Read the clues and complete the crossword.
1. It sounds like here.
4. If your______stops,you’ll be late.
6. The airplane is going to_____soon.
7. I like and she______.
9.American children wear ____s at Halloween.
11. Let’s put up______for Clean-up Day.
15.______light clothes for a hot country.
16. The opposite of quiet.
18. Many cars on the road is heavy ______.
20. A place where people make bread.
22. The opposite of worse.
1. When my mother is tired, I try to be____and make dinner.
2. Why buy CDs?You can listen to the______ for free!
3.To volunteer, I______children in the hospital.
4. More people speak this language than any other language.
5._______, two, three, go!
8. Not now, not later, but______.
9. You can travel and experience a different _______.
10. The opposite of start.
12. The past tense of get.
13. I play music and I sing ______.
14. The Yellow River goes to the________.
16. Oh no! It’s raining but I_______my umbrella at home.
17. I don’t feel well.I think I’m______.
18. This and______.
19. One is but two______.
21. Let’s meet______the school.作者: 成了精的妖 时间: 6-9-2010 21:56
1. hear (across) / helpful (down)
2. radio
3. treat
4. clock
5. one
6. land
8. soon
9. costume (across) / culture(down)
10. stop
11. signs
12. got
13. songs
14. ocean
15. pick
16.loud (across) / left (down)
17. sick
18. traffic (across) / that (down)
19. are
20. bakery
21. at
22. better作者: nil 时间: 6-9-2010 22:54 11不知道。13不知道。其他答案跟楼上一样。补充楼上少的一个:
这个先放着,我再找找作者: lisa2008 时间: 11-9-2010 01:29
try this one:
Across (横向)
1.Let's ___to a movie?
5.Did you ___TV last night?
7.Please put the book on the ___.
8.She ran ___ her dog.
9.I got up at ___ 6:30
11.___ you like baseball?
12.Please give this to ___ man.
14.I have a dog and a ___.
16.It's really hot ___.
18.___ is my book.
19.He took the ___ road. .
20.A ___ has long ears.
23.Do you ___ to eat lunch now?
24.He has a dog, a cat ___ a rabbit.
Down (纵向)
1.My___is 65 years old.
2.___time will you go home?
3.The police tried to ___the thief.
4. How old will you be on your next ___?
5.Have you seen the ___ forcast for tomorrow?
6.She has ___ dogs.
10.We climbed ___ the tree.
13.How ___ are you? I'm 180 centimeters.
15.Please go to the ___ and buy some bread.
17.What time did you eat ___ yesterday evening?
21.The baseball player picked up the ___.
22.Would you like a cup of ___?作者: 成了精的妖 时间: 14-9-2010 19:48
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