本帖最后由 ScientificAmeri 于 18-6-2016 12:24 编辑
Right, but there's no stats about ethnic Chinese population, we therefore use the percentage of overseas born Chinese as an alternative way to speculate the former, which appears consistent with my intuitive feeling - Auckland undoubtedly tops all the cities.
I've met more than one Chinese student here complaining too much Chinese here thus hard to improve spoken English, for instance, when going to the cafe, try to order a cup of coffee using English, well, the staff is a Mandarin speaker, like that ...
Another example is, if you meet an unknown Chinese, they would ask you where do you work, and then (almost 100% of them would ask): a Chinese firm? Shxt, that implies, working in a Chinese firm has been the norm in Auckland?
My father used to visit the US (in Texas), and he didn't find such high-proportion of Chinese population there.
I appreciate a fully-English-speaking workplace I currently have, inside a city with 11% Chinese. |