我的小s受伤后, 朋友给我了几个汽车维修的电话。
Amy: Hi, ..... (自报了家门, 偶没听清楚)Amy speaking。
me: Hi Amy, How are you today?
Amy: I'm very well. thank you. Yourself?
Me: I'm fine. thanks. Um... I had a car accident and there's a dent on my car. I want to fix it. So was wondering whether I can get a quote first.
Amy: You are calling....(后面没听清楚。觉得有dent的音)
Me: Yeah, there is a dent on my car.
Amy:............ But you are calling a dentist!
停顿了几秒钟, 我们同时爆发出大笑。 小S的脸坏了, 我竟然给她找牙医。
我问朋友哪里弄来的号码,说是在yellow page 上找来的。 呵呵, 可能是好几年前的了。
p.s. 小s的大名叫safty, 是在lucky, happy, safety, 三个名字中,纠结地选出来的。 结果,名不副其实, 红颜薄命的小s. ![](static/image/smiley/yct/yct_44.gif) |