摘要: 啤酒、白酒、葡萄酒或者其他酒精饮料,到底孰好孰坏?还是将其一并拒之门外更好。其实,适量地饮用酒精度较低的葡萄酒或者啤酒对我们的健康是有好处的。曾有研究表明,适度饮用葡萄酒还有助于瘦身减肥。相比之下,喝葡萄酒的养生价值高还是喝啤酒呢?以下一张图让您一目了然! ABSTRACT: This article introduces the calorie of wine and beer.
Take a closer look at the health benefits of drinking, including the actual calories in wine vs beer. You will never look at a pint glass the same again.
Calories in Wine vs BeerSince the FDA doesn't require nutrition facts on alcoholic beverages it's very difficult to understand how much a drink will cost your diet plan. This is a bummer because beverage companies manipulate their marketing messages to confuse people into thinking their alcoholic beverages are better than others. We don't believe them and neither should you. Every drink, whether it be beer, wine or liquor is some combination of alcohol calories, sugar calories and sometimes fat calories (fat you say? think Chocolate Shop Wine). Armed with some 3rd grade math and a list of conversions, one can easily determine calories in beer or wine and learn that a vodka-soda doesn't have to be the only diet drink out there.
Health Benefits of Wine and BeerBoth beer and wine have some added benefits to drinkers that many distilled alcoholic beverages do not. For instance, red wine that is high in tannin contains procyanidins which protect against heart disease. Beer is a significant source of dietary silicon which improves bone density and reduces the risk of osteoporosis.
Not All Wines and Beers Have the Same CaloriesSince some beer and wine have a higher alcohol percentage than others, the total calories will vary greatly. A good rule of thumb is to choose the lightest alcohol dry wine or beer in order to have the least calories. In the above graphic you can determine that IPAs have more calories than Lagers and wines with 15% ABV, such as a Napa Cabernet Sauvignon, have higher calories than say a German Kabinett Riesling.