
楼主 |
发表于 10-11-2008 17:57:03
描 述:Passiflora L. 西番莲属,西番莲科,约400种,大部分布于美洲,少数产亚洲和大洋洲,我国有15种,产西南部至东部,大部供观赏用. 攀援植物,有腋生卷须;叶全缘、指状分裂或深裂,叶柄常有腺体;花两性,大而美丽,单生或排成总状花序,常腋生,有时退化为仅具1-2朵花;苞片和小苞片常形成总苞状;小苞片3,常与花序柄合生,萼片5;花瓣5或有时缺;副花冠由1至数列、丝状裂片组成;子房柄基部亦围以膜质、浅杯状副花冠;雄蕊5(-8)枚,花药2室,背着;子房1室,有胚珠多数生于侧膜胎座上,花柱3;果肉质,浆果状;种子有假种皮。
Taking its botanical name from a translation of Latin, Passiflora is the type genus for its family, the Passifloraceae. Comprising 500-odd species of mainly evergreen tendril-climbing vines, the genus also includes a few shrubby species. Commonly known as passionflowers, they mostly come from tropical America, though the range does extend to Asia and the Pacific Islands. Grown mainly for their beautiful flowers and subsequent pulpy fruit, passionflowers are vigorous growers that clamber and cover surfaces quickly. Fruits of many species are mildly to quite poisonous, though others are edible and quite delicious. Many parts of the flower are regarded as symbolic of the crucifixion of Christ. |