Is your occupation in demand? Nomination by a State/Territory government
Students and General Skilled MigrationImportant new information is available for students about the General Skilled Migration program. See:Students and General Skilled Migration
Changes to Trades Skills Assessments for offshore skills assessmentsSome trade occupations on the Skilled Occupation List have bothTrades Recognition Australia (TRA) and Vocational Education Trainingand Assessment Services (VETASSESS) listed as the assessing authority.Currently VETASSESS, working in a consortium with a number ofAustralian registered training organisations, is the assessingauthority for certain skilled trade occupations if the applicant is aresident of the United Kingdom, India, Sri Lanka, South Africa or thePhilippines.
From 15 May 2009, applicants from other countries who are willingand able to be assessed in one of these five countries can choose to beassessed by the VETASSESS consortium, or can continue to apply to TRAfor their skills assessment.
Police checks for online lodged General Skilled Migration (GSM) visa applicationsIf you are lodging an online onshore GSM visa, you do not need toprovide the transaction ID for your Australian Federal Police (AFP)check with your GSM visa application.
The AFP has advised that the transaction ID can only be providedwhen the check is completed. It is not necessary to contact the AFP toobtain the transaction ID in order for you to lodge your GSM visaapplication. Note: You must have already submitted the request for an AFP check before you lodge your GSM visa application.
When you have received your police check, it should be forwarded to the department. See:Professionals and other skilled migrants visas
Reopening of Capital Investment Scheme for pre-1 September 2007 GSM visa applications – 29 January 2009The capital investment scheme has reopened for pre–1 September 2007with the South Australian Government Financing Authority announcing itwill accept deposits. Affected applicants will be contacted by theircase officer.