Priority Application Processing Information
The following applications are currently being allocated and processed:
1. State or Territory Nominated Applications - once the department has
received and approved a nomination from a State or Territory authority,
processing of the application will usually commence within 10 working days
of that approval.
2. Applications with a nominated occupation on the Critical Skills List
(CSL) - these are being allocated and processed as supplies of State and
Territory Nominated applications are exhausted.
Priority Application Processing Information
As a result of the priority processing direction expalined above only
applications from the following priority groups will be allocated to case
1. State or Territory Nominated Applications - These applications have
the highest priority for allocation once the department has received and
approved a nomination from a State or Territory authority.
2. Applications with a nominated occupation on the Critical Skills List
(CSL) - these applications are allocated and processed as supplies after
the State and Territory Nominated applications.
1. State or Territory Nominated Applications - These applications have
the highest priority for allocation once the department has received and
approved a nomination from a State or Territory authority.
我觉得这句话和6月的比较起来,人家的意思是会更快处理州担保的了,因为以前要在收到州担保的1100表的10天内分,现在时要once,注意,这个是说一收到就必须分co了,也就是说,如果你确认对方收到“approved a nomination from a state or Territory authority"就必须要分到co。以前还可以有个10天可以搪塞一下,现在是只要有确认有州给的担保的(具体指表1100),你就应该有co开始给你干活了。这样才能保证州担保的快速最高等级的审理呀!!!