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[幼儿教育] 入托年龄调查

发表于 23-9-2014 17:45:33 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
本帖最后由 wukong 于 26-9-2014 13:11 编辑


选项解释:前四个选项是最早什么时候第一次送孩子上幼儿园,包括各种商业托儿机构(long daycare, family daycare, child care, kindgarden...),至少一周一天;

例子1:孩子一岁一个月开始上幼儿园,每周3天,妈妈parttime 照看孩子2天,多选----[12-18个月],[孩子父母亲自照看]
多选投票: ( 最多可选 2 项 ), 共有 15 人参与投票

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 楼主| 发表于 26-9-2014 14:12:07 | 只看该作者

Preparing yourself and your child for childcare
Your child starting childcare marks a new stage of family life, and it will take some getting used to. You may worry about how your child will cope without you, and whether a carer will see to her needs as well as you do. Your child may take some time to adjust and it's only natural if she misses you a bit at first. We have suggestions for how you can prepare yourself and your child for change.
How can I choose the right childcare for my child?The best approach is to consider a range of childcare options to find one that suits the needs of you and your child. Look into:
Then list your favourite options, the ones that suit your working hours and budget, and look at them in more detail. Try to get answers to the following questions:
  • What is the adult to child ratio?
  • If you have a young baby there should be at least one carer for every three babies. If you have a toddler you may want her to go to a childcare centre where there are other children to play with. Or if you want her to have more one-to-one attention, perhaps a family day carer would be best.
  • What are the carers like?
  • You'll want to know the carers are qualified and experienced in looking after children, and share your views on childcare. You'll also want to know you can trust them.
  • Are there activities, books and toys that are right for her age?
  • There should be plenty to do that engages your child and stimulates her development.
  • What are the facilities like?
  • For a childcare centre, you'll want to see that there are clean toilets, and space indoors and outdoors for the children to play. If meals are provided they should be nutritious and suitable for your child's age.
  • Where is the childcare situated?
  • Somewhere close to home or workplace would be most convenient. An easy journey to childcare means you and your child can both start your days feeling relaxed. And in the unlikely event of an emergency, you can be there quickly.
It's worth talking to other parents, too. They may have first-hand experience of childcare in your area.

How can I help my child adjust to being in childcare?When you've made the decision about which childcare you want, the next step is to help your child get to know her new carer. The more familiar she is with her carer, the happier she will feel about being left with them.

Arrange a couple of visits, at least an hour-long, with your new carer. This will give your child a chance to relax and enjoy her time with this new person in her life, with you there for support.

It may also help your child to be looked after by a grandparent or other relative a few times before you go back to work. This will get her used to being away from you, and she'll learn that you will always come back for her!

If your child is going to long day care, you could also take her to some mum and toddler playgroups before she's due to start. This will give her an opportunity to play with other children and get her used to new activities. And having you there will reassure her as she begins to socialise and gain independence.

When your child does start childcare, you could stay with her for the first couple of days. Most childcare centres and family day carers will encourage this, as they know it will ease the settling-in process.

When you return to work, arrange to start a bit later on the first day. Then you can stay with your child to get her settled before you leave.

When you leave, have a quick goodbye and make an exit, even if she starts crying. Her carers will comfort her and she'll soon cheer up after you've gone. Hanging around getting upset yourself will make it harder for your child. Also don't sneak out without her knowing. This won't help, and it may just make her more afraid that you aren't coming back.

You could also give your child a comfort object to make her feel at home. Perhaps she has a favourite teddy bear, doll, or blanket. Pack these things in her bag of supplies ready for your carer to give to her if she gets upset.

My child cries when I leave her. How can I help her settle?It's hard to leave your child at childcare if she cries every time. All children take different lengths time to adjust. It may take a few weeks or a even months before your child runs off happily to play when you drop her off at childcare.

Your child's crying is unlikely to mean that she's unhappy at childcare or that her carers aren't doing their jobs properly. You may find other children under their care seem perfectly content. Be assured that your child is being well looked after.

Your child will eventually come to enjoy her time at childcare and gain some independence from you. In the meantime she will make her feelings clear that she's not always pleased about the arrangement! If you are happy with your choice of childcare, then your child should eventually feel the same.

If your child seems really miserable at childcare and she's been crying inconsolably throughout the day, talk to her carer. It may be a good idea to spend some more time settling her in. Try to arrange to start work a bit later for the next couple of weeks so you can ease her into her day. You could also try to pop in during your lunch hour to see her.

While you're at childcare with your child, make an effort to show her that you and her caregiver get along. This will assure your child that you trust her carer. Try to get a couple of the same books and toys that she has at childcare for home use. Seeing familiar objects may help her feel more comfortable when she's at childcare.

If you're really concerned about your child, perhaps look into other childcare options to see if she would be happier with a different type of care.

I don't feel ready to leave my child. What can I do?As if you needed telling, it won't just be your baby who may be feeling a little lost. When you are back at work, you could bring your favourite photo of your child to put on your desk. Have some tissues and replacement make-up to hand! Your baby will probably be playing happily as you leave, but you may shed a few tears yourself.

If you're really dreading the transition, you could ask your manager if you can make a gradual return to work. Your workplace will be pleased to have you back. So reassure them that you are keen to start but you want the opportunity to test your new arrangements.

Try talking to a colleague or friend who might know how you're feeling. You'll need as much support as you can while you get used to your child being away from you.

If your child makes a fuss when you see her at the end of the day, try to be patient and don't blame yourself. Chances are she's just missed you and wants some hugs and attention.[size=0.91667]
Last reviewed: August 2011



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发表于 3-10-2014 00:08:59 | 只看该作者

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发表于 4-10-2014 15:52:16 | 只看该作者

小孩适应不适应? 妈妈上班?

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发表于 4-10-2014 15:55:12 | 只看该作者
jgpyjwc 发表于 4-10-2014 14:52
小孩适应不适应? 妈妈上班?



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发表于 4-10-2014 15:57:34 | 只看该作者
指纹 发表于 4-10-2014 14:55



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 楼主| 发表于 16-10-2014 09:00:23 | 只看该作者
指纹 发表于 4-10-2014 14:55



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