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The Magical Effects of Silk Scarf in Summer

发表于 14-11-2019 12:17:19 | 只看该作者 回帖奖励 |倒序浏览 |阅读模式


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With the coming of summer, ladies begin to ponder the plan of updating the wardrobe. Before doing it, please try to find one or two silk scarves to give a new look to your outfit. It is an easy and economical way that once you try it you would love it.

1. A simple T-shirt with a square silk scarf

It is easy to add a unique flavor to your black or white T-shirt with a 50 cm or 70 cm square scarf. You can either wrap the scarf around your neck with the point in front or treat it as a Necktie, just like the picture.

[<img src="//cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0258/7374/3949/files/Snipaste_2019-11-13_17-26-47_large.jpg?v=1573637270" alt="" /></span></p>img]<img src="//cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/0258/7374/3949/files/Snipaste_2019-11-13_17-26-47_large.jpg?v=1573637270" alt="" /></span></p>[/img]


2. A Pastel color ribbon with a black dress

A pretty ribbon scarf casually wrapping around your neck, you can style yourself in a typical but confident way. Other versatile ways of ribbon are waiting for your exploration.


3. A bright color silk necklace

A pure color blouse such as black or white maybe seems a little bit serious in summer time, otherwise, when adding a bright color silk necklace, the big color contrasting will lighten you up in an elegant way.


A collar like silk scarf
When going outdoors, a collar like scarf can save you a lot of time on styling yourselves. By putting it around your neck, its wonderful and natural wrinkle will help to draw attention to your pretty face.. And it can be used as mask or hand band as well. Silk has the nature of absorbing ultraviolet rays, which is of good anti ultraviolet function in skin protection.


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