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神秘博士(Doctor Who)明星John Barrowman喜结良缘

发表于 6-7-2013 16:48:32 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式


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John Barrowman Marries His Long-Term Partner Scott Gill In California - See more at: http://www.australianmarriageequality.com/wp/2013/07/04/john-barrowman-marries-his-long-term-partner-scott-gill-in-california/#sthash.Au21DYNN.dpuf


‘Doctor Who’ star John Barrowman has married his partner of 20 years, Scott Gill.
The actor announced the news on photo and video-sharing site WhoSay and thanked the Supreme Court for making marriage legal in California.
John Barrowman and his partner Scott Gill show off their marriage certificate
In the video, the ‘Torchwood’ star says: “It’s five after one and we’ve got our coffee and we’re in the car getting ready to leave, because where are we going, Scott?”
The star then turns the camera to his partner, who replies: “To get married. Yay!”

The ‘Torchwood’ star then adds: “We’re getting married in the state of California. Thank you Supreme Court, about time you made it legal. See you after we have the ceremony!”
The newly-married couple – who had previously entered into a civil partnership in the UK – later posted a snap of themselves holding their marriage certificate, writing: “We are now legally married. Thanks for all your great wishes. JB and Scott.”
Last week the Supreme Court overturned the controversial Defence of Marriage Act, which banned same-sex marriage.
Congrats to them both!
Author: WhoSay
Publication: Huff Post Entertainment United Kingdom
Date: 3 July 2013
- See more at: http://www.australianmarriageequ ... thash.Au21DYNN.dpuf


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