yesterday I open an acount in commonwealth bank, they told me that if I save 10000$ in it, I would obtain 50$ per month, the
intrest is caculated per day, and it would be sent to me monthly
楼上说的COMMONWEALTH BANK,那个是netbank saver的利率,年利率6%,但你需要另外开一个类似stream line的saving account,否则你无法存钱和提钱到你的netbank,而这个saving account需要每月4dollars的月费(或6dollars,depend on the plan you join),好像也能无限次ATM提现,若你是学生,就可以免这项月费,需要每年renew your student id.
very good! Maybe because I am a student, they didn't told me information about annual fee, it do need to open an extra stream line, and the lowest money u have to put in is 5000$ if u r over 25 years old.
lyour plan about netbank is fantastic! I should open such service right now!
我就是用HSBC的这种服务。不过,无限操作只是对汇丰的ATM,对其它银行的ATM只有五次。5%利息仅对账上有超过5000元的有效,5000以下只有0.5%。总体来说我觉得汇丰的ON LINE SAVING ACCOUNT还是不错的。具体条款的上网站看看(链接参见CHUBBYCAT的帖子)。汇丰的不好是BRANCH不多。他们为了解决这个问题,提供的方案是网上银行作得不错。 ... interest+comparison
Look at this! Especially the Max-i Direct account for your money less than AU$5000, saving account only. You need a transaction accout at the same time. I am using it now.