在维客上搜了搜。发现下文。 个人觉得,这个比较荒唐。 该文用的字眼是“A2 Corporation Believes....."
A2 Milk is a trademark of the A2 Corporation. The A2 Corporation licenses milk producers + distributors to apply the trademarked A2 Milk label to their milk. Only companies with cows that produce A2, β-casein protein, not A1, are given a license to use the trademarked label. A1 β-casein protein is the most common protein type found in cow's milk in Europe (excluding France), the USA, Australia and New Zealand.[citation needed]
A1 and A2 β-casein are categories of proteins with different chemical structures. The A2 Corporation believes that the difference in structures is important, and has commissioned studies[1] that attempt to confirm a link between casomorphin BCM7 (produced when A1 β-casein is digested) and common human illnesses, including heart disease.
A genetic test, developed by the A2 Corporation, determines whether a cow produces A2 or A1 protein in its milk. The test uses hair from the cow's tail to determine this. The test allows the A2 Corporation to give licenses to milk producers once these producers prove their cows produce A2 β-casein protein. A2 Milk is currently available in New Zealand, Australia and (to a much lesser extent) in the United States.[citation needed]
[ 本帖最后由 Greenhouse 于 18-6-2012 15:39 编辑 ] |