The documents attached in your email have been successfully received. Thesewill shortly be forwarded to your case officer. Please do not mailoriginals or copies of the same documentation unless you have beenspecifically asked to do so. This mail box address should only be used for forwarding documents byemail. This is to ensure that your documents reach your case officerpromptly. Application enquiries should be made online using the online enquiry form.You can access this form by going tohttp://www.immi.gov.au/contacts/forms/gsm/post.htm
注意这里再次在线提交post-enquiry form,签证官才会会邮(不过还要看他有没有时间)(Note: If you have included an enquiry with your documents, you will needto resubmit your enquiry separately using the online enquiry facility as itcannot be answered from this mailbox.) We try to respond to all enquirieswithin seven (7) working days.
You can also contact the ASPC by telephone on 1300 364 613. Information on processing times is updated weekly and can be obtained bysending a blank email to: aspc.processing@immi.gov.au