对比这三个翻译,不同还是挺明显的。日语和英语前面都比较一致,除了最后那一段。如彭远文中说的那样日语版是“设问式,可曾记着纯真的姑娘?可曾听到喀秋莎悦耳歌声?显得委婉、缠绵,意味深长。” 而英语是"let his memories show.. let him hear...,let him guard"。中文最是直接没有互动,一边是战士”心中怀念遥远的姑娘;勇敢战斗保卫祖国,“一边是喀秋莎的爱情永远属于他。这并不像姑娘的许诺,倒更像肯定的结果,英雄故事的结局比如如此,得到姑娘忠贞的爱情。三个版本展现不同,日文的是温婉的女性,中文的各自坚定的行动和美好的结果。这里比较喜欢英文的,像是姑娘的许愿和承诺。又有对应,战士保卫他的祖国,姑娘守护她的爱情,同样的忠诚,同样需要勇气和坚韧。
As the buds of pears and apples blossom
Over the river swiftly whirl the fogs
Came out strolling, a woman named Katyusha
Down the steep and rocky rivers slope
Came out strolling, singing by the river
About a silver eagle on the steppes
About her beloved whom she closely treasures
About the one whose letters she had saved
Oh you, song, the singing of a maiden
Soar behind the brightly shining sun
To the soldier at the far frontier
Tell this man, Katyusha says hi
Let his memories show a simple woman
Let him hear her tender, loving song
Let him guard his beloved motherland
And Katyusha shall keep their love safe