关于AOS 1、简介
一个人同时只能担保两个成年人 —— 如果有四位老人同时想来那么就需要至少两个不同的担保人了。
There are no exemptions from the Assurance of Support provisions. If the migrant receives any of our payments during the Assurance of Support period, the assurer must repay this money.
官网的信息: http://www.immi.gov.au/media/fact-sheets/34aos.htm#a http://www.humanservices.gov.au/ ... ssurance-of-support
经济担保人收入要求 = 全年Newstart Allowance x (经济担保人数 + 成年被担保人数) + (全年Family Benefit Part A + Family Benefit Part A Supplement) x 经济担保人的未成年子女人数
收入》=$557.90×26× (1+2)+($726.35+$56.70×26)×1 =$45716.75
注意每年Newstart Allowance、Family Benefit Part A 和Family Benefit Part A Supplement都会有所调整
政策参考: http://www.comlaw.gov.au/Details ... ry%20Statement/Text
Generally, the model that applies is based on the minimum assessable income required by the assurer(s) to support themselves and adult assurees, which is the maximum annual basic rate($557.90/per fortnight) for newstart allowance for a single person with dependant children multiplied by the number of assurers giving the assurance (up to a maximum of three assurers) and the number of adults who are the subject of the assurance (up to a maximum of two assurees).
If an assurer’s family members includes children, the assurer’s income threshold is increased by the annual base rate of Family Tax Benefit Part A ($56.70/per fortnight) plus the rate of FTB Part A supplement($726.35/per ann) (as indexed) for each of the assurer’s children under 18 years of age. However, if one of the assuree’s family members is 18 years or over, that family member will need to have a separate assurance of support.
All valid applications will be receipted in due course and a receipt sent by email. All invalid applications will be returned. We will endeavour to contact you as soon as we can.
We are currently receipting subclass 103/173/143 applications lodged on 24 December 2014.
We are currently receipting subclass 804/864/884 applications lodged on 31 December 2014
For applications lodged between May 2014 and December 2014 we have a 7 month backlog of applications waiting for acknowledgment letters.
We now have a task force in place so this time will gradually reduce. Currently we are sending out letters for offshore applications lodged on 28 May 2014.