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中国日报:温馨情人节 且听同志爱侣诉说爱与忧

发表于 16-2-2010 15:20:36 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式


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[ 本帖最后由 choz 于 16-2-2010 15:24 编辑 ]


参与人数 1威望 +49 收起 理由
xblues + 49 谢谢分享!




 楼主| 发表于 16-2-2010 15:22:13 | 只看该作者

China Daily: Gay couple tells of love and fears for Valentine's Day

Since Valentine's Day falls on thesame day as Spring Festival this year, most young lovers will seize thechance for that scary first encounter with the future in-laws - but forXiao Yi and Liu Xing, this remains an extravagant hope.
They both hold respectable jobs with goodsalaries. They are devoted to each other and rarely argue. They wereborn on the same day and wear the same sized shoes. And they are bothmen.
"We met four years ago in a chat room ondanlan.org, and moved in together after one year on March 14. This isWhite Valentine's Day, popular in some Asian countries, and has nowbecome our anniversary," Liu told METRO.
"He gave me a ring. Just like othercouples, rings represent love and trust," Liu said with a smile to XiaoYi, touching the platinum band on his left hand.


Liu Xing (left) and his partner Xiao Yi want to have their own lovers' day. [Wang Jing]

Liu currently works for danlan.org, a largeChinese gay website set up in 2000. The website has more than 80,000views per day with at least a million registered users.
"Most people are prejudiced against gaypeople and believe online gay chat rooms are obscene and unhealthy. Butactually, we are the same as normal couples - we also believe in loveand monogamy," Xiao Yi said.
Xiao, 27, was born in Chongqing and spentfour years in a Beijing college. He said he first discovered hissexuality as a child.
"I loved playing games with girls and was happy to be around boys," he said.
"I thought I was autistic and felt verylonely until I realized my gay friends were experiencing the same kindsof things. By chatting with them I learned that I was not ill, and Ibuilt up enough courage to accept it," he said.
For Xiao Yi and Liu Xing, falling in love with a man made their loves not only happier but also easier.
"We can swap our clothes and shoes, whichsaves loads of money," Liu joked. "Both of us are men and we have a lotin common, including our lifestyles and our way of thinking."
He said his gay lover could understand the great pressures of work and life.
"We share all things," Liu added.
Despite the apparent perfect situation, both men are anxious about telling their parents about their happy lives.
"I don't think our parents will accept it,"Liu said. "If they can't, I might choose to marry a lesbian. That wouldsatisfy the needs of my family and wouldn't destroy what we have."
When discussing the possibility of a child, Liu said they love children very much and would like to adopt a baby in the future.
"We have lots of dreams for the future. Wewant to marry like other couples, have a child, and be accepted by ourfamilies and society," Xiao said.
He told METRO they witnessed a weddingceremony between two homosexual couples in Qianmen Street onValentine's Day last year and really admired them.
"I have to go home for New Year's Eve, but I promised Xiao Yi I would be back for Valentine's Day," Liu said.
He added that they planned to travel in Thailand in the coming Tiger year.
"We have never traveled together before, so we will consider that trip as our honeymoon," he said.
According to statistics released by theMinistry of Health in 2006, there are an estimated five to 10 millionhomosexuals in the Chinese mainland, aged between 15 and 65. However,renowned sociologist Li Yinhe, put the figure much higher at between 36and 48 million.
Professor Zhang Beichuan from QingdaoUniversity and various other scholars, including Li Yinhe, have calledon the government to recognize and legalize same-sex marriages inChina. There has been no response from the government so far. (By YangWanli , China Daily)

[ 本帖最后由 choz 于 16-2-2010 15:23 编辑 ]


参与人数 1威望 +49 收起 理由
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