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[交规法规] 第三方强制险将提价10% 无过错也须赔偿

发表于 19-2-2013 13:04:37 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式


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虽然新州政府的一份调查发现该州车族缴纳的第三方强制险(green slip)已经很贵了,但州府还是坚持涨价10%的决定。
  新州州长奥法雷(Barry O'Farrell)表示,第三方强制险赔偿方式将从过错方赔偿体系(fault-based system)转为无过错责任制(no-fault scheme),这将使得收费降低15%。但是在此之前,第三方强制险得按照州府上个月的批示,先涨价10%。如此一来,系统转变带来的成本降幅将只有5%。这意味着车族缴纳的第三方强制险费用将先平均增加至550元,再降低27元。

  奥法雷称,现在已经不能推翻这个由新州金融厅长皮尔斯(Greg Pearce)批准的涨价10%的决定,不过从长期而言,受益的依旧是新州车族。他还指出,这一效仿了维州做法的新体系将减少法律成本。“我们希望能降低第三方强制险的成本负担,同时也希望车祸受害者能更快地得到应有的赔偿。”
  但法律专家们却提醒称,把三方强制险赔偿方转为无过错方将会严重损害受害者的利益。新州大律师公会(NSW Bar Association)表态,车祸受害者将成为“最凄惨的输家”。该公会的主席博尔顿(Phillip Boulten)指出,州府拟行的无过错方计划将使得伤者得不到应有的法律代表服务,有可能得不到公正的赔偿。
  博尔顿称,州府一直把法律成本的提高怪罪到第三方强制险收费提升的头上,但车祸管理局(Motor Accidents Authority)的最新年度报告却显示,法律和调查费用在过去4年间持续降低。“依据现有的规定,车祸保险公司赚得盆满钵盈,而伤者的权益却得不到保障。”“在过去十年中,保险公司的收益平均涨幅高达20%。”

[ 本帖最后由 周星星1832 于 19-2-2013 13:08 编辑 ]

使用道具 举报

发表于 19-2-2013 13:37:57 | 只看该作者
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http://smh.drive.com.au/motor-ne ... 20130217-2eky5.html
NSW motorists injured in car accidents would no longer have to prove someone else was at fault to claim compensation, under a proposal by the state government.

Currently, under NSW's Compulsory Third Party (CTP) insurance, also known as a green slip, a person injured in a crash must establish another person's fault before they can claim benefits for medical costs and economic loss.

Those benefits are in addition to the $5000 available to anyone injured in a crash, irrespective of fault.

Proving fault can lead to lengthy delays in compensation claims and about 7000 injured motorists each year miss out on any benefits above that $5000.

It also increases premiums because of costly legal battles to prove fault, the government said.

NSW Premier Barry O'Farrell said the proposed change to a "no-fault" scheme will mean injured motorists will be able to access benefits much sooner.

"Too much money is going into legal proceedings while not enough money is going, quickly enough, to those who have suffered injury in car accidents," he told reporters in Sydney on Sunday.

He also said the no-fault system will make green slips cheaper for NSW drivers.

"It's about creating a more competitive green slip insurance market," he said.

"It's about cutting down on the protracted legal proceedings that currently are part and parcel of the process, that have pushed up costs."

Since 2008, green slip prices have grown by about 70 per cent.

NSW drivers pay on average $500 for CTP insurance, about $260 more than drivers in some other states.

The NSW government says a no-fault scheme could reduce green slip prices by 15 per cent.

But in January, the government announced prices would rise by 10 per cent, so if the proposed reforms occur, NSW drivers will only be saving at most 5 per cent on last year's prices.

NSW green slips are sold by insurance companies AAMI, Allianz, CIC-Allianz, GIO, NRMA, QBE and Zurich, who take, on average, a 20 per cent cut of insurance premiums for profit.

Victoria already operates a no-fault scheme, while the South Australian government drew up draft legislation for a similar scheme in December.

The NSW government has released a discussion paper on the new reforms and is inviting comments from the public.


参与人数 1威望 +20 收起 理由
周星星1832 + 20 你太有才了!



使用道具 举报

发表于 19-2-2013 14:52:00 | 只看该作者
还是墨尔本便宜,698全包(Rego+green slip)

使用道具 举报

发表于 25-2-2013 23:09:53 | 只看该作者

[ 本帖最后由 TWT 于 26-2-2013 07:34 编辑 ]

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