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ACT 即将允许为政府同性婚姻伴侣举行婚礼仪式

发表于 23-8-2012 13:00:04 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
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ACT's civil ceremonies get green light
Updated 2 hours 16 minutes ago

PHOTO: The laws will allow legally binding ceremonies for same-sex couples. (Reuters Andrew Burton, file photo) RELATED STORY: ACT to reinstate civil union ceremoniesRELATED STORY: ACT to debate civil ceremonies


The ACT Legislative Assembly has passed a bill to strengthen civil union laws, during a marathon sitting that continued until early this morning.

The laws passed with support of the Greens and will allow legally binding ceremonies for same-sex couples.

Attorney-General Simon Corbell says the laws restore legislation overturned by the former Howard government.

He says it is a milestone, ending discrimination against gay couples.

"There will no longer be a paper-based scheme, there will no longer be some somewhat embarrassing administrative formality that has to be completed," he said.

"It will be a meaningful, legally binding ceremony."

Same-sex couples in the ACT have been able to register their civil partnership since 2008.

The new bill will replace the Civil Partnerships Act 2008 and fully restore the role of ceremonies and celebrants in civil unions.

Mr Corbell says it is an important step towards marriage equality.

Last month, the Greens' support was not certain, with the party raising concerns civil unions could distract from the national debate on gay marriage.

The Liberals maintained their staunch opposition to the bill.

Ivette Gonzales from Equal Love Canberra has welcomed the changes, but says it falls well short of marriage equality.

"Having something is better than having nothing at all, to legally recognise their union. To have a ceremony with friends is so important to many," she said.

"But it's not equality. It's not the same thing that is given to their brothers, the parents, the sisters. They are still discriminated."

'Biological truth'
Jim Wallace from the Australian Christian Lobby says same-sex marriage is not a human right.

"Marriage is between a man and a woman. It's not a matter of discrimination it's a matter of biology," he said.

Mr Wallace fears marriage celebrants and photographers who refuse to perform at civil unions will be ostracised.

He says people who have refused to officiate or work at same-sex ceremonies in other parts of the world have been persecuted.

"There have been marriage photographers in New Mexico hauled before the court and fined, marriage celebrants in the UK lose their job, in Denmark a law now changed saying churches must give blessing to same-sex unions," he said.

"This is the problem for the church because freedom of religion and freedom of conscious are important and should not be invaded by unreasonable gay activism."



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