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发表于 30-7-2012 15:32:41 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
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Mother pleads for “gay panic” repeal

Posted on 25 July 2012

Queensland mother Joyce Kujala has called on Premier Campbell Newman to immediately end the notorious “gay panic” defence, which was used by the two men who beat her son to death in 2008.
昆州母亲Joyce Kujala 日前打电话给州长Campbell Newman,要求他立即废除【同性恋威胁防卫】这项歧视性法律。她的同志儿子于2008年被两名男子殴打致死。

Her plea was prompted by the early release of one of her son’s killers after just four years of a nine-year sentence.
Jason Andrew Pearce and Richard John Meerdink were jailed for the manslaughter of Wayne Ruks in a Maryborough churchyard .
The men attempted to use the state’s controversial provocation defence during their trial by saying that Ruks had tried to grab Pearce’s crotch before the attack. The court rejected the defence.
杀害他儿子的嫌疑犯之一,本来要被判刑9年,结果4年以后,日前被提前假释。Jason 和 Richard 由于杀害 Wayne 被判刑。Jason 在法庭指出他们开始袭击Wayne以前,受害人Wayne 有试图去接触杀人犯 Jason的裆部的举动,这一行为符合【Gay Panic】的防卫定义。也就是说,因为同性恋试图去骚扰异性恋,而引起了异性恋的恐惧,因此异性恋有次行为而做出的一系列防卫,属于【正当防卫】。

Pearce was granted parole and released early from jail on July 9.
嫌疑犯 Pearce 被于2012年7月9日提前假释。

The killing outside his church prompted Father Paul Kelly to launch his Change.org campaign to end the legal loophole, which has attracted more than 180,000 signatures and global support.
谋杀案发生在一间教堂附近,教堂的神父 Paul Kelly 由此在 Change.org 网站上发起了一个抗议,目的是废除这项歧视性法律,此项活动目前已经收到了来自世界各地的 180,000 签名支持。

Kujala said last week that she hoped the Criminal Code would be changed to prevent the defence being used.
受害者的母亲Kujala 上周説她希望看到这项歧视性法律被废除。

“This is a terrible loophole in the law that anyone can use to literally get away with murder,” she said.

“There is no condoning an attack on anyone, regardless of their race or religion or the way they live. This law is a loophole that simply encourages more crime.

“It’s time for Campbell Newman to close it.”
修补这个法律漏洞是 Campbell Newman的责任。

Father Paul Kelly said that the premier needed to realise the issue was not going to go away and that it was time for him to declare his stance on the defence.

“Campbell Newman says he is tough on crime. Now I’d like to see him show that he is by finally removing the gay panic defence,” he said.
Campbell Newman 一向生成他自己历来主张严惩罪犯。那么他就应该立即废除这项法律。

“This is not just a gay rights issue, it is a criminal justice and human rights issue.

“There is overwhelming support for the removal of the gay panic defence and it is time Campbell Newman listened to what the community was saying.”

Earlier this month, Queensland Attorney-General Jarrod Bleijie revealed that he was unlikely to implement changes to the defence.
本月初,昆州法律顾问Jarrod 说改变这项法律很难。

You can add your signature to the petition here.

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