求救热线139 3628 1973.
Australian Government
Department of Immigration and Citizenship
File Reference: CLF2007/186000
ICSE Request ID: lovewen222@sina.com
Case Officer: Jason Huang – ASPC R5
By Email: lovewen222@163sina.com
Mr Y Wen
Primary Applicant: Wen
Application Type: Class BN Subclass 136 Skilled – Independent
Dear Mr Wen
Your application for a Class BN, 136 Skilled – Independent visa has been refused, and you has not been granted a visa for Australia.
This decision has been made on the basis of the information and claims made in the application and
the requirements of the Migration Act 1958 and the Migration Regulations 1994.
I have enclosed with this letter a decision record explaining the reasons for the decision.
Please note that there is no right of review in respect of a decision to refuse an application for a
Class BN Subclass 136 Skilled – Independent visa.
Yours sincerely
Jason Huang
Adelaide Skilled Processing Centre
9 February 2009
File Reference: CLF2007/186000
ICSE Request ID: 1630500000
Primary Applicant: Wen
Date of Birth: 0/0/1973
Visa Class: Skilled - Independent (Migrant) (Class BN)
Requirements not met: Vocational English
Legislative Framework
I am delegated under Section 65 of the Migration Act 1958 to decide this application for migration.
Applicants for a class or classes of visa must satisfy the requirements relating to that class as set out
in the Migration Act and Regulations before a visa can be granted. When an applicant fails to meet any one of the criteria for the grant of the visa, the visa cannot be granted and the application must be refused. The application must be considered against the criteria for all of the subclasses included in the class of visa applied for.
The visa application has been assessed against criteria set out in the Migration Regulations for a
Skilled - Independent (Migrant) Class BN visa. The Class BN consists of two subclasses:
136 Skilled - Independent 137 Skilled - State/Territory-nominated Independent
An application for a Skilled - Independent (Migrant) Class BN, subclass (136), Skilled –
Independent visa was made on 31st July 2007. As the application was lodged after 1 September
1994, the Migration Regulations 1994 apply.
In considering this application, I have taken account of: the Migration Act 1958; Migration Regulations 1994 as they apply to consideration of migration applications, including Schedule 1, Schedule 2 and Schedule 6A; the Procedures Advice Manual (PAM3) which provides guidelines to officers administering migration legislation; the Australian Standard Classification of Occupations (ASCO) as it applies to occupation definitions and skill requirements in Australia; and the information contained in, and the documentation supplied with, this application for migration to Australia.
Assessment Part 136 of Schedule 2 to the Migration Regulations sets out, in part, the criteria to be met at time of application for the grant of a subclass 136 visa and specifically, 136.224 requires that
136.224 The applicant has vocational English.
The regulatory requirement to demonstrate English language ability for this visa class generally
relies on an applicant’s International English Language Testing system (IELTS) test results.
Migration Regulation 1.15B prescribes the criteria for determining whether an applicant has
vocational English and subregulation 1.15(b)(3) provides that; for applications lodged after
1 July 1999:
A person to whom this subregulation applies has vocational English if:
(a) the person satisfies the Minister that the person has achieved an IELTS test
score of at least 5 for each of the 4 test components of speaking, reading,
writing and listening in a test conducted:
(i) not more than 12 months before the day on which the application was
lodged; or
(ii) during processing of the application; or
(b) the Minister:
(i) determines that it is not reasonably practicable, or not necessary, for
the person to be tested using the IELTS test; and
(ii) is satisfied that the person is proficient in English to a standard that is
not less than the standard required under paragraph (a).
This application is not one to which the provisions of subregulation 1.15(B)(3)(b) are applicable
and the applicant was requested to provide the results of an IELTS test demonstrating that the
applicant has the required level of English language ability.
On 17 October 2008 this office requested you to provide the results of an IELTS test as evidence of
having vocational English language ability.
On 9 December 2008 this office sent a reminder to you and asked you to provide the results of your
IELTS test. On 20 January 2009, this office was advised by you that you had your IELTS test dated
17 January 2009 and would send the test results on 28 January 2009.
At the time of making a decision regarding this application no IELTS test results have been
provided to the department in respect of the applicant.
As the applicant has not demonstrated that they have Vocational English as specified in Migration
Regulation 1.15B and consequently does not satisfy the requirements of regulation 136.224 I have
not assessed the application further.
Assessment against Skilled-State/Territory-Nominated Independent (Subclass 137)
I have also assessed the application against the provisions of the Skilled-State/Territory-Nominated
Independent (Subclass 137). It is a regulatory criterion for this subclass that an applicant is
nominated by a State or Territory government agency.
137.224 (1) The applicant has been nominated by a State or Territory government agency
and the nomination has been accepted by the Minister.
There is no evidence available to me that any such a nomination has been made or accepted at the
time of making this decision.
As the requirements of clause 137.224 have not been satisfied, an application for a subclass 137
visa cannot be successful, and I have not assessed the application further against the visa
As you do not meet the requirements of either of subclasses 136 or 137, I have decided to refuse to
grant a Skilled - Independent (Migrant) (Class BN) visa to you.
Decision Maker: Jason Huang
Position Number: 60003000
Date of Decision: 9 February 2009

[ 本帖最后由 love222 于 19-2-2009 15:44 编辑 ] |