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发表于 15-8-2010 17:08:31 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式
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  >   Adjustment (费用)调整,指买家和卖家之间费用的分摊,例如政府费用和水费等
   The apportioning of expenses like council and water rates between buyer and vendor.

  >   Agent 代理人
   A registered person contracted to act for another in the selling, buying, renting or management of property.

  >   Allotment (从一大块土地中分出的)小块土地
    A lot or block subdivided from a larger portion of land.

  >   Amortisation Period 还款期限
    The number of years it will take to repay a home loan completely. Maximum amortization period is usually 25 years.

  >   Appraised Value 评估价值(指房屋在申请贷款时的评估价值)
    An estimate of the value of the property offered as security for a home loan. This appraisal is done for financial lending purposes and may not reflect the actual market value.

>   Architrave 门窗装饰线条
   A decorative moulding around doors or windows.

  >   Assets 资产
    What you own.

  >   Auction 拍卖
    A public sale of a property sold to the highest bidder.
  >   Awning window (水平打开的)棚式窗
    A window with sashes that open out horizontally.
  >   Body Corporate or Owners Corporation 业主法人团体,负责公有区域的管理和维护
    The collective ownership of common property such as a block of apartments or multi–dwelling complexes. It is responsible for the administration and upkeep of common areas.

  >   Breach of Contract  违约
   Breaking the terms of a contract.

  >   Brick Veneer 木结构固定在外层单砖墙上的建筑结构
    A system of building in which a structural timber frame is tied to a single brick external wall.

  >   Bridging Finance 短期过渡贷款,利率较高,通常在买房者等待卖出原有住房,钱不够时采用。
    A short-term loan, usually at a higher rate of interest, taken out by people who have bought a house while waiting for theirs to be sold, or when a normal mortgage and their savings fall below the asking price.

  >   Building Regulations 建筑规程
    Designed to uphold the standards of public safety, health and construction, these regulations are in place and have been formulated by local councils to control the quality of buildings.

  >   Buyer's Advocate or Buyer's Agent 买房代理
    Represents a property buyer in negotiations with a vendor or his/her agent. The buyer's agent is paid by the buyer. Buyer's agents should be licensed and certified to act as a buyer's agent.

  >   Capital Gains Tax 资本利得税
    Is the tax based on the difference between the purchase and selling price, less inflation, applied upon the sale of an investment property.
  >   Casement window 平开窗
      A window with sashes that open out vertically.
  >   Caveat 是与财产有法定利益的人的声明书,确保财产不能在不通知他们的情况下售出。
   Is a document any person with a legal interest in a property can lodge with the Titles Office to ensure the property is not sold without their knowledge.

  >   Caveat Emptor 买主责任自负
     Latin for ‘Let the Buyer Beware.’ This puts the burden onto the buyer to be satisfied with the item before purchasing a property.

  >   Ceiling joists 吊顶龙骨
    Parallel lengths of timber/steel which support the ceiling.
  >   Certificate of Title 产权证书
    A document stating who owns the property, the size of the land and whether there are any limitations on the title such as mortgages, easements or encumbrances.

  >   Chattels 动产
    Chattels are personal property. There are two types. Real chattels are buildings and fixtures. Personal chattels are clothes, furniture, etc.

  >   Cluster Housing 居住组团
    Detached group of houses which share open space.
  >   Cluster Title 公共产权证书
    Each Cluster Title holder has a Certificate of Title which specifies ownership in terms of a particular area for which the owner is responsible and defines the common property. Unlike a Strata Title, it does not subdivide ‘airspace.’

  >   Commission 佣金
   A negotiable percentage of the selling price of a property, paid by the seller to the property agent, normally after the property is sold.

  >   Common Property 公共所有物,strata-title公共所有的部分
    Areas in strata-title properties shared by all owners.

  >   Community Title 社区产权,类似于strata title,差别是开发需要遵从总体的风格和设计
   Similar to Strata Title but applicable to developments combining a variety of dwelling styles and communal facilities where an overall style and theme must be adhered to.

  >   Company Title 公司股份产权,多户公寓建筑,strata title楼花
   The title system that apportions space within multi-apartment buildings, pre-dating Strata Title, based upon ownership of parcels of shares within an unlisted company. Not all banks will provide finance. Seek legal advice prior to purchase.

  >   Contract Note 买卖合约,买方卖方签订的第一份合约
   The first document signed on buying a house is sometimes a Contract Note, instead of a Contract of Sale. This document when signed by both parties is a legally binding as a Contract of Sale and the buyer and seller should treat it with the same importance. It must be accompanied by a Vendor Statement.

  >   Contract or Agreement of Sale 销售合同
   A legal document outlining details of a property sale. It is usually prepared on the seller’s behalf by an agent, solicitor or conveyancer.

  >   Conveyancer 办理不动产转让过户的人
   A person (not a legal practitioner) who, for a fee, handles the process of transferring property.

  >   Conveyancing 过户
    Transferring ownership of a property from the seller to the buyer.
  >   Cooling-Off Period 冷静期
    A period of time during which a buyer can withdraw from the sale of a home (if not purchased at auction). Duration varies from state to state. The duration must be outlined in the Agreement of Sale.

  >   Cornice 檐口
    A horizontal decorative moulding usually positioned where the wall meets the ceiling.
  >   Covenant (关于土地和房产使用)的契约
    Conditions affecting the use of land or property written into the title.

  >   Cover note  临时保单
    This is a document giving temporary insurance cover over a property until a formal policy is issued by the insurance company.

  >   Deposit (买主交付的不可退的)定金
    A non-refundable percentage of the purchase price paid by the buyer to secure the purchase of the property

  >   Depreciation 资产折旧
    Is a non-cash allowance that you may be able to claim on your tax which reflects the limited life of an asset.

  >   Disbursements (应向律师或过户师支付的邮资,电话费,印花税,更名费,政府费用等)应付款项
    Charges payable to solicitors or conveyancers such as postage, phone calls, stamp duty, registration fees and government charges.

  >   Discharge Fees 贷款账户管理费
   An administration fee charged by a bank to cover the costs in finalising a loan account.

  >   Door jambs 门窗侧壁
      The vertical sides of a door frame.
  >   Drawdown 贷款放款
    The disbursement of loan funds provided by the Bank.


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使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 15-8-2010 17:09:30 | 只看该作者
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  >   Easement 通行权,例如输电线,上下水管道等
    A right held by someone to use land belonging to someone else for a specific purpose. Mains, drains and water pipes are usually covered by an easement.

  >   Encroachment 侵占
   When a building overhangs someone else’s property, or a fence is built over the dividing line between two properties.

  >   Encumbrance 限制,限制房产使用或转让的通行权,抵押或者其它债务等
   An easement, mortgage, or other liability on a property which impedes its use or transfer.

  >   Equity 资产净值,房产市价和现有贷款之间的差额
    The difference between the market value of the property and any loans that are outstanding on the property.

  >   Exclusions 不包括在销售中的项目,例如水池,花棚等
   Any item that is specifically not included in the sale. e.g. An above ground pool, garden shed, etc.

  >   First Home Owner Grant (FHOG) 首套住房补助
   A scheme providing first home owners with a non-means tested, one off payment as contribution towards deposit, fees and charges.
  >   Fixed Interest Rate 固定利率
    An interest rate that will remain unchanged for a set period of time.

  >   Fixtures (or Fittings) 固定装置,除非特别指出,通常包括在销售合同中。
   Items which are attached to a property and cannot be removed without causing damage; they are usually included in the sale unless expressly excluded.

  >   Flat Interest Rate 统一利率
   Is calculated on the original amount of the mortgage for the whole term of the loan.

  >   Footing 地基
    The footing supports the building on its foundation.
  >   Freehold 不动产
   An owner’s interest in land where the property and the land on which it stands both belong to their owner indefinitely.
  >   Gable 屋顶与墙壁接合的三角形部分
    The triangular part of a building's end wall which extends up to meet the two slopes of a roof.

  >   Gazumping 房价谈妥后抬价改售
   If someone has agreed to sell you a property and then sells it to someone else for a higher price, you have been gazumped!

  >   General Law Title 一种老的复杂的土地产权
   Old, complicated form of land ownership in form of chain of documents. Can be more than 100 years old and of historic interest.

  >   Goods and Services Tax (GST) 商品服务税,10%
   A tax of ten per cent levied on the final price of some goods or services.


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使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 15-8-2010 17:10:09 | 只看该作者
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  >   Inclusions 卖家同意包括在销售中的物品
   Lights, curtains, blinds, ceiling fans, airconditioning units, flyscreens, TV antenna, dishwasher, rangehood, stove, fixed cupboards, clothes hoist or any other removable item that the vendor has agreed will be included in the sale.

  >   Interest 利息
   The lending body’s charge on paying back a loan.

  >   Interest-only Loans 只偿还贷款利息的阶段,阶段结束后偿还本金
    Loan on which interest only is paid periodically and the principal paid at the end of the term.

  >   Inventory 详细目录
    List of items included with a property for sale; usually furniture, furnishings and other removable items.
  >   Investment 投资
    The purchase of an asset, such as real estate, with the ultimate goal of producing capital gain on the resale of the asset.

  >   Joint Tenants 联合所有者
   Where two or more people purchase a property in equal shares.

  >   Land Tax 土地税
    Value-based levy applied to some property (exemptions include principal place of residence).

  >   Landlord 房东
   Is the owner of property being rented.

  >   Lease or Lease Agreement 租约
    The lease (also known as a Tenancy Agreement) is a legal contract between the tennant and landlord agent. This covers the amount of rent to be paid, the method of payment, term of the agreement, security bond amount and other conditions and rules.

    There are two types of tenancy agreements:
   A Fixed Term agreement is for a set period of time. Even though the agreement will have an end date, it is still necessary for the tenant to give notice in writing, or in the case of the landlord, to give a ‘Notice to Vacate to Tenant/s of Rented Premises’ when a tenant is required to leave at the end of the agreement 固定期租约,到期时租户或房主需要通知对方
   A Periodic Term agreement is set from week-to-week, or month-to-month. In the case of neither the tenant nor landlord giving notice to end the fixed term agreement, the agreement automatically becomes a periodic tenancy agreement 周期性租约,对于固定期租约,如果租户和房主都没有在到期时通知对方,租约自动转为周期性租约

  >   Leasehold 租赁权
    The interest in land of a person who owns a lease granted by a freeholder.

  >   Lessee 承租人,租户
    One who leases/rents a property from a lessor owner.

  >   Liabilities 债务
   Your outstanding debts or what you owe.

  >   Limited Title (在房屋准确测量前的) 有限产权
    Form or Torrens Title which applies to a property before it has been adequately surveyed.

  >   Loan 贷款
   Money borrowed that is usually repaid with interest.

  >   Loan Repayment Capacity 贷款还款能力,承诺每月还款额除以每月总收入的百分比
    Your monthly fixed debt commitments divided by your monthly gross income expressed as a percentage.


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 楼主| 发表于 15-8-2010 17:11:04 | 只看该作者
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  >   Manhole 检修孔
    An opening which permits access to the space between the roof and the ceiling, or below the floor.

  >   Maturity Date (房屋贷款)到期日。term的最后一天,必须清偿房贷或者续签新贷款合同
    The last day of the term of the home loan agreement. The home loan must then be paid in full or the home loan agreement renewed.

  >   Mortgage 抵押
    A written contract giving a lender security over a property.

  >   Mortgagee 抵押权人(银行等)  
    One who lends the money for the property.

  >   Mortgagor 抵押人(借款方)
    One who borrows the money to purchase property.

  >   Multiple Listing 通过多个代理卖房
    System of selling the property through many agents.

  >   Negative Gearing 负收益(投资支出超出投资收入的部分,可用于抵扣其它收入的税款)
    Is where the costs associated with your property investment exceed the income received over the tax year. This loss can be used to offset other income in that year’s tax return.

  >   Net Yield 纯收益
    Is the income on your property less certain expenses such as rates, insurance, maintenance and body corporate levies.

  >   Off the plan 楼花  
    Buying a property based on architect’s plans, before it has been built.

  >   Offer to Purchase 购买报价,正式报价,可能是无附加条款,也可能有附加条款(conditional)
    A formal legal agreement which offers a specified price for a specified property. The offer may be firm (no conditions attached) or conditional (certain conditions apply).

  >   Old System Title 一种旧的土地产权,又称Commom Law Title,在房地产销售时自动转为托雷斯产权
    Another old form of land title and also known as Common Law Title. Automatically converted to Torrens Title on the sale of a property.

  >   Older titles 更老的产权
    Such as ‘common law’, or ‘old systems title’, ‘moiety’, would need to be turned into one of the modern titles above.

  >   On the market 报价达到卖家的最低售价(reserve price)
    The point at an auction where a price is reached at or above which the seller is prepared to sell.

  >   Option Fee 选择费用,通常是房价的1%,如果买家不打算继续交易则不退还
   Usually one percent of price, is payable and forfeited if buyer does not go through with the transaction.

  >   Option to Buy 购买选择权,赋予买家在约定时间内以约定价格购买的法律权利
    Legal agreement giving the buyer the right to purchase property at an agreed time and price.

  >   Party Wall 分开两座建筑物的墙
    Wall separating two adjoining buildings and normally straddling the boundary.

  >   Plan 平面图,显示平面设计,房屋抬高,房间大小,厨卫,洗衣房,房屋在土地上的位置等。
    This shows the ground plan design, elevation of house, number and size of rooms, kitchen, bathrooms and laundry layout, position of the house on the land.

  >   Principal 买房的实际借款数
    The actual amount of money that has been borrowed to buy a property.

  >   Private Sale 卖家不通过代理,直接和买家交易
    The seller does not engage an estate agent but acts on his own behalf, dealing directly with the buyer.

  >   Private Treaty Sale 通过代理,私下进行房产交易协商,签订合同
    Sale of property via an agent through private negotiation and contract.

  >   Property Insurance 房屋财产险
    Insurance policies that may cover properties, house contents, landlord, etc.

[ 本帖最后由 pinxinge 于 15-8-2010 17:33 编辑 ]


参与人数 1威望 +20 收起 理由
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使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 15-8-2010 17:12:17 | 只看该作者
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  >   Qualified Title 附条件的所有权
   Applies to some Old System Titles converted to Torrens Title which may not have been fully investigated.

  >   Rafter 屋顶的椽子
    Part of the framework of the roof, the rafters slope down from the ridge to the eaves.
  >   Real Property 不动产,土地
   Land, with or without improvements.
  >   Render 水泥抹灰
    A coat of cement or plaster to brickwork or stone.
  >   Requisition of Title (买方)查看产权信息的请求
    The process in which the buyer of a property asks for written information about the title to a property from the vendor in addition to that supplied in the Contract of Sale.

  >   Reserve Price  (卖家的)房产最低售价
    A seller’s minimum sale price for property sale. It may be recorded on the authority to sell.

  >   Ridge 屋脊
    Usually horizontal, this is the peak of the roof where the top end of each rafter is attached.
  >   Right of Way 通行权
    Right of access across a property.

  >   Rise and Fall Clause (建筑合同中的)价格升降条款
    This clause would be contained in a building contract. It provides for an upward or downward contract price dependant on movement of prices, wages or other factors specified.

  >   Roof pitch 屋顶坡度
    The slope of the roof.
  >   Sale by Private Treaty 通过私下谈判买卖房地产
    Sale of property through private negotiation and contract.

  >   Sash 窗框
    The frame in which a pane of glass is set to form a window.
  >   Security (房产)抵押
    Property offered as backing for a loan. In the case of home loan money usually acts as the security.

  >   Semi-detached 双拼,两个建筑共享一堵墙
    Two buildings joined by a common wall.

  >   Settlement 买家付款给卖家,产权由卖家转移到买家的时间
    The occasion when ownership of a property passes from the vendor to the buyer and the balance of the sale price is paid to the vendor.

  >   Shingles 墙面板或屋顶板
    Thin pieces of wood or other material set in overlapping rows to form a roof or wall cladding.
  >   Sill 窗台
    The horizontal section of material at the base of a window opening.
  >   Sole Agency 全权代理
    One agent or agency has the exclusive rights to sell a property.

  >   Solicitor 律师
    A legally qualified professional who undertakes legal work for a fee.

  >   Stamp Duty 印花税
    A government tax based on the sale price of a property.

  >   Strata Title 一块土地上有多处住所时,每个单元有一个单独的产权,多用于flat或unit
    Applies to more than one property on a single piece of land, such as an apartment block. Each unit will have a separate strata title, organised under a ‘strata plan’.
    Most commonly used for flats and units, this title gives you the ownership of a small piece of a larger property. You have sole right to a particular unit and can lease, sell or legally dispose of your unit as you desire. You also have an undivided share of the common land. You also become a member of the Body Corporate which controls maintenance.

  >   Stratum Title 分层所有权  
    This title gives you legal ownership over a piece of property and also gives you a share in the company set up to look after the common areas of the flats or units you live in. It does not include ‘air space’.

  >  Studs 立柱
    The uprights in the wall of a building.

  >   Survey 勘测,确认房产边界和改良
    Confirmation of the property boundaries and improvements.

  >   Tenancy Agreement Document 租借合约
    Sets out details of the property to be rented and the terms and conditions agreed to between landlord and the tenant.

  >   Tenant 租户  
    One who leases/rents a property from a lessor owner.

  >   Tenants in Common 房产的一种共同拥有形式
    A form of joint ownership in a property in which each person owns a share of property.

  >   Term 房产贷款期限,和amortisation period不同,term到期后,可重新协商贷款
    The time length of a home loan. Payments made may not fully repay the outstanding principle by the end of the term because the amortisation period is longer. For example, a Fixed Rate Loan might have a five year term, but it will take 20 years to repay the loan completely. When a term expires, the loan is renegotiated.

  >   Title Search 产权检索,检索公共信息,确认卖家有权出售房产,过户产权
    A check of public records to make sure that the vendor has the right to sell and transfer ownership of a property.

  >   Torrens Title 托伦斯产权,认定土地产权归登记人所有的标准证书
    Is the standard certificate recognising land owned by the person registered on that document.

  >   Townhouse 两层联排建筑,通常是Strata-Titled
    Two storey attached building, usually Strata-Titled.

  >   Transfer (在土地产权管理机构登记)过户
   Document registered in the Land Titles Office recording change of ownership of a property.


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使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 15-8-2010 17:12:56 | 只看该作者
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  >   Underpinning 墙基
    Supports placed under an existing wall to provide added strength.

  >   Unencumbered 无限制房产
    Property free of covenants or other restrictions.

  >   Valuation  评估
   An estimate of the value of a property by a qualified and registered valuer.

  >   Variable Interest Rate 可变利率
    A rate that varies in accordance with the money market rates.

  >   Vendor 卖家
    A person selling a property.

  >   Vendor bid 卖家出价
    A bid made on behalf of the vendor. Vendor bids can only be made by the auctioneer and only when the auction rules allow it. The auctioneer makes this statement before bidding starts and announces each vendor bid as, or before, it is made.

  >   Vendor's Statement 卖家声明
    Information which the seller must provide to the buyer setting out any restrictions such as covenants and easements, outgoings such as rates, and other relevant notices.

  >   Villa 与其它建筑物相连的单层住所
    An attached dwelling usually single storey.

  >   Wall cavity 空心墙
    The space between the inner and outer sections of a wall.
  >   Zoning 土地的政府许可
   The permissible uses of an area of land as defined by a council.

[ 本帖最后由 pinxinge 于 15-8-2010 17:46 编辑 ]

使用道具 举报

发表于 16-8-2010 22:18:56 | 只看该作者

使用道具 举报

发表于 16-8-2010 22:24:08 | 只看该作者
Thanks a lot! 已经收藏!

使用道具 举报

发表于 17-8-2010 08:46:31 | 只看该作者

使用道具 举报

发表于 17-8-2010 20:23:23 | 只看该作者

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 19-8-2010 12:15:22 | 只看该作者
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使用道具 举报

发表于 19-8-2010 12:44:42 | 只看该作者

使用道具 举报

发表于 25-9-2010 03:22:23 | 只看该作者

使用道具 举报

发表于 25-9-2010 13:11:10 | 只看该作者

使用道具 举报

发表于 25-9-2010 13:28:35 | 只看该作者

使用道具 举报

发表于 28-4-2011 17:07:41 | 只看该作者

使用道具 举报

发表于 28-4-2011 18:46:36 | 只看该作者



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