeCo2 tower 二氧化碳脱气塔
drain water pump 疏水泵
drain water tank 疏水箱
dust 烟尘
E earth work & levelling 土方及场地平整
economizer 省煤器
effluent pump 排水泵
eixt weighting bridge 出口地磅
electric hoist 电动葫芦
electric double girder travelling crane 桥式起重机
electric supply & communication 供电及电讯
electric volt increase station 升压装置
elevator 电梯
entrance weighting bridge 进口地磅
equalization basin 调节池
exhaust fan 引风机
exhibition room 展示厅
exhaust silencer 排气消音器
F fan coil 风机盘管
feeder 加料器
feed hooper 垃圾料斗
fence and entrance gate 围墙及大门
filted water tank 过滤水箱
fire alram system 火灾报警系统
fire fighting water pump 消防水泵
fire fighting water system 消防水系统
first/second demineralization water tank 一、二级脱盐水箱
first/second demineralization water pump 一、二级脱盐水泵
flay ash 飞灰
flue gas 烟气
flue gas treatment hall 烟气净化区
flyover 高架道路
fuel oil 燃料油
fuel oil storage tank zone 燃料油罐区
fuel oil tank 燃料油罐
fly ash chain converor 飞灰链条输送机
fly ash screw converor 飞灰螺旋输送机
G gate house 门卫
generated electric led-in system 发电接入系统
generator 发电机
generator cooler 发电机冷却器
glass ceramic 玻璃
grate 炉排
guidance transformer & HV switchgear sysytem 高压及上网系统
H heat recovery boiler 余热锅炉
high position tank of lime 石灰高位槽
Hcl injector 酸喷射器
Hcl measuring tank 酸计量罐
Hcl tank 酸储罐
hopper 料斗
HVAC system 空调通风系统
HV transformer system 高压变配电系统
hydraulic gate for unloading 卸料门
hydraulic system for incinerator 焚烧炉液压系统
I ignition burner 点火燃烧器
incinerator 焚烧炉
incineration 焚烧
K kiln and boiler Hall 垃圾焚烧区
kitchen garbage 厨余
L landscaping 绿化
leachate 渗沥水
leachate treatment system 渗沥水系统
lime 石灰(Ca(OH)2)
lime silo 石灰储仓
lime preparation tank 石灰配制槽
lime slurry distribution tank 石灰浆分配槽
lime slurry pump 石灰浆泵
lime slurry filter 石灰浆过滤器
lime slurry circulation pump 石灰浆循环泵
living quarters for on dutes 倒班宿舍
lower heating value(LHV) 低位发热值(低热值)
M make-up ejector 二级抽气器
maintenance workshop 机修间
main workshop 主厂房
make-up water pump 补充水泵
meeting room 会议室
metal conveyor 金属输送机
middle water tank 中间水箱
middle water pump 中间水泵
mixed bed exchanger 混合离子交换器
N NaOH tank 碱储罐
NaOH measuring tank 碱计量罐
NaOH injector 碱喷射器
neutralization pit 中和池
new air fan unit 新风机组
nutrient pump 养料填加泵
O oil cooler 冷油器
oil discharging pump 卸油泵
oil filter 油过滤器
oil remover 除油器
oil supply pump 输油泵
outside electric cable & illumination 厂区电力外线及照明
P papers/cardboard 纸类
peel 果皮
periodic blow down flash tank 定期排污扩容器
PH control system PH控制系统
phosphate measuring tank 磷酸盐计量箱
phosphate measuring pump 磷酸盐计量泵
pilot plan & transportation 总图运输
plant road 厂区道路
plastics 塑料
pressure stable pump 消防稳压水泵
primary air 一次风
primary air fan 一次风机
primary air heater 一次风加热器
Pudong New Area 浦东新区
R refuse 城市生活垃圾
refuse pit 垃圾坑
reuse water pump 回用水泵
river water pump station 江边水泵房
rotary coarse grid 自动粗格栅
rotary grid 自动格栅
rotary fine grid 自动细格栅
rubber 橡胶
S sampling for boiler water 炉水取样器
sampling for steam 蒸汽取样器
sand filter 机械过滤器
scrubber 反应塔
secondary air 二次风
secondary air fan 二次风机
SIC wall cooling air fan 炉墙风机
single track hoist 单轨吊
single stage centrifugal pump 单级离心泵
slag 炉渣
slag conveyor 炉渣输送机
slag extractor 出渣机
slag travelling cranes(waste cranes) 炉渣起重机(垃圾起重机)
slag pit 渣坑
sludge lifting unit 污泥提升机
sludge pump 污泥泵
soil sediments 渣石
solid waste 固体废弃物
split air conditioner 分体式空调
stack 烟囱
start-up ejector 启动抽气器
steam converting valves 蒸汽转换阀
steam turbine 汽轮机
sterilizer 消毒器
separator 分离器
submersible pump 潜水泵
superheater 过热器
T technical facilities building 技术楼
textile 布类
thermal deaerator & feed water tank 除氧器及水箱
tilted water pump 过滤水泵
transformer 变压器
travelling crane 桥式起重机
trunks & cars 车辆
trunk washing device 洗车区
turbine room 汽轮发电区
U unloading hall 垃圾卸料区
urea 尿素
V vapour condenser 汽封冷凝器
vibrating screen 振动筛
vibrating conveyor 振动输送机
warehouse 仓库
W water control system 水量控制系统
waste metal 废金属
waste pit 垃圾坑
waste reception hall 垃圾贮存区
water supply and drainage 供排水
water supply and drainage piping loop 厂区给排水管网
waste water pump 废水泵
waste water treatment system 污水处理站
weighing bridge 磅站
给水工程 water supply engineering
排水工程 sewerage,wastewater engineering
给水系统 water supply system
排水系统 sewerage system
给水水源 water source
原水 raw water
地表水 surface water
地下水 ground water
苦咸水(碱性水)brackish water;alkaline water
淡水 fresh water
冷却水 cooling water
废水 wastewater
污水 sewage;wastewater
用水量 water consumption
供水量 output
污水量 wastewater flow;sewage flow
用水定额 water consumption norm
排水定额 wastewater flow norm
水质 water quality
渠道 channel;conduit
干管 main
泵站 pumping house
泵站 pumping station
给水处理 water treatment
污水处理 sewage treatment;wastewater treatment
废水处置 wastewater disposal
格栅 bar screen
曝气 aeration
沉淀 sedimentation
澄清 clarification
过滤 filtration
离子交换法 ion exchange
消毒 disinfection
氯化 chlorination
余氯 residual chlorine
游离性余氯 free residual chlorine
结合性余氯 combinative residual chlorine
污泥 sludge
污泥处理 sludge treatment
污泥处置 sludge disposal
水头损失 head loss
贮水池 storage reservoir;storage tank
过河管 river crossing
倒虹管 inverted siphon
稳定 stabilization
异重流 density current
直流水系统 once through system
复用水系统 water reuse system
循环水系统 water reuse system
生活用水 domestic water
生产用水 process water
消防用水fire demand
浇洒道路用水 street flushing demand, road watering
绿化用水 green belt sprinkling, green plot sprinkling
未预见用水量 unforeseen demand
自用水量 water consumption in water-works
管网漏失水量 leakage
平均日供水量 average daily coefficient
最高日供水量 maximum service coefficient
日变化系数 daily variation coefficient
时变化系数 hourly variation coefficient
最小服务水头 minimum service head
管井 deep well ,drilled well
管井滤水管 deep well screen
管井沉淀管 grit compartment
大口井 dug well;open well
井群 battery of wells
渗渠 infiltration gallery
地下水取水构筑物及滤层 inverted layer
泉室 spring chamber
取水构筑物 intake structure
进水间 intake structure
格网 screen
吸水井 suction well
净水构筑物 purification structure
投药 chemical dosing
混合 mixing
凝聚 coagulation
絮凝 flocculation
自然沉淀 plain sedimentation
凝聚沉淀 coagulation sedimentation
凝聚剂 coagulant
助凝剂 coagulant aid
药剂固定储备量 standby reserve
药剂周转储备量 current reserve
沉沙池(沉砂池) desilting basin;grit chamber
预沉池 pre-sedimentation tank
平流沉淀池 horizontal flow sedimentation tank
异向流斜管(或斜板)沉淀池 tube (plate)settler
同向流斜板沉淀池 lamella
机械搅拌澄清池 accelerator
水力循环澄清池 circulation clarifier
脉冲澄清池 plusator
悬浮澄清池 sludge blanket clarifier
液面负荷 surface load
气浮池 floataion tank
气浮溶气罐 dissloved air vessel
气浮接触室 contact chamber
快滤池 rapid filter
虹吸滤池 siphon filter
无阀滤池 pressure filter
压力滤池 pressure filter
移动罩滤池 movable hood backwashing filter
滤料 filtering media
承托层 graded gracel layer
滤速 rate of filtration
滤池配水系统 filter underdrain system
表面冲洗 surface washing
反冲洗 backwash
气水反冲洗 air-water washing
滤池冲洗水量 filter wash water consumption
冲洗强度 intensity of back washing
膨胀率 percentage of bed-expansion
除铁接触氧化法 contact-axidation
清水池 clean-water reservoir
配水管网distribution system;pipe system
环状管网 pipe network
枝状管网 branch system
水管支墩 buttress;anchorage
软化水 softened water
除盐水 demineralized water
高纯水 high-purity water;ultra-high purity water
除硅 desilication;silica removal
脱碱 dialkalization
酸洗 acid cleaning
石灰浆 lime slurry
石灰乳 milk of lime
树脂污染 resin fouling
树脂降解 resin degradation
离子交换剂 ion exchanger
离子交换树脂 ion exchange resin
弱碱性阴离子交换树脂 weak-base exchange resin
强碱性阴离子交换树脂 strong-base anion exchange resin
弱酸性慢离子交换树脂 weak-acid exchange resin
强酸性阳离子交换树脂 storng-acid cation exchange resin
凝胶型离子交换树脂 gel –type ion exange resin
大孔型离子交换树脂 macro-reticular typeion exchange resin
磺化煤 sulfonated coal
后处理 post-treatment
再生 regeneration
再生液置换 rinse displacement
二级钠离子交换twostage sodium iopn exchange
顺流再生 co-current regeneration
对流再生counter-current regeneration
逆流再生 up-flow regeneration
浮动床 fluidized bed
混合离子交换器 mixed bed
空气顶压逆流再生 air hold down C.C.C,air blanket C.C.R
水顶压逆流再生 water hold down C.C.R,water blanket C.C.R
无顶压逆流再生 atmospheric press bed C.C.R
离子交换剂床层膨胀率 ion exchange bed expansion
移动床 moving bed
再生剂耗量 chemical consumption ,regenerant consumption
再生剂量 regeneration lever
再生剂计量 chemical measurement
超滤器 ultrafilter
微孔过滤器 microporus filter
双层床 stratabed,multibed
双室床 double bed
分步再生 stepwise regeration
工作交换容量 operating capacity
树脂捕捉器 resintrapper
电渗析器 dlectordialyzer
反渗透器 reverse osmosis unit
一级除盐系统 primary demineralixation system
单塔单周期移动床 monobed and single cycle moving bed
双塔连续再生移动床 duad bed contactor
单床离子交换器 mono-bed ion exchange
冷却塔 cooling tower
温式冷却塔 dry cooling tower
干式冷却塔 dry cooling tower
干一湿式冷却塔 dry-wet cooling tower
自然通风冷却塔 natural draft cooling tower
机械通风冷却塔 mechamical draft cooling tower
风筒式冷却塔 chimney cooling tower
开放式冷却塔 atmospheric cooling tower
抽风式机械通风冷却塔 induced draft mechanical cooling tower
鼓风式机械通风冷却塔 forced draft mechnical cooling tower
横流式冷却塔 crossfolw cooling tower
逆流式冷却塔 counter flow cooling tower
淋水填料 packing
点滴式淋水材料splash packing
薄膜式淋水材料 film packing
点滴薄膜式淋水填料 splash-film packing
冷却塔配水系统 cooling tower distribution system
槽式配水系统 troughing distribution system
管式配水系统 piping distribution system
管――槽结合式配水系统 pipe-troughing distrbution system
池式配水系统 hot water distribution basin
旋转布水器 rotating distributor
溅水喷嘴 spray nozzle
冷却塔配水竖件 vertical well of water distribution
淋水面积 area of water drenching
淋水密度 water drenching density
冷却水温差 cooling range
除水器 drift eliminator
飘滴 drift
湿空气回流 recirculation of wet air
喷水池 qpray pond
冷却池 cooling pond
深水型冷却池 shallow cooling pond
浅水型冷却池 deep cooling pond
挡热墙 skimmer wall
潜水堰 submerged weir
蒸发损失 evaporation loss
风吹损失 windage loss
渗漏损失 seepage loss
温差异重流 thermal density flow
水面综合散热系数 heat transfer coefficient
循环冷却水 recirculating cooling water
直流冷却水 once-through cooling water
直接冷却水 dircet cooling water
间接冷却水 indirect coolint water
补充水 make-up water
旁流 side stream
排污 blowdown
循环冷却水系统 recirculating cooling water system
直流冷却水系统 once-through cooling water system
敞开式循环冷却水系统 opened recirculation cooling water system
密闭式循环冷却水系统 closed recirculation cooling water system
污垢 fouling
生物粘泥 slime,biological fouling
污垢热阻 fouling resistance
生物粘泥量 slime content
腐蚀 corrosion
全面腐蚀(均匀腐蚀) general corrosion
局部腐蚀 localozed corrosion
垢下腐蚀 under-deposit corrosion
点蚀 pitting
腐蚀率 corrosion rate
点蚀系数 pitting factor
阻垢 scale inhibition
缓蚀 corrosion inhibition
防腐蚀 corrosion prevention
浓缩倍数 cyclw of concentratin
系统容积 volumetric content of system
饱和指数 saturation index,Langelier index
稳定指数 saturation inde,Langelier index
冷却水处理 coolimg water treatment
旁流水处理 side-stream treatment
补充水处理 make-up water treatment
菌藻处理 microbiogiacl control
旁流过滤 side-dtream filtration
预膜 perfillmimg
降解 degradation
监测试片 monitoring coupon
腐蚀试片 corrosion coupon
阻垢剂 scale inhibitor
分散剂 dispersant
缓蚀剂 corrosion inhibitor
杀生物剂 biocide
预膜剂 prefilming abent
剥离剂 stripping agent
表面活性剂 surfactant
消泡剂 defoaming agent
排水制度 sewwer system
合流制 combined system
分流制 separate system
检查井 manhole
跃水井 drop manhole
事故排出口 emergencg outlet
暴雨溢流井(截留井)storm overflow well, intercepting well
防潮门 tide gate
生活污水 domestic sewage,domestic wastewater
工业废水 industrial wastewater
生产污水 polluted industrial wastewater
生产废水 non-polluted industrial wastewater
城市污水 municipal sewage;municipal wastewater
旱流污水 dry weather flow
水体自净 self-purification of water bodies
一级处理 primary treatment
二级处理 secondary treatment
生物处理 biological treatment
活性污泥法 activated sludge process
生物膜法 biomembrance process
双层沉淀池(隐化池)Imhoff tank
初次沉淀池 primary sedimentation tank
二次沉淀池 secondary sedimentation tank
生物滤池 biological filter, trickling filter
塔式生物滤池 biotower
生物转盘 rotating biological disk
生物接触氧化 bio-contact oxidation
曝气池 aeration tank
推流曝气 plugflow aeration
完全混合曝气 complete-mixing aeration
普通曝气conventional aeration
阶段曝气 step aeration
吸附再生曝气 biosorption process,contact stabilization
高负荷曝气 high-rate aeration
延时曝气 extended aeration
氧化沟 oxidation aitch
稳定塘(氧化塘)stabilization pond,oxidation pond
灌溉田 sewage farming
隔油池 oil separtor
固定布水器 fixed distributor
活动布水器 movable distributor
空气扩散曝气 diffused air aeration
浅层曝气 inka aeration
机械表面曝气 mechamical xurface aeration
混合液 mixed liquor
堰门 weir gate
原污泥raw sludge
初沉污泥 primary sludge
二沉污泥secondary sludge
活性污泥 activated sludge
消化污泥 activated sludge
回流污泥 returned sludge
剩余污泥 excess activated sludge
污泥气 sludge gas
污泥消化 sludge digestion
好氧消化 aerobic sigestion
厌氧消化 anaerobic digestion
中温消化 mesophilic digestion
高温消化 thermophilic digestion
污泥浓缩 sludge thickening
污泥淘洗 elutriation of sludge
污泥脱水 sludge dewatering
污泥真空过滤 sludge vacuum filtration
污泥压滤sludge pressure filtration
污泥干化 sludge drying
污泥焚烧 sludge incineration
合流水量 combined flow
雨水量 storm runoff
暴雨强度 rainfall intensity
人口当量 population equivalent
重现期 recurrence interval
降雨历时 duration of rainfall
地面集水时间 time of flow
管内流行时间 time of flow
汇水面积 catchment area
充满度 depth ratio
表面水力负荷 hydraulic surface loading
固体负荷 solid loading
堰负荷 weir loading
容积负荷 volume loading
表面有机负荷 organic surface loading
污泥负荷 sludge loading
需氧量 oxygen demand
供氧(气)量 oxygen (air) supply
氧转移率 oxygen transfer efficiency
充氧能力 oxygenation capacity
泥饼产率 sludge cake production
污泥回流比 return sludge ratio
污泥浓度 sludge concentration
截流倍数 interception ratio
径流系数 runoff coefficient
总变化系数 peaking variation factor
生化需氧量 biochemical oxygen demand
化学需氧量 chemical oxygen demand
耗氧量 oxygen consumption
悬浮固体 suspended solid
电镀废水 electroplating wastewater
电镀清洗废水 electroplating rinse-wastewater
闭路循环 closed system, closed loop
连续处理 continuous treatment
间歇处理 batch treatment
清洗槽 rinse tank
连续式逆流清洗 continuous countercurrent rinsing
间歇式逆流清洗 intermittent countercurrent rinsing
反喷洗清洗 back spray rinsing
清洗用水定额 rinsing water norm
末级清洗槽浓度 final rinse tank concentration
清洗倍率 rinsing ratio
碱性氯化法 alkaline chlorination process
一级氧化处理 first stage oxidation treatment
二级氧化处理 second stage oxidation treatment
槽内处理法 tank treatment
铁氧体法 ferriter technique
树脂交换容量 resin exchange capacity
空间流速 space flow rate
交换流速 exchange flow rate
再生周期 regeneration period
洗脱液 spent regenerant
离子交换柱 ion exchange column
电解处理法 electrolytic treatment
电极密度 electrode density
极距 electrode distance
双极性电极 bipolar electrode
不溶性阳极 insoluble anode
周期换向 periodic reversal
脉冲电解 pulse electrolysis
流出水头 static pressure for outflow
给水额定流量 rate of flow
设计秒流量 design flow design load
卫生器具当量 fixture unit
设计小时耗热量 heat consumption
热水循环流量 hot water circulating flow
循环附加流量 additional circulating flow
配水点 points of distribution
上行下给式 upfeed system
下行上给式 downfeed system
单向供水 one way service pipe system
双向供水 multi-way service pipe system
竖向分区 vertical division block
明设 exposed installation
暗设 concealed installation,embedded installation
回流污染 backflow pollution
空气间歇 air gap
粪便污水 soil
生活废水 waste
水流转角 angle of turning flow
内排水系统 interior storm system
外排水系统 outside storm system
集中热水供应系统 central heating system
开式热水供应系统 open system of hot water supply
单管热水供应系统 single pipe system of hot water supply
自然循环 natural circulation
机械循环 mechanical circulation
第一循环管系 primary circulating system
第二循环管系 secondary circulating system
引入管 service pipe, inlet pipe
排出管 building drain, outlet pipe
立管 vertical pipe, riser, stack
横管 horizontal pipe
悬吊管 hanged pipe
清扫口 cleanout
检查口 checkhole,checkpipe
存水弯 trap,water-sealed joint
水封 water seal
通气管 vent pipe,vent
伸顶通气管 stack vent
专用通气立管 specific vent stack
主通气立管 main vent stack
副通气立管 secondary vent stack, assistant vent stack
环形通气管 loop vent
器具通气管 firxture vent
结合通气管 yoke vent, yoke vent pipe
间接排水管 indirect waste pipe
雨水斗 rain strainer
回水管 return pipe
卫生器具 plumbing fixtrure, fixture
气压给水设备 pneumatic tank
隔油井 grease interceptor
降温池 cooling tank
化粪池 septic tank
接触消毒池 disinfecting tank
玻璃烧杯glass beaker
聚四氟乙烯烧杯ptfe griffin beaker
塑料烧杯plastic beaker
不锈钢杯stainless-steel beaker
三角瓶conical flask
具塞三角瓶conical flask with stopper
支管蒸馏烧瓶distilling flask
凯氏烧瓶kjeldahl flask
抽滤瓶accessory flask with side arm
碘量瓶flask iodine
表面皿watch glass
带柄表面皿watch glass with handle
砂心坩埚gooch filtering crucible
称量皿low-form weighing bottle
称量瓶weighing bottle
研磨钵clear glass mortar
研磨棒clear glass pestle
玛瑙研钵agate mortar
玛瑙研磨棒agate pestle
瓷坩埚coors porcelain crucible
过滤瓷坩埚coors porcelain gooch filtering crucible
蒸发皿coors porcelain porcelain dish
具柄蒸发皿coors porcelain casserole
铝盒aluminium specimen box
白细口瓶flint glass solution bottle with stopper
棕细口瓶 brown glass solution bottle with stopper
白广口瓶flint glass solid bottle with stopper
棕色滴瓶brown glass dr-opping bottle
白色滴瓶flint glass dr-opping bottle
塑料洗瓶plastic wash bottle
漏斗funnel & separation
瓷布氏漏斗coors filtering crucible for bitumens
布氏砂心漏斗buchner funnerl with fritted disc
球形分液漏斗globe-shaped funnel
梨形分液漏斗pear-shaped funnel
蒸发、冷凝、抽提器condensor & extractor
索氏抽提装置soxhlet apparatus with allihn condenser
抽提筒soxhlet extraction tube
抽提冷凝管allihn condenser wih straight outlet tube
球形冷凝管economical allihn condenser
蛇形冷凝管graham condenser
直形冷凝管 condenser distillation column
逆流冷凝管reflux condenser
蒸馏装置distilling apparatus
旋转蒸发器rotary evaporator
石油产品蒸馏仪petroleum distilling apparatus
比色管毛细管glass microbore tube
标准筛test sieve
震动筛lab sieve shaker
常备用品lab. fitting equipment
玻璃棒glass stirring rod
三口连接管tube with two joints
牛角弯头vacuum connecting tube
温度计套管bevel-seal inlet adapter
真空干燥器vacuum-pressure desiccator
酒精灯alcohol burner
酒精喷灯blast alcohol burner
升降台lab jack
三角架clay pipe iron-wire triangle
铁架台iron support
万能夹extension clamp
蝴蝶夹double-buret clamp
双顶丝clamp regular holder
止水夹flatjaw pinchcock
圆形漏斗架cast-iron ring
移液管架pipet rack
滴水架dry rack
试管架tube rack
比色管架沸石boiling stone
橡胶管rubber tubing
真空泵管tygon vacuum tubing
透明pvc管clear pvc tubing
橡胶塞rubber stopper
吸耳球bulb for pipet
乳胶帽漏斗刷funnel or graduate brush
试剂瓶刷bottle brush
离心管刷centrifuge tube brush
滴定管刷buret brush
试管刷tube brush
比色管刷nessler tube brush
容量瓶刷volumetric flask brush
烧杯刷beaker brush
移液管刷brush for transfer pipets
取样篮collapsible carrier
密封样品袋seal sample bag
药匙lab spoon
坩埚钳crucible tong
打孔器stopper borer
石棉网asbestos-free wire gauze
电炉丝wire coil for heater
脱脂棉absorbent cottonph
试纸(广泛) universal ph indicator paper
圆形定性滤纸qualitative grade filter circles
方形定性滤纸qualitative grade rectangular filter sheets
称量纸weighing paper
擦镜纸wiper for lens
标签纸 paper label
样品推车lab cart
定时钟traceable timer
油脂取样器oil sampler
液体取样器liquid sampler
原粮扦样器needle-point sampler
取样铲 scoop
煤气灯bunsen burner
计量仪器measuring instrument
刻度移液管graduated pipette
大肚移液管volumetric pipet
微量进样器microliter syringe
定量加液器bottle- top dispenser
容量瓶flask volumetric
白容量瓶flint glass flask volumetric
棕色容量瓶brown glass flask volumetric
量筒volumetric cylinder
量筒measuring cylinder
具塞量筒mixing cylinder with stopper
量杯glass graduates with scale
白滴定管(酸) flint glass burette with glass stopcock
棕色滴定管(酸) brown glass burette with glass stopcock
白滴定管(碱) flint glass burette for alkali
棕色滴定管(碱) brown glass burette for alkali
聚四氟乙烯旋塞滴管flint glass burette with ptfe stopcock
数显半自动滴定仪digital buret
自动滴定仪automatic titrator
比重瓶specific gravity bottle水
银温度计mercury-filled thermometer
红水温度计red-spirit-filled thermometer
精密温度计fractional-degree thermometer
石油密度计hydrometerph计ph meter
天平analytical balance
电导率仪分光光度计真空泵vacuum pump
循环冷却器refrigerating circulator
数显循环水浴锅digital circulating water bath
循环加热器heating circulator
高温加热器(油浴) high-temperature circulator(oil bath)
加热水浴锅digital heating circulating water bath
往复振荡水浴锅reciprocating shaker bath
劳动防护用品safety equip.
全棉工作服cotton lab coat
袖套dafety sleevelet
隔热手套heat insulation gloves
防护眼镜safety spectacle
耐酸碱手套anti-erode glove
洗眼器eyewash equipment
急救药箱first aid pyxides
消防器材fire protection equipment
洗涤用品 things for washing
防滑垫lab mat
粉碎搅拌设备mill & mixer
粉碎磨cyclone sample mill
剪切磨cutting mill
磁力搅拌器magnetic stirrer
电动搅拌器power basic stirrer
数显电热搅拌器digital stirring hotplate
闪点仪flash point tester
万用电炉wire coil heater
微波炉电热套heating mantle
Wehrle Werk Aktiengesel lschaft,WWAG
Water treatment describes those processes used to make water more acceptable for a desired end-use. These can include use as drinking water, industrial processes, medical and many other uses. The goal of all water treatment process is to remove existing contaminants in the water, of reduce the concentration of such contaminants so it becomes fit for its desired end-use. One such use is returning water that has been used back into the natural environment without adverse ecological impact.
The processes involved in treating water may be physical such as settling, chemical such as disinfection or coagulation, or biological such as lagooning, slow sand filtration or activated sludge.
Potable water purification
Water purification is the removal of contaminants from untreated water to produce drinking water that is pure enough for its intended use, most commonly human consumption. Substances that are removed during the process of drinking water treatment include bacteria, algae, viruses, fungi, minerals such as iron and sulphur, and man-made chemical pollutants.
Sewage treatment
Main article: Sewage treatment
Sewage treatment is the process that removes the majority of the contaminants from wastewater or sewage and produces both a liquid effluent suitable for disposal to the natural environment and a sludge. To be effective, sewage must be conveyed to a treatment plant by appropriate pipes and infrastructure and the process itself must be subject to regulation and controls. Some wastewaters require different and sometimes specialized treatment methods. At the simplest level, treatment of sewage and most wastewaters is carried out through separation of solids from liquids, usually by settlement. By progressively converting dissolved material into solids, usually a biological floc which is then settled out, an effluent stream of increasing purity is produced.
[edit] The need for water treatment in developing countries
As of 2006, waterborne diseases are estimated to cause 1.8 million deaths each year. These deaths are attributable to inadequate public sanitation systems and it is clear that proper sewerage (or other options as small-scale water treatment) need to be installed. [1]
Appropriate technology options in water treatment include both community-scale and household-scale point-of-use (POU) designs.[2]
In order for the decrease of waterborne diseases to have long term effects, water treatment programs implemented by research and development groups in developing countries must be sustainable by its own residents. This can ensure the efficiency of such programs after the departure of the research team as monitoring is difficult because of the remoteness of many locations. |