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发表于 6-8-2012 17:12:46 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
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http://www.smh.com.au/opinion/po ... 20120806-23oos.html

Tasmania is the logical 'first mover' on marriage equality

August 6, 2012 - 9:35AM

Tasmanian Premier Lara Giddings has announced that Tasmania will pass new laws allowing same-sex couples to marry.

For some people it will seem strange that Tasmania could be the first place in Australia to allow same-sex marriages. Tassie has a reputation for homophobia that comes from being the last Australian state to decriminalise same-sex relationships. Besides, isn't marriage a federal issue?

Even if Tasmania's marriage equality law is struck down by the High Court, Tasmania and marriage equality still win.

Since homosexuality was decriminalised in 1997, Tasmania's progress on the recognition of same-sex relationships has outstripped the other states.

We were the first state or territory to enact a scheme for formally recognising same-sex relationships, the second to allow same-sex couples official ceremonies and the first to recognise overseas same-sex marriages.

Tasmanian Labor was the first to formally endorse the principle of marriage equality and the Tasmanian Parliament, the first to do the same.

Some might say we have made this rapid evolution towards equality despite our history, but I think it is because if it.

The divisive and drawn-out decriminalisation debate (not to mention the post-convict "sodomy-shame" that haunted us for a over century), has heightened our awareness of the damage caused by prejudice and discrimination.

Whatever the reason for Tasmania's rapid progress, that progress makes marriage equality the next logical step for the Apple Isle, and our island the most logical place for marriage equality to begin in Australia.

But does a state like Tasmania have the power to take such an initiative?

It is a common misapprehension that because the Marriage Act is a federal law, only the federal government can make laws for marriage.

In fact, as constitutional experts like Professor George Williams have pointed out, the federal constitutional marriage power is shared by the Commonwealth and state governments.

If there is a type of marriage not covered by federal law, the power to make laws for that type of marriage falls to the states.

This is why heterosexual marriages were performed under state laws until the federal Marriage Act was enacted in 1961.

It is also why, in the absence of federal laws about same-sex marriage, the states can now enact such laws.

Ironically, the person who can take most credit for this is John Howard.

When he amended the federal Marriage Act in 2004 to make it crystal clear that federal law only concerns itself with heterosexual unions, he also inadvertently clarified that the states have free rein to marry same-sex couples.

It shouldn't be a surprise that the states can and should lead on this issue.

The recognition of same-sex de facto relationships and same-sex parenting occurred state-by-state before it migrated to the federal level in 2008.
对于de facto(同性伴侣关系)和同性伴侣抚养权这些法案的产生都是由州政府先立法以后,最终在2008年成为联邦法案的。

In every other federal nation where marriage equality has moved forward, including Canada, the US, Argentina, Mexico and Brazil, it happened first at a state or provincial level. Even in a unitary nation like the UK it is Scotland that is taking the lead.

Seen this way, it would be remarkable and anomalous if marriage equality didn't begin at a state level in Australia.

Of course, there are constitutional experts who disagree, arguing that the Howard government intended to stop the states as well as the Commonwealth recognising same-sex marriages (even though Howard never said this, and other proponents of the 2004 amendment admit it was an omission).

But this shouldn't stop Tasmania acting.

The federal and state governments often enact laws that raise constitutional questions - Howard's WorkChoices is an excellent example.

Indeed, Tasmania should relish the chance to defend its same-sex marriage law in the High Court (should anyone be willing and able to challenge those laws, which is by no means certain).

For most of my adult life, Tasmania has been on the wrong side of history in the High Court, defending dams that were never built and anti-gay laws that were later repealed.

Should Tassie become the High Court champion of what has been dubbed "the civil rights battle of our time", it will reinforce the message about how much the island has transformed. Even if Tasmania's marriage equality law is struck down by the High Court, Tasmania and marriage equality still win.

In the time it takes for the court to hear the case, thousands of same-sex couples from all over Australia will be married in Tasmania. They will have spent an estimated $100 million on their weddings, giving the state economy a much-needed boost.

They will have returned home and begun demanding the recognition of their solemn legal vows by their own state government.

Perhaps most important of all, people will not start marrying their pets, heterosexuals will not all suddenly divorce, churches will not be "thrown to the lawyers", and the sky will stay just where it is.

As much as it will seal Tasmania's maturation as an inclusive society, state marriage equality will break the seal on the national debate.

Rodney Croome has been at the forefront of the struggle for gay equality in Tasmania and is campaign director of Australian Marriage Equality. In 2003 he was a Member of the Order of Australia for his gay right advocacy.

Read more: http://www.smh.com.au/opinion/po ... .html#ixzz22jy5fSCX


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