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发表于 7-8-2012 12:07:04 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
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http://www.theaustralian.com.au/ ... rgczx-1226444286843

Poll shows support of gay marriage at high

BY: MILANDA ROUT AND MATTHEW DENHOLM From: The Australian August 07, 2012 12:00AM

SUPPORT for same-sex marriage has risen to its highest level, with a new poll revealing nearly two-thirds of the community want change as pressure continues to build on Julia Gillard in the wake of Tasmania's move to introduce its own laws.

The Galaxy research -- commissioned by Australian Marriage Equality -- also shows 52 per cent of Coalition voters want same-sex marriage reform and 44 per cent of voters would more likely support Tony Abbott if he allowed Coalition MPs a conscience vote on the issue.
澳洲婚姻平等权利组织要求银河调查机构进行民调,52%的联合党选举人想要婚姻法改革来支持同性婚姻立法。如果联合党允许党内针对同性婚姻立法而进行良心投票的话,44%将会决定选择Tony Abbott领导的联合党。

It comes as Labor MP Stephen Jones, architect of one of the three same-sex marriage bills before federal parliament, urged the Prime Minister not to mount a High Court challenge against Tasmania if Lara Giddings was successful in getting legislation through the state's upper house.
曾经参与起草了3个同性婚姻提案的工党议员Stephen Jones,希望如果同性婚姻在塔斯马尼亚州立法的话,吉拉德政府不要要求最高法院对州立法进行质询。

The opposition and a number of Labor MPs have called for Ms Gillard to take legal action, with Tasmanian Liberal senator Eric Abetz saying the laws were "socially destructive" and Labor MP John Murphy saying it would set a dangerous precedent for states to interfere with federal laws.

Mr Jones told The Australian yesterday a High Court challenge would be a waste of taxpayers' money, and he welcomed the move by Tasmania to recognise that it was time for change. He said that as more states and countries embraced same-sex marriage, "the more pressure is placed on the objectors to say what exactly is your objection".

Ms Giddings received support from two of her counterparts yesterday. The ACT government indicated it would keep a close eye on the passage of Tasmania's legislation, with the possibility of going down the same path, and South Australian Premier Jay Weatherill sent her a message praising her state's move.

Australian Marriage Equality convenor Alex Greenwich said the Galaxy polling -- which sampled 865 people across the country -- showed support for same-sex marriage at 64 per cent, the highest level since polling on the topic began in 2009.

"The message to the federal parliament is clear -- if you ignore the aspirations of the majority of Australians and fail to support this reform it will occur anyway, state by state and territory by territory," he said.

It also emerged that Tasmania's upper house -- dominated by conservative independents -- might not be the barrier to Australia's first gay marriage law that many expected.

Public statements so far suggest the 15 legislative councillors are evenly divided between those for, against and undeclared. However, The Australian understands a vote held today would be indecisive and as likely as not result in passage of the bill.

Additional reporting: Sarah Martin

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